AudioQuest & Bluejeans reply email to me...

digitalvideo Posts: 983
I emailed AudioQuest, Bluejeans, Mediabridge and asked them specific questions about their HDMI cables and what seperates them from other HDMI cable brands, if all HDMI cables are the same at a certain lengths specifically on distance runs if an HDMI cable is needed over 30+ feet if they still can pass 1080p without any loss (which many HDMI cable brands can't do), and the response I got back from them is below, I copied and pasted the exact quote.
Dear Sir,

So do ours! Many of our HDMI cables can carry more information than a current Blu-Ray can send to a TV. We could, if we wished, claim quite correctly that a 1.0 m. HDMI-3 is compatible with 5400P, as it is capable of carrying more than 5 times the amount of information of a current Blu-Ray player.

Think of the HDMI cable as a hosepipe. Let's say the capacity of the hosepipe (in the case of a 1.0 m. HDMI-3) is 34 gallons per minute (1 gallon = 1 gigabyte).

The original HDMI spec (1.0) meant that a Blu-Ray player was only sending about 4 gallons (or Gbps) per minute down the hosepipe. With the introduction of HDMI 1.3, a current generation Blu-Ray player is still only sending about 6 gallons (or Gbps) down the hosepipe.

As long as the amount of water flowing out of the faucet doesn't exceed the capacity of the hosepipe, the hosepipe is still going to work fine. It's not a case of the HDMI cable being compatible, it's simply has to be able to carry a certain volume of digital information.

Lastly, the CL2/CL3 rating has nothing to do with the capacity or quality of the cable. It's a building code which allows cables that conform to be run in the wall without the need for conduit.

I hope this helps.

Best regards,

Alasdair Patrick
2621 White Road
Irvine CA 92614
Tel: 949 585 0111

I emailed mediabridge about their HDMI cables with the same questions and they responded with:

If you are interested in a recommendation of which of our products would be appropriate for your installation, we would be happy to help. Feel free to call us at 856-216-8222.

I would not comment any other companies claims about their products even if I knew them to be misleading or false.

You seem to know alot more than the average consumer about HDMI cables. Perhapps if you let me know what you're getting at, I can help you better.


I didn't get an email back from Bluejeans yet, but when I do I will copy and paste it here. I'll email Monster and see what they say. I thought I'd share this information and pass it along to this forum.
Post edited by digitalvideo on


  • digitalvideo
    digitalvideo Posts: 983
    edited April 2009
    Email reply from Bluejeans cable regarding other companies' claims.
    I can sell you a BJC Series-F2 cable that is certified for 1080p signal in both Category 1 and Category 2 at that distance, but there is no testing/certification for resolutions higher than 1080p, so I couldn't guarantee it.

    A good question for this company would be what is actually guaranteed. If they simply take the cable back for a refund, I would be wary of their business practices. The resolutions they are talking about won't exist for years to come, so be sure to hang onto your receipt...



  • Hillbilly61
    Hillbilly61 Posts: 702
    edited April 2009
    An interesting contrast of responses. Paraphrased in order that Digitalvideo provides:

    1. Hell yes!

    2. Why are you asking? (suspicion implied in the response)

    3. Yes and no.

    Digitalvideo, it would be good if you shared to all the text of your e-mail query.
  • Conradicles
    Conradicles Posts: 6,169
    edited April 2009
  • dorokusai
    dorokusai Posts: 25,577
    edited April 2009
    I always enjoy the, you are basically retarded, response from a manufacturer when asked a question about the product. Then again, I have no idea what he actually asked Audioquest.

    If you have any HDMI questions...don't even come here...go to
    CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint.
  • dorokusai
    dorokusai Posts: 25,577
    edited April 2009
    Everything you experience is subjective, how is that a revelation? When did this hobby become an exception?
    CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint.
  • digitalvideo
    digitalvideo Posts: 983
    edited April 2009
    I could be wrong, but my gut instinct tells me that Bluejeans is the more honest company regarding wires. They cut through a lot of BS and keep it simple, they stood up to Monster when Monster went after them.

