Need Distance from Outside Tweeters on Surroundbar 42"

snooktarpon Posts: 1
edited September 2009 in Troubleshooting
I'm thinking of installing a Surroundbar (42") model in a cabinet that has a compartment for a center channel speaker/sound bar. This compartment has a front door with a opening that is covered by black grill cloth.

The dimensions of this opening is 40.75" wide and 4" tall.

I want to make sure that the outside tweeters on the Surroundbar 42" will not be obstructed by the door. So can anyone tell me if the distance from outer edges of the outside tweeters are within the 40.75" space that I have available?
Post edited by snooktarpon on


    TECHNOKID Posts: 4,298
    edited September 2009
    Just the fact that it will be enclosed will defeat its purpose. NO obstructions (any types of walls, that is including enclosure) should be in the way of the SB soundfield). The SB are created to work not relying on walls for reflection so the use of walls defeats the purpose and are an obstruction to proper performance.

    “Your attitude, almost always determine your altitude in life” ;)