Polk LS15... amp?

RICKLER Posts: 18
edited December 2009 in Speakers
I purchased the Polk LS15's -Two floor standing speakers and a sub woofer...
The only problem is I need an amp to let these babies buck.

What do I need and is there a reasonably priced amp out there?
onkyo tx-sr605 is what im looking at currently, its used for about 150-200.

-im not good with electronics so take it easy on me!


Post edited by RICKLER on


  • Bernal
    Bernal Posts: 991
    edited October 2009
    RICKLER wrote: »
    I purchased the Polk LS15's -Two floor standing speakers and a sub woofer...
    The only problem is I need an amp to let these babies buck.

    What do I need and is there a reasonably priced amp out there?
    onkyo tx-sr605 is what im looking at currently, its used for about 150-200.

    -im not good with electronics so take it easy on me!



    Welcome to the Club
    Start using Denon 4308CI (4810Ci). Today, however, use the 4308CI as processor and amplifier Sunfire. On hearing the "LSi15" is heard angels singing -

    Note: LSi are at 4 ohms



    01) DENON AVR-4308CI: Advanced 7.1 CH/5.1+2 CH/ 3.1+2+2 CH A/V Home Theater /MultiMedia Multi-Source/Zone Receiver with Networking and WiFi/170 watts x 7 channels
    02) SUNFIRE Grand Signature - Bob Carver's
    03) OPPO DV-980H 1080p Up-Converting Universal DVD Player with HDMI and 7.1CH Audio
    04) OPPO BDP-83 Blu-ray Disc Player w/SACD & DVD-Audio / DENON DVD-2500BTCI: Blu-ray Disc™ DVD/CD Digital Player/Transport
    05) HITACHI P55T501. 55" HD1080 Plasma HDTV
    06) POLKAUDIO LSiC (Center speaker)
    07) POLKAUDIO LSi15 LEFT (Front speaker)
    08) POLKAUDIO LSi15 RIGHT (Front speaker)
    09) POLKAUDIO LSif/x LEFT (Surround speaker)
    10) POLKAUDIO LSif/x RIGHT (Surround speaker)
    11) VELODYNE OPTIMUN SERIES (High Output Digital EQ SubWoofer 2400W/1200WRMS)
  • cfrizz
    cfrizz Posts: 13,415
    edited October 2009
    Welcome Rick.

    Now for the bad news, you will need to spend a lot more money to get those speakers to shine.

    1. You need a receiver that has preouts for separate amplification That takes you up to the Onkyo 706, 806, models Or you can get last years models in those series.

    The 605 will not do it, it is not designed to run 4ohm speakers. And you will run the risk of damaging both the receiver & your speakers if you do. Neither are the other 2 mentioned above. But they have the preouts for adding a separate amplifier.

    2. You then need to buy a separate 2 channel amplifier to hook up via rca cables to the receiver. You would then attach your speakers to the amp for power.

    You need to get at least a 200wpc @ 8ohm amp to get the best out of your speakers.
    And with the LSI's the more power you feed them the better they sound.

    Some amps to look at are, Parasound, Outlaw Audio, Sunfire, Emotiva, Rotel, Adcom, Nad, B & K.

    Check out www.audiogon.com for used gear.

    You chose Polks top of the line speaker, but you are going to have to spend several hundred dollars more to get them to sound their best.
    Marantz AV-7705 PrePro, Classé 5 channel 200wpc Amp, Oppo 103 BluRay, Rotel RCD-1072 CDP, Sony XBR-49X800E TV, Polk S60 Main Speakers, Polk ES30 Center Channel, Polk S15 Surround Speakers SVS SB12-NSD x2
    RICKLER Posts: 18
    edited November 2009
    Appreciate the advice.
    Is there any chance I can find a reciever/amp - whatever it is for under 500?
    I'll try searching for some brands used from my area.
    If you guys wouldn't mind could you list off some model numbers like the onkyo 806 etc.
    Again, thanks a bunch.. I'd be pretty much lost without this info.

    And also, with the Onkyo models 706-806 are the speakers able to just run off of that alone? or do I need a secondary unit?

    Im just using the speakers to run music off of a laptop for parties and that kind of thing.

  • kawizx9r
    kawizx9r Posts: 5,150
    edited November 2009
    What you are listing there Rick are AVR's (audio/video receivers).

    For optimal performance, and stability you want to get an external amplifier (amp only) that will power your speakers and handle the load (LSi's are 4ohm speakers).

    A receiver, especially under $500 will not be able to power your speakers properly and can cause damage to both the speakers and avr if you turn it up loud.