    I'll send Monster an email next to see what the response is. I'll post my question this time.
  • dorokusai
    dorokusai Posts: 25,577
    edited April 2009
    I'm sure it will be fascinating.
    CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint.
  • Hillbilly61
    Hillbilly61 Posts: 702
    edited April 2009
    I could be wrong, but my gut instinct tells me that Bluejeans is the more honest company regarding wires. They cut through a lot of BS and keep it simple, they stood up to Monster when Monster went after them.

    I'll send Monster an email next to see what the response is. I'll post my question this time.

    Why don't you share with everyone the email you sent to the other three companies before going off on this?

    How are you defining that Bluejeans is being more honest here than the other two companies in their responses? So far, nothing has been provided to indicate that any one vendor is being more or less honest than the other vendors. Standing up to Monster has no bearing upon honesty.
  • F1nut
    F1nut Posts: 50,999
    edited April 2009
    Political Correctness'.........defined

    "A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."

    President of Club Polk

  • thsmith
    thsmith Posts: 6,082
    edited April 2009
    ;) way over thinking this :p
    Speakers: SDA-1C (most all the goodies)
    Preamp: Joule Electra LA-150 MKII SE
    Amp: Wright WPA 50-50 EAT KT88s
    Analog: Marantz TT-15S1 MBS Glider SL| Wright WPP100C Amperex BB 6er5 and 7316 & WPM-100 SUT
    Digital: Mac mini 2.3GHz dual-core i5 8g RAM 1.5 TB HDD Music Server Amarra (memory play) - USB - W4S DAC 2
    Cables: Mits S3 IC and Spk cables| PS Audio PCs
  • okiepolkie
    okiepolkie Posts: 2,258
    edited April 2009
    Where are the puppies?
    TECHNOKID Posts: 4,298
    edited April 2009
    I could be wrong, but my gut instinct tells me that Bluejeans is the more honest company regarding wires. They cut through a lot of BS and keep it simple, they stood up to Monster when Monster went after them.

    I'll send Monster an email next to see what the response is. I'll post my question this time.
    I agree withou, he tells you is cable will do the 1080p (reality) but doesn't garantee future (not existing value at this time) and he gives you good pointer afterward.
    “Your attitude, almost always determine your altitude in life” ;)
  • snow
    snow Posts: 4,343
    edited April 2009
    You seem hell bent on proving to someone perhaps anyone not sure here that higher priced anything is a rip off whether it be HDMI cables Oppo DVD players versus other higher priced ones etc. Certainly a moped will get you to point b from point a and so will a harley which would you rather ride?

    Everyone is aware that as prices rise there is a law of disminishing returns whether it be in audio video fine wine and pretty much everything else. I prefer heinz catsup over other cheaper brands now catsups as a whole pretty much taste the same but some are better than others in my humble oppinion now I am certain there are other more exotic more expensive brands and thats ok too if you prefer the most expensive why are you wrong for liking it and why is the seller making and selling his boutique catsup made with hand selected spices and vine ripened tommatoes squished by the feet of virgins and blessed by a 200 year old voo doo priestess bad for doing so? The same holds true for HDMI cables if someone wants to purchase mega expensive cables let em it's no skin off your ****.

    It appears that your trying to make up for the lack of money to purchase nicer items by proving to the rest of the world that there all rip offs anyway and if we were all smart like you we would buy the cheaper brands because there is no difference anyways, dont save us from ourselves please we are all adults well most of us anyways and can do as much research as we want to before buying anything.

    Well, I just pulled off the impossible by doing a double-blind comparison all by myself, purely by virtue of the fact that I completely and stupidly forgot what I did last. I guess that getting old does have its advantages after all :D
  • comfortablycurt
    comfortablycurt Posts: 6,745
    edited April 2009
    snow wrote: »
    You seem hell bent on proving to someone perhaps anyone not sure here that higher priced anything is a rip off whether it be HDMI cables Oppo DVD players versus other higher priced ones etc. Certainly a moped will get you to point b from point a and so will a harley which would you rather ride?

