Special Event - Polk HQ - April 9,2009

dorokusai Posts: 25,577
Where: POLK HQ, Baltimore, Maryland

When: April 9th 2009, 6-10pm(EST)

Polk Audio
5601 Metro Drive
Baltimore, MD 21215
(410) 358-3600

I was told about a special event that will be held at Polk HQ and its "open" to any local Polkies that care to attend. In other words, anyone within driving distance is welcome. If you want to fly in...by all means, knock yourself out.

It's usually a private, dealer type only event but I've been informed, to let you crazy folks know about it. Hopefully, Polk won't regret it :)

They will be displaying and running demos of existing product lines, "new" and even conceptual equipment. Some of the ideas may only be on paper, so that's pretty cool in my book. The purpose is to get some serious feedback from the public and private sector network.

*NOTE: You will have to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement(NDA) prior to entering the building. I'll handle that either offline or onsite for any interested parties.

That means anything you see, hear, touch, smell or fornicate with will have to remain a blessed memory in your head.....forever. If you violate the agreement, you could be in some serious trouble and that's no joke partner.

Anyways, it should be a real treat for the local folks...sorry out-of-towners but you're welcome to attend as well.

I'll add more information as it becomes available but if you're handy, definitly make an effort to attend. Just keep in mind, I'm your handler and escort :)

If you're interested, contact me - mln@polkaudio.com

If you actually know me, you probably have my personal email, so use it instead.


Hi Mark,

The sked we are thinking of for April 9 is:

5:30pm – 6:00pm Arrive, Meet and Greet
6:00pm – 6:30pm Dinner – might include discussion of 1 product
6:30pm – 8:45pm Demos and focus groups
8:45pm – 9:00pm Wrap-Up

2 products on their way to market (home theater, outdoor)
2 products still in development (home theater, home audio/theater)

Focus groups:
4 products in the concept phase (home audio, home theater, home audio/theater, new product category)

Do you think the timing would work for everyone?

CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint.
Post edited by dorokusai on


  • ESavinon
    ESavinon Posts: 3,066
    edited March 2009
    I'm in! I'm such a polk ****.
    SRT For Life; SDA Forever!

    The SRT SEISMIC System:
    Four main satellite speakers, six powered subs, two dedicated for LFE channel, two center speakers for over/under screen placement and three Control Centers. Amaze your friends, terrorize your neighbors, seize the audio bragging rights for your state. Go ahead, buy it; you only go around once.
  • Face
    Face Posts: 14,340
    edited March 2009
    Count me in.
    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you." Friedrich Nietzsche
  • CaligulaPolk
    CaligulaPolk Posts: 1,650
    edited March 2009
    WILL POLK willing to make their building jump for me by demo speakers and subwoofers BASS??? if so, im IN!!! DAMN, gotta bring cash too!! :D
    I am 100% BORN DEAF and No I am not kidding! :D Why am I here? My wife's hearing! :p

    My Home Theater Rig || Television: 58" Panasonic TH-58PZ800U Viera Plasma || Power Conditioner: Power Monster HTS 3600 MKII || Receiver: Onkyo TX-SR805 || Blu-Ray/Gaming: 60 Gigabytes Playstation 3 || Amplifier: Emotiva XPA-5 || Fronts: Polk Audio RT800i || Center: Polk Audio CS245i || Surrounds: TBA|| Subwoofer: TBA
  • george daniel
    george daniel Posts: 12,096
    edited March 2009
    sounds like a interesting event.
    JC approves....he told me so. (F-1 nut)
  • treitz3
    treitz3 Posts: 19,337
    edited March 2009
    I'll be in touch. Thanks for the opportunity.
    ~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~
  • dorokusai
    dorokusai Posts: 25,577
    edited March 2009
    WILL POLK willing to make their building jump for me by demo speakers and subwoofers BASS??? if so, im IN!!! DAMN, gotta bring cash too!! :D

    I'm not sure what is emoticon and reality.

    I would encourage you to contact me directly. If you highlight my name on the left side and click on my name, I'm all yours....otherwise mln@polkaudio.com.
    CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint.
  • Systems
    Systems Posts: 14,873
    edited March 2009
    Cool I'm in.
  • F1nut
    F1nut Posts: 50,914
    edited March 2009
    See you there.
    Political Correctness'.........defined

    "A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."