    Although if you already have an AVR, check the rear to see if it has a set of PRE-AMP OUTPUTS. You can utilize these outputs to connect a separate amplifier to power your LSi's.

    A popular brand here for those on a budget is a used Adcom amplifier. Start checking your local craigslist!


    PS You don't have to have an AVR to connect it to an amp, another alternative is a stand-alone preamplifier which is basically an AVR without the amp-section built in. Some preamps are very basic for 2 channel only, that include a few inputs, tone controls and so forth.

    Where are you located, I've got a basic pre in the closet now ;)
    Truck setup
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    heiney9 wrote: »
    Any clue how to use the internet? Found it in about 10 sec.
    RICKLER Posts: 18
    edited November 2009
    Freddy, I'm in Canada... Just outside of WPG.
    So do you think I can run music off my laptop into an external amp and be fine?


    Is that just garbage?
  • kawizx9r
    kawizx9r Posts: 5,150
    edited November 2009
    I personally wouldn't run it off a laptop, but again that's just me.

    Before I/anyone recommends what you should get, what will these speakers be used for?

    As part of a home theater setup (5.1/etc)?
    Music only (2 channel)?

    And how much are you looking to spend total for both amp + preamp/avr?

    If you're doing 2 channel, do look around for an Adcom or Rotel amp (and whatever else others suggest for on the budget side). A simple NAD/Rotel/Adcom (or other suggested brands) preamp should do the trick for not much $.
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    heiney9 wrote: »
    Any clue how to use the internet? Found it in about 10 sec.
    RICKLER Posts: 18
    edited November 2009
    I'm just going to be running music off these, have a decent surround sound package already. So 2 channel likely?
    I was just thinking my laptop because of my huge music selection on there and it would be fairly easy I assume to make it happen.

    In the case of just music, I should buy a preamp?
    Will that work with the setup I'm after?
    And do you know an exact model I should be looking for?

    I'm really not looking to spend a ton of cash, I was hoping to find something in good condition used.

    You da man.

  • kawizx9r
    kawizx9r Posts: 5,150
    edited November 2009
    Ok so we've narrowed it down to music only.

    All you'll need now is a preamplifier and an amplifier.

    An amplifier powers your speakers.
    A preamplifier is where components are connected to, and what processes the sound before it is sent out to the amplifier.

    I would think that to get some better synergy you should mate components of the same brand/series/etc. I guess here's me going back to my Adcom suggestion. They also have preamps out there on the cheap to mate them with. There were a few on here for 100 and 150 iirc, and work well when paired to Adcom amps. I've seen Adcom 555 amps go for about 300-350 (a little more $ if it's the MKII version). That right there gives you a total of 400-500 depending on the condition of the components and the type of deal you get with said-seller. That'll leave some more cash to get you a decent pair of speaker cables :D
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    heiney9 wrote: »
    Any clue how to use the internet? Found it in about 10 sec.
    RICKLER Posts: 18
    edited November 2009
    So what do you think I'd be looking at in terms of dollars?
    Is there listings on this site for used equipment?
    Sorry if I'm becomming a headache man, I think i've chewed off more than I can swallow with these speakers.
  • kawizx9r
    kawizx9r Posts: 5,150
    edited November 2009
    Here's one still up for grabs I believe - http://www.polkaudio.com/forums/showthread.php?t=90085

    Another one sold just recently. I'll take a quick look on audiogon!
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    heiney9 wrote: »
    Any clue how to use the internet? Found it in about 10 sec.
  • kawizx9r
    kawizx9r Posts: 5,150
    edited November 2009
    Well, I checked out the amp I recommended but they're ALL sold!

    All between $315-$350.

    Here's 2 of them SOLD



    Hopefully that all gave you a good idea :)
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    heiney9 wrote: »
    Any clue how to use the internet? Found it in about 10 sec.
    RICKLER Posts: 18
    edited November 2009
    Okay, I can live with that price for sure!
    So I need to get an amp as well?
    RICKLER Posts: 18
    edited November 2009
    I think I'm starting to understand...
    The amp isn't a huge concern if I have a proper pre-amp to run the 2 channel power?
    Hopefully I'm catching on? hahah christ.
  • kawizx9r
    kawizx9r Posts: 5,150
    edited November 2009
    A preamplifier and an amplifier. You know what though, you'll get MUCH much better sound quality running separate components as opposed to buying an AVR for those speakers.
    Truck setup
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    heiney9 wrote: »
    Any clue how to use the internet? Found it in about 10 sec.
  • kawizx9r
    kawizx9r Posts: 5,150
    edited November 2009
    RICKLER wrote: »
    I think I'm starting to understand...
    The amp isn't a huge concern if I have a proper pre-amp to run the 2 channel power?
    Hopefully I'm catching on? hahah christ.