    Everyone is aware that as prices rise there is a law of disminishing returns whether it be in audio video fine wine and pretty much everything else. I prefer heinz catsup over other cheaper brands now catsups as a whole pretty much taste the same but some are better than others in my humble oppinion now I am certain there are other more exotic more expensive brands and thats ok too if you prefer the most expensive why are you wrong for liking it and why is the seller making and selling his boutique catsup made from vine ripened tommatoes with hand selected spices blah blah blah etc bad for doing so? The same holds true for HDMI cables if someone wants to purchase mega expensive cables let em it's no skin off your ****.

    It appears that your trying to make up for the lack of money to purchase nicer items by proving to the rest of the world that there all rip offs anyway and if we were all smart like you we would buy the cheaper brands because there is no difference anyways, dont save us from ourselves please we are all adults well most of us anyways and can do as much research as we want to before buying anything.


    I was going to post in this thread...but now I don't have to...even though I am right now. Snow just pretty much said it all.

    Thanks for saving me 5 minutes.:)
    The nirvana inducer-
    APC H10 Power Conditioner
    Marantz UD5005 universal player
    Parasound Halo P5 preamp
    Parasound HCA-1200II power amp
    PolkAudio LSi9's/PolkAudio SDA 2A's/PolkAudio Monitor 7A's
    Audioquest Speaker Cables and IC's
  • digitalvideo
    digitalvideo Posts: 983
    edited April 2009
    This is the question I sent in all emails to all the wire companies so far:
    Hi, I have some questions about your HDMI cables and other cable/wire companies that make HDMI wires and if all HDMI wires are created equal if they are 1.3a/1.3b Category 2 certified? I personally believe that if all HDMI cables are certified with the above specs then they all pass 1080p if the cable is 15 feet or shorter and there is no reason to charge over $20 bucks for a HDMI cable under 15 feet since they all pass 1080p. When it comes to distance runs of 30 feet or longer I do believe "some" wire companies can pass 1080p as some studies show some HDMI brands are having problems passing 1080p over 30 feet, and if a cable can pass all the info through then I can understand that cable being more expensive but HDMI cables shouldn't be over $100 and Monster and AudioQuest are charging well over $5 dollars a foot for some of their cables. Thanks

    When I wrote Monster I included this:
    What makes Monster HDMI cables any different than other HDMI brands? Also, why do you have a special "Bluray HDMI" wire for bluray machines when any HDMI wire in your Monster lineup will pass the same 1080p info to the player and out of the player? When you get some free time can you please write back?

    When Monster replies, I'll post the response.
  • snow
    snow Posts: 4,343
    edited April 2009
    If you expect us to believe that you wrote these companies with the exact quotes as stated and got the following responses as stated then you are both a fool and a liar

    Well, I just pulled off the impossible by doing a double-blind comparison all by myself, purely by virtue of the fact that I completely and stupidly forgot what I did last. I guess that getting old does have its advantages after all :D
  • digitalvideo
    digitalvideo Posts: 983
    edited April 2009
    Monster Cable actually has an HDMI wire in it's lineup that they colored blue and put "bluray" on it saying it makes bluray players put out better picture quality. I kid you not! Does this Monster Bluray wire do anything differently that any other HDMI wire won't do?
  • comfortablycurt
    comfortablycurt Posts: 6,745
    edited April 2009
    Once again, these types of things are for the people who like to brag about how expensive their stuff is. They feel better knowing that they have an HDMI cable with a fancy looking connector on it that says Blu-ray.

    Why are you so concerned about this? What exactly are you trying to prove here? That high priced HDMI cables are a rip-off? You already know(I would hope) from the last thread that we all agree with you on that subject.
    The nirvana inducer-
    APC H10 Power Conditioner
    Marantz UD5005 universal player
    Parasound Halo P5 preamp
    Parasound HCA-1200II power amp
    PolkAudio LSi9's/PolkAudio SDA 2A's/PolkAudio Monitor 7A's
    Audioquest Speaker Cables and IC's
  • digitalvideo
    digitalvideo Posts: 983
    edited April 2009
    snow wrote: »
    If you expect us to believe that you wrote these companies with the exact quotes as stated and got the following responses as stated then you are both a fool and a liar


    ahh excuse me, I don't know who the hell you are, and who are you to tell me what I did and didn't do? Were you in my house watching me type out the email to these companies? I posted the reps name and the phone number from AudioQuest, you can contact him if you'd like. And I did write to all those companies and they did respond back with those quotes and if you don't believe me then you're the fool and very ignorant and very naive. So why don't you give:
    Alasdair Patrick
    2621 White Road
    Irvine CA 92614
    Tel: 949 585 0111

    a call and ask him yourself and stop acting like you can judge people on here and think you know what people send out as emails in the privacy of their own homes and how every company reacts to customer questions.