    President of Club Polk

  • Systems
    Systems Posts: 14,873
    edited March 2009
    F1nut wrote: »
    See you there.
  • spwuinmk67
    spwuinmk67 Posts: 797
    edited March 2009
    I will try to make the trip from jersey, last time I was there or saw any of you was back in '05.
    1993 Ford Ranger super cab:
    Pioneer Premier DEH-P880PRS
    MB Quart QSD216
    in need of amps and subs

    52" Sharp Aquos
    PolkAudio Monitor 10's
    Harmon Kardon HK3375
    Xbox 360
    PolkAudio XM tuner

    Owner and co-designer of www.basicholdem.com
  • F1nut
    F1nut Posts: 50,914
    edited March 2009
    Yeah Bill, be good to see you again.
    Political Correctness'.........defined

    "A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."

    President of Club Polk

  • spwuinmk67
    spwuinmk67 Posts: 797
    edited March 2009
    Yeah, it'd be good to catch up with everyone. Unfortunately things here have kept me from being online too much, and any audio upgrades.
    1993 Ford Ranger super cab:
    Pioneer Premier DEH-P880PRS
    MB Quart QSD216
    in need of amps and subs

    52" Sharp Aquos
    PolkAudio Monitor 10's
    Harmon Kardon HK3375
    Xbox 360
    PolkAudio XM tuner

    Owner and co-designer of www.basicholdem.com
  • mmadden28
    mmadden28 Posts: 4,283
    edited March 2009
    dorokusai wrote: »
    Where: POLK HQ, Baltimore, Maryland

    When: April 9th 2009, 6-10pm(EST)

    *NOTE: You will have to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement(NDA) prior to entering the building. I'll handle that either offline or onsite for any interested parties.


    NDA's? Ha I live and breath NDA's-- Actually I make for pretty boring conversation since I can't talk about 99% of what I learn (unless of course you sign my own NDA ;)).

    Is there a deadline on when to let you know?

    This post is a natural product. The slight variations in spelling and grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and in no way are to be considered flaws or defects.

    HT:Onkyo 805, Emotiva XPA-5, Mitsu 52" 1080p DLP / polkaudio RTi12, CSIa6, FXi3, uPro4K
    2-chnl : Pio DV-46AV (SACD), Dodd ELP, Emotiva XPA-1s, XPA-2, Odyssey Khartago, LSi9, SDA-SRS 2 :cool:, SB Duet, MSB & Monarchy DACs, Yamaha PX3 TT, SAE Tuner...
    Pool: Atrium 60's/45's
  • Pauly
    Pauly Posts: 4,519
    edited March 2009
    I'll make a trip that way one of these years.....

    Sounds like fun with a little insight.

    Life without music would
  • CaligulaPolk
    CaligulaPolk Posts: 1,650
    edited March 2009
    mmadden28 wrote: »
    NDA's? Ha I live and breath NDA's-- Actually I make for pretty boring conversation since I can't talk about 99% of what I learn (unless of course you sign my own NDA ;)).

    Is there a deadline on when to let you know?


    wanna car pool to maryland :confused:
    I am 100% BORN DEAF and No I am not kidding! :D Why am I here? My wife's hearing! :p

    My Home Theater Rig || Television: 58" Panasonic TH-58PZ800U Viera Plasma || Power Conditioner: Power Monster HTS 3600 MKII || Receiver: Onkyo TX-SR805 || Blu-Ray/Gaming: 60 Gigabytes Playstation 3 || Amplifier: Emotiva XPA-5 || Fronts: Polk Audio RT800i || Center: Polk Audio CS245i || Surrounds: TBA|| Subwoofer: TBA
  • strider
    strider Posts: 2,568
    edited March 2009
    GV#27 wrote: »

    That's one hell of a road trip!

    Mark- Do you need a hard head count now, or can I be a definite maybe?
  • dorokusai
    dorokusai Posts: 25,577
    edited March 2009
    Well, I'd like to have a solid headcount within a couple weeks.
    CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint.
  • CaligulaPolk
    CaligulaPolk Posts: 1,650
    edited March 2009
    dorokusai wrote: »
    Well, I'd like to have a solid headcount within a couple weeks.

