Potential Industry Employers??
congrats! good luck and be nice to Carly...I am sorry, I have no opinion on the matter. I am sure you do. So, don't mind me, I just want to talk audio and pie. -
Originally posted by hotwheelman
Glad to hear it phuz, dad was looking into things for you but I will let him know what you have found. Goodluck at the new job.
Thanks Mike. I'm still looking though. This position is not quite what I was looking for but I figured it's something to do for the next 6-12 months until I can find something better or get hired on with the Sheriff's Department (yes, I want to become a deputy).
I'm open to just about anything, thanks a bunch for the help!
I start work on Monday (tomorrow), and should have a new place of my own and my LSi and Rotel gear unpacked and playing within a few weeks.
there are always aspects of our job we don't like and we take are lumps. "Here, Here!", too your new job even though its not pemanent.
Twin:)***WAREMTAE*** -
Glad to hear things are coming around for ya phuz. If you land that deputy gig, I'll be the first to send ya some Krispy Kreme gift certificates.....
BDTI plan for the future. - F1Nut -
Originally posted by TroyD
Glad to hear things are coming around for ya phuz. If you land that deputy gig, I'll be the first to send ya some Krispy Kreme gift certificates.....
Funny Troy.
My cousin has been a deputy since 97, and thats who I've been living with since I've moved back to Houston. I've learned a lot about what they do and it sounds very interesting to me. I don't think I would ever be a regular police officer, especially in a city like Houston. I think being a Sheriff's Deputy is right up my alley though.
Thanks a bunch! I'll see you guys around soon. (Russman whats up on the next Polkster get together?)