    I posted my proof and evidence, I provided the name of the rep of the company he works for, the address and the telephone #. All you have to counter me is the most immature pathetic argument and if this was a court of law the judge would throw your case out and hold you in contempt. lol
  • snow
    snow Posts: 4,343
    edited April 2009
    Monster Cable actually has an HDMI wire in it's lineup that they colored blue and put "bluray" on it saying it makes bluray players put out better picture quality. I kid you not! Does this Monster Bluray wire do anything differently that any other HDMI wire won't do?
    Probally not, it's colored blue and named Monster BluRay because its a marketing strategy. The same reason Speaker companies included Digital ready etc in there ads to instill confidence and increase sales lol.

    Well, I just pulled off the impossible by doing a double-blind comparison all by myself, purely by virtue of the fact that I completely and stupidly forgot what I did last. I guess that getting old does have its advantages after all :D
  • digitalvideo
    digitalvideo Posts: 983
    edited April 2009
    Once again, these types of things are for the people who like to brag about how expensive their stuff is. They feel better knowing that they have an HDMI cable with a fancy looking connector on it that says Blu-ray.

    Why are you so concerned about this? What exactly are you trying to prove here? That high priced HDMI cables are a rip-off? You already know(I would hope) from the last thread that we all agree with you on that subject.

    "We all agree about this." Who are you speaking for on here? You are NOT speaking for snow who apparently thinks I'm lying and that I never contracted any wire company or that I never asked them those questions that I posted (when I actually did) so we still have people on this forum who are in denial. I hope you would direct your attention at snow and not me.
    snow: If you expect us to believe that you wrote these companies with the exact quotes as stated and got the following responses as stated then you are both a fool and a liar

  • snow
    snow Posts: 4,343
    edited April 2009
    ahh excuse me, I don't know who the hell you are, and who are you to tell me what I did and didn't do? Were you in my house watching me type out the email to these companies? I posted the reps name and the phone number from AudioQuest, you can contact him if you'd like. And I did write to all those companies and they did respond back with those quotes and if you don't believe me then you're the fool and very ignorant and very naive. So why don't you give:

    a call and ask him yourself and stop acting like you can judge people on here and think you know what people send out as emails in the privacy of their own homes and how every company reacts to customer questions.

    I posted my proof and evidence, I provided the name of the rep of the company he works for, the address and the telephone #. All you have to counter me is the most immature pathetic argument and if this was a court of law the judge would throw your case out and hold you in contempt. lol

    You expect me or anyone else here to believe that you wrote an email to audioquest stating that there HDMI cables were overpriced and that no cables should be more than X amount and the response you got was simply what was posted here?

    Also you obviously included what Audioquest wrote to you in your email to BJC not just the supposed original email quote to all 3 companies as stated earlier. even a blind man could see this in there response to you. this is part of there response

    (I can sell you a BJC Series-F2 cable that is certified for 1080p signal in both Category 1 and Category 2 at that distance, but there is no testing/certification for resolutions higher than 1080p, so I couldn't guarantee it.

    A good question for this company would be what is actually guaranteed. If they simply take the cable back for a refund, I would be wary of their business practices. The resolutions they are talking about won't exist for years to come, so be sure to hang onto your receipt... )

    I stand by my original statement you sir are both a liar and a fool!!!! Refer to post #17

    Well, I just pulled off the impossible by doing a double-blind comparison all by myself, purely by virtue of the fact that I completely and stupidly forgot what I did last. I guess that getting old does have its advantages after all :D
  • comfortablycurt
    comfortablycurt Posts: 6,745
    edited April 2009
    "We all agree about this." Who are you speaking for on here? You are NOT speaking for snow who apparently thinks I'm lying and that I never contracted any wire company or that I never asked them those questions that I posted (when I actually did) so we still have people on this forum who are in denial. I hope you would direct your attention at snow and not me.