    ALMOST starting to understand, we'll get there no worries :p

    A preamplifier does NOT power the speakers, it simply processes the signal that comes from a cd player or dvd player or any other source such as your laptop in your situation.

    The preamplifier also has your volume controls, input selector, bass/treble/fade/balance controls and such. This is the brain behind your system, and it sends that signal out to your amplifier. The amplifier is the muscle/heart I guess, and it's sole purpose is to power your speakers.

    You'll notice on those amps the only thing on them is a power switch.
    Truck setup
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    heiney9 wrote: »
    Any clue how to use the internet? Found it in about 10 sec.
    RICKLER Posts: 18
    edited November 2009
    So the if i purchase an ADCOM GFA 555 could i just use the laptop as an amplifier? Or should i just look at a reasonably priced amp..?

    I think what you are saying is the way to go, but in my situation -being pretty much oblivious to electronics in general, should I maybe just sell-out and buy a AVR?
  • kawizx9r
    kawizx9r Posts: 5,150
    edited November 2009
    RICKLER wrote: »
    So the if i purchase an ADCOM GFA 555 could i just use the laptop as an amplifier? Or should i just look at a reasonably priced amp..?

    I think what you are saying is the way to go, but in my situation -being pretty much oblivious to electronics in general, should I maybe just sell-out and buy a AVR?

    You're missing something though.

    You need both the preamplifier and amplifier.

    Your laptop is considered the source just like a cd player is a source.

    An AVR at the $ you want to spend won't get you much to satisfy your power-hungry speakers. You'll run into serious problems if you turn it up loud, and can risk damaging both your speakers and avr. Also, most AVR's will have trouble supplying the current for the 4ohm load LSi's. If you don't mind listening to your speakers at lower volumes, then you can just settle on an AVR. If you do go this route, make sure to choose one that has a set of preamplifier outputs so that you will have the capability to add an external amplifier down the road.

    If/when you do add an amplifier, the AVR you would've purchased then acts like a preamplifier.
    Truck setup
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    heiney9 wrote: »
    Any clue how to use the internet? Found it in about 10 sec.
    RICKLER Posts: 18
    edited November 2009
    Alright, SOLD!
    I'll have to do some researching into this and see what I can come up with.
    I think i can find the ADCOM GFA 555 for under 400 what do I need to go with this?

    I gotta hit the pit here buddy, I'll check back in when I get up...

    I have to say, I certainly wasn't expecting help like this from an internet forum... Thanks so much for providing me - or at least trying your best helping me out here.

    I appreciate it, take care,

  • kawizx9r
    kawizx9r Posts: 5,150
    edited November 2009
    Yep, no problem!

    I'm still new around here, and have had lots of help with questions I had. Never hurts to help someone else if you feel that you can answer their questions, and I'm pretty patient lol :D

    The 555 I recommended usually goes for about 300-325, but if it's the II (2) version it can go for a little more.

    Best of luck to you Rick!

    Truck setup
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    heiney9 wrote: »
    Any clue how to use the internet? Found it in about 10 sec.
  • george daniel
    george daniel Posts: 12,096
    edited November 2009
    Welcome to the club Rick. I had the opportunity to listen to a pair of LSI 15's that had beed "tweaked" ,,I had previously owned a pair for about a year,and tried many amp and preamp combinations,here is what I learned.LSI 15's, are "finicky" when it comes to bass control and placement.You will find that they perform much better with a high current amplifier,,,,current does not necessarily equate to watts.I tried Adcom.Belles,Odyssey,and Quicksilver Mono's,, for solid state, the Belles or Odyssey,with a slight edge to the Odyssey for Bass control. The most impressive pair were the ones with the upgraded crossovers that were pushed with a pair of 80 watt tube mono's.Given the right gear,, these things are scary good.Good luck and have fun.
    JC approves....he told me so. (F-1 nut)
  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 33,072
    edited November 2009
    Freddy, I don't think he's getting it.
    Sony 850c 4k
    Pioneer elite vhx 21
    Sony 4k BRP
    SVS SB-2000
    Polk Sig. 20's
    Polk FX500 surrounds

    Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
    Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
    Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
    Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable


    Sonos zp90
    Grant Fidelity tube dac
    B&k 1420
    lsi 9's
  • devani
    devani Posts: 1,497
    edited November 2009
    you made a right decision coming here asking questions.....I had LSi15 for a while and I was happy with it...then a baby came along and sold everything except two speakers and a receiver...