    2 heads here
    I am 100% BORN DEAF and No I am not kidding! :D Why am I here? My wife's hearing! :p

    My Home Theater Rig || Television: 58" Panasonic TH-58PZ800U Viera Plasma || Power Conditioner: Power Monster HTS 3600 MKII || Receiver: Onkyo TX-SR805 || Blu-Ray/Gaming: 60 Gigabytes Playstation 3 || Amplifier: Emotiva XPA-5 || Fronts: Polk Audio RT800i || Center: Polk Audio CS245i || Surrounds: TBA|| Subwoofer: TBA
  • MillerLiteScott
    MillerLiteScott Posts: 2,563
    edited March 2009
    I guess I can make the drive.:rolleyes:

    Sounds like a cool opportunity.

    Thanks Mark.

    I like speakers that are bigger than a small refrigerator but smaller than a big refrigerator:D
  • jtgranby
    jtgranby Posts: 887
    edited March 2009
    Count me in.

  • nadams
    nadams Posts: 5,877
    edited March 2009
    I'm gonna see if I can get the day off.
    Ludicrous gibs!
  • Fireman32
    Fireman32 Posts: 4,845
    edited March 2009
    While I would love to go I do not want to take any time off right now. Not sure what might happen in the next month.
  • warlocks1
    warlocks1 Posts: 1,253
    edited March 2009
    Mark, count me in as of now. I am coaching both flag football and basketball, but don't have practice schedules yet. I will let you know ASAP.

    If anyone does fly in and needs a rental car, shoot me a PM.

    Thanks Mark and Polk Audio. Jeff
  • Serendipity
    Serendipity Posts: 6,975
    edited March 2009
    Is anyone driving to there from NY?
    polkaudio RT35 Bookshelves
    polkaudio 255c-RT Inwalls
    polkaudio DSWPro550WI
    polkaudio XRT12 XM Tuner
    polkaudio RM6750 5.1

    Front projection, 2 channel, car audio... life is good!
  • nadams
    nadams Posts: 5,877
    edited March 2009
    appadv- if you could get to berwick, pa, Imight be able to get you the rest of the way. Unfortunately, that's a lateral move.
    Ludicrous gibs!
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,136
    edited March 2009
    I want to go but neither of my cars are in good enough condition for a 1 1/2 hour drive. I would love to tag along with someone though. I'm only 7 minutes off of 95 S about 60 miles north of Baltimore.
  • spwuinmk67
    spwuinmk67 Posts: 797
    edited March 2009
    Ok, it's looking like I'll more then likely be there, me and my g/f. Depending on if we take my truck or her car, I could possibly pick someone up on the way. If it's my truck, which it probably will be, then there's only two seats.
    1993 Ford Ranger super cab:
    Pioneer Premier DEH-P880PRS
    MB Quart QSD216
    in need of amps and subs

    52" Sharp Aquos
    PolkAudio Monitor 10's
    Harmon Kardon HK3375
    Xbox 360
    PolkAudio XM tuner

    Owner and co-designer of www.basicholdem.com
  • Vette C6.r
    Vette C6.r Posts: 1,560
    edited March 2009
    If work gives me the day off. I'm in
  • ESavinon
    ESavinon Posts: 3,066
    edited March 2009
    appadv wrote: »
    Is anyone driving to there from NY?

    I'm in the city.
    SRT For Life; SDA Forever!

    The SRT SEISMIC System:
    Four main satellite speakers, six powered subs, two dedicated for LFE channel, two center speakers for over/under screen placement and three Control Centers. Amaze your friends, terrorize your neighbors, seize the audio bragging rights for your state. Go ahead, buy it; you only go around once.
  • ESavinon
    ESavinon Posts: 3,066
    edited March 2009
    I want to go but neither of my cars are in good enough condition for a 1 1/2 hour drive. I would love to tag along with someone though. I'm only 7 minutes off of 95 S about 60 miles north of Baltimore.

    I can pick you up.
    SRT For Life; SDA Forever!

    The SRT SEISMIC System:
    Four main satellite speakers, six powered subs, two dedicated for LFE channel, two center speakers for over/under screen placement and three Control Centers. Amaze your friends, terrorize your neighbors, seize the audio bragging rights for your state. Go ahead, buy it; you only go around once.