    You're pretty slow aren't you?

    When I said "we all agree with you", I was referring to your apparent hatred for high priced HDMI cables. I thought I made that pretty clear when I said...
    You already know(I would hope) from the last thread that we all agree with you on that subject.

    Apparently I didn't make it clear enough. Also, why would I direct any of these comments towards Snow when I'm in 100% agreement with him?
    You expect me or anyone else here to believe that you wrote an email to audioquest stating that there HDMI cables were overpriced and that no cables should be more than X amount and the response you got was simply what was posted here?

    I find this kind of hard to believe myself...:rolleyes: Notice that the AQ rep posted a response to an apparent question about the CL2/CL3 rating of their cables. Note that in Digitalvideos original email to AQ that there wasn't any mention of said CL2/CL3 ratings.

    Just FYI, you're about one stupid post away from my Ignore List. I'm sure this doesn't bother you though, as you seem to thrive on stupidity.

    Carry on.
    The nirvana inducer-
    APC H10 Power Conditioner
    Marantz UD5005 universal player
    Parasound Halo P5 preamp
    Parasound HCA-1200II power amp
    PolkAudio LSi9's/PolkAudio SDA 2A's/PolkAudio Monitor 7A's
    Audioquest Speaker Cables and IC's
  • digitalvideo
    digitalvideo Posts: 983
    edited April 2009
    snow wrote: »
    You expect me or anyone else here to believe that you wrote an email to audioquest stating that there HDMI cables were overpriced and that no cables should be more than X amount and the response you got was simply what was posted here?

    I stand by my original statement you sir are both a liar and a fool!!!!


    Actually I did write them and posted exactly what I said in the email. Again, contact
    Alasdair Patrick
    2621 White Road
    Irvine CA 92614
    Tel: 949 585 0111

    if you don't believe me. Notice how your only response is to just deny it and not even give the guy a call. I remember when I posted the thread about the Crutchfield rep saying the Pioneer plasmas are the best tv's, people over there demanded I post the rep's name. Well now that I posted the reps name for this thread you're still in denial hahahahaha some people just hate facts and no matter how much proof you give them they want to stay ignorant and close minded. How old are you by the way? I feel like I'm going back and forth with my 8 year old cousin.
  • snow
    snow Posts: 4,343
    edited April 2009
    Actually I did write them and posted exactly what I said in the email. Again, contact

    if you don't believe me. Notice how your only response is to just deny it and not even give the guy a call. I remember when I posted the thread about the Crutchfield rep saying the Pioneer plasmas are the best tv's, people over there demanded I post the rep's name. Well now that I posted the reps name for this thread you're still in denial hahahahaha some people just hate facts and no matter how much proof you give them they want to stay ignorant and close minded. How old are you by the way? I feel like I'm going back and forth with my 8 year old cousin.
    I am not in denial about anything. You stated that you wrote 3 identical emails to all 3 companies refer to post#17. I said if you expect us to believe this you are both a fool and a liar. A fool for expecting us to believe that when the evidence clearly proves otherwise as shown by BJC's response to AQ's response. And a liar for stating this. There is no way that BJC could respond to AQ's response unless you included it in your email to BJC then obviously all 3 emails were not identical as stated in post #17 which would make you a liar for saying they were identical and me a fool if I believed it.

    Now why should I or anyone else believe anything else you say? everything you say after this is now suspect.

    Well, I just pulled off the impossible by doing a double-blind comparison all by myself, purely by virtue of the fact that I completely and stupidly forgot what I did last. I guess that getting old does have its advantages after all :D
  • F1nut
    F1nut Posts: 50,999
    edited April 2009
    This is the question I sent in all emails to all the wire companies so far:

    I can't post here what my response would have been had you sent that to my company.
    Political Correctness'.........defined

    "A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."

    President of Club Polk

  • mmadden28
    mmadden28 Posts: 4,283
    edited April 2009
    Nobody said you didn't send an email to or get replies from these companies. What is in question is exactly what questions you sent to get such replies along with the purpose of the questions and this thread to begin with.

    And now with your responses, your integrity has been compromised and any truth that there may have been is now highly questionable (from my view).