    Rick take your time and enjoy your new speakers....they will bring joy~
    Video: LG 55LN5100/Samsung LNT4065F
    Receiver: HK AVR445
    Source: OPPO BDP-93
    2Ch system: MC2105, AR-XA, AR-2A, AR9, BX-300, OPPO BDP-83
    RICKLER Posts: 18
    edited November 2009
    Again, appreciate all the help guys...
    I may have found what has been reccomended in the forum (preamp/amp combo)

    The guy is asking 800 for both, is that reasonable? 9 yrs old?
    If this can run my LSi15's what should I offer him?

  • kawizx9r
    kawizx9r Posts: 5,150
    edited November 2009
    RICKLER wrote: »
    Again, appreciate all the help guys...
    I may have found what has been reccomended in the forum (preamp/amp combo)

    The guy is asking 800 for both, is that reasonable? 9 yrs old?
    If this can run my LSi15's what should I offer him?


    Welcome back!

    Those pieces look to be in excellent shape, but I think it's a bit too much what he's asking. I'm not sure what the GTP-502 preamp is worth, but I'm most certain it doesn't cost more than the amp itself. Try offering him 500? The amp alone would go for 300, in fact there's one on the forum now I believe let me find it...

    Edit: Nevermind there isn't. Still, that setup is nice but he's asking too much for it.

    Truck setup
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    heiney9 wrote: »
    Any clue how to use the internet? Found it in about 10 sec.
    RICKLER Posts: 18
    edited November 2009
    Yeah, I'd hate to insult the guy.. If I offer 500.00 what should I use as my reasoning?
  • kawizx9r
    kawizx9r Posts: 5,150
    edited November 2009
    RICKLER wrote: »
    Yeah, I'd hate to insult the guy.. If I offer 500.00 what should I use as my reasoning?

    Not an insult, you'll just be giving him a realistic offer. I'll have to look around or ask what that preamp/tuner goes for by itself. Add that cost to the cost of the amplifier and of course that's what you should probably offer. You're not haggling/ripping him off if you think that or if he feels that way. :)

    Another thing is I could be wrong and it should all go for $600 you know?

    There is one series type of Adcom preamps that are sought after and I just can't remember if it was the GTP or the GFP.
    Truck setup
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    heiney9 wrote: »
    Any clue how to use the internet? Found it in about 10 sec.
  • kawizx9r
    kawizx9r Posts: 5,150
    edited November 2009
    Looked around, they seem to average for about $150 or so. I know that two different 4xx series or so sold here not along ago for around that much.
    Truck setup
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    heiney9 wrote: »
    Any clue how to use the internet? Found it in about 10 sec.
    RICKLER Posts: 18
    edited November 2009
    I think i could live with anywhere from 400-600. - With your last post I really shouldn't offer anything more than 5 bills correct?
    As far as using a laptop for a source, you still sour on the idea?
  • kawizx9r
    kawizx9r Posts: 5,150
    edited November 2009
    RICKLER wrote: »
    I think i could live with anywhere from 400-600. - With your last post I really shouldn't offer anything more than 5 bills correct?
    As far as using a laptop for a source, you still sour on the idea?

    I'm only sour about it because I've never made the effort to convert my music files into anything uncompressed or high-quality. If you listen to MP3's or WMA's as opposed to flac or anything then I advise against it.

    Thing is, I actually started buying CD's all over again after buying my speakers. Once I got my system setup the way it is, I couldn't listen to music off my computer ever again because the quality was just so bad and my speakers revealed it all!
    Truck setup
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    heiney9 wrote: »
    Any clue how to use the internet? Found it in about 10 sec.
  • kawizx9r
    kawizx9r Posts: 5,150
    edited November 2009
    Lasareath wrote: »
    I have a GTP-502 and I think I paid $150 for it.

    Freddy, you think maybe Rick will be better off with a Dac/Pre since he wants to connect his laptop as a source?, Maybe a USB DAC/Pre


    Sal, I think you're right. Since he may be saving some money if he can talk that guy into a realistic offer...he can use that to invest it in a good usb dac/pre. Good thinking outside the box! :p

    Rick, see if the guy accepts $325 for the amp. Avg is 300-350 as I stated, and even a bit more IF it was a II version but it isn't. I will say that it looks like it's been well-taken care of.
    Truck setup
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    Polk SR104

    heiney9 wrote: »
    Any clue how to use the internet? Found it in about 10 sec.