    The questions below, that you stated that you sent to all 3 companies, do not appear in the quote of what you stated you actually sent.:
    I emailed AudioQuest, Bluejeans, Mediabridge and asked them specific questions about their HDMI cables and what seperates them from other HDMI cable brands, if all HDMI cables are the same at a certain lengths specifically on distance runs if an HDMI cable is needed over 30+ feet if they still can pass 1080p without any loss (which many HDMI cable brands can't do)

    The above indicates that you asked several specific questions, yet the text you quoted below as 'exactly' what you sent doesn't even contain one question. Well it contains one question mark but there are no questions in the text at all. It only contains your statements as to what you 'personally believe'.
    This is the question I sent in all emails to all the wire companies so far:
    Hi, I have some questions about your HDMI cables and other cable/wire companies that make HDMI wires and if all HDMI wires are created equal if they are 1.3a/1.3b Category 2 certified? I personally believe that if all HDMI cables are certified with the above specs then they all pass 1080p if the cable is 15 feet or shorter and there is no reason to charge over $20 bucks for a HDMI cable under 15 feet since they all pass 1080p. When it comes to distance runs of 30 feet or longer I do believe "some" wire companies can pass 1080p as some studies show some HDMI brands are having problems passing 1080p over 30 feet, and if a cable can pass all the info through then I can understand that cable being more expensive but HDMI cables shouldn't be over $100 and Monster and AudioQuest are charging well over $5 dollars a foot for some of their cables. Thanks

    Also in some of the replies you stated that you got, shows the company replying to questions that were not in what you stated you sent. I don't understand how you can say you posted 'exactly' what you sent, yet the company's replies are clearly either answering a question or addressing a concern that was not apparently asked in your request to them.
    Email reply from Bluejeans cable regarding other companies' claims.
    Where are the questions you asked BlueJeans cable about the other company's claims? I don't see them in any of what you quoted.
    BJC reply wrote:
    A good question for this company would be what is actually guaranteed. If they simply take the cable back for a refund, I would be wary of their business practices. The resolutions they are talking about won't exist for years to come, so be sure to hang onto your receipt...
    Where in your questions did you reference a company name with respect to a guarantee?
    Where in your questions did you contain any reference to a company claiming to take a cable back for a refund?
    I thought I'd share this information and pass it along to this forum.
    Why? What value do you believe it has for the forum?
    so we still have people on this forum who are in denial
    I'm not sure I see your point here unless you have an agenda to begin with. What denial are you referring to?

    Your response in post #21 and #26 to the challenge of your honesty speaks volumes.
    This post is a natural product. The slight variations in spelling and grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and in no way are to be considered flaws or defects.

    HT:Onkyo 805, Emotiva XPA-5, Mitsu 52" 1080p DLP / polkaudio RTi12, CSIa6, FXi3, uPro4K
    2-chnl : Pio DV-46AV (SACD), Dodd ELP, Emotiva XPA-1s, XPA-2, Odyssey Khartago, LSi9, SDA-SRS 2 :cool:, SB Duet, MSB & Monarchy DACs, Yamaha PX3 TT, SAE Tuner...
    Pool: Atrium 60's/45's
  • TNRabbit
    TNRabbit Posts: 2,168
    edited April 2009
    dorokusai wrote: »
    I'm sure it will be fascinating.
    F1nut wrote: »
    okiepolkie wrote: »
    Where are the puppies?
    F1nut wrote: »
    I can't post here what my response would have been had you sent that to my company.

    This was pretty boring 'til the FIGHTING started!
    NO Polk Audio Equipment :eek:
    Sunfire TG-IV
    Ashly 1001 Active Crossover
    Rane PEQ-15 Parametric Equalizers x 2
    Sunfire Cinema Grand Signature Seven
    Carver AL-III Speakers
    Klipsch RT-12d Subwoofer
  • george daniel
    george daniel Posts: 12,096
    edited April 2009
    ;)Gawd,,, I love how you guys "multi quote" please tell,, how do you do that?
    JC approves....he told me so. (F-1 nut)
  • Face
    Face Posts: 14,340
    edited April 2009
    Keep feeding the trolls.
    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you." Friedrich Nietzsche