DLP, LCD, Plasma or wait.

Posts: 380
I have a 5 year old Sony 35" XBR television and I am thinkg about HDTV. I like the 34" and 30" CRT's that my friends have. I want a great tv to match my DVD player and still play my Directivo just fine. Is now the time to buy or wait for the prices to drop and the quality to improve?
Jellous but patient in California.
Jellous but patient in California.
Post edited by jdavy on
Sony Plasma's are really great.The 42" set wall mounted is killer.It would be nice with your 9000,which is one hell of a good DVD player.
Direct tivo will look good but not as good as it does on your 35.The format is incorrect.4:3 isn't as good on 16/9 sets.Shame but thats how it is right now.Video is all effed up.2 many formats.Dan
My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time. -
i would wait the plasma has a very short life span. 2-5 years then the screens go bad. dlp is the thing of the futhure. in a few years i want a dlp projector
That is the first I have heard about the short life span of a plasma. I guess it would pay to buy an extended warranty with one of those. You think DLP is the way to go. I do not know much about DLP. I noticed that Sony does not have a unit and that begs a standard question.
Thanks for the 16/9 and 4/3 comments. I have noticed that but did not know what to make of it. I thought it might be just me. The 34" CRT Sony XBR 16/9 does not look so bad on directv but small screen.
No one has commented on the LCD like the Sony Grand Vega. What does everone think about them? Also, what about a HD standard rear projection. The last newspaper from Polk Audio seemed to favor a Sony HD rear projection 16/9 but did not complete their review of Home Theater.
Polk, any chance the gang here on the forum can get an avanced continuation of that article or at least your comments on monitors for home theater?
Thanks to everyone for their support. -
My 1/2 cent opine. I agree with goingganzo, DLP seems to be the upcoming technology. Plasma, from reports, does have a short life spam considering the cost. Im waiting for mid to late 2004 before I buy a new set.Onkyo 696 receiver, Panasonic DVD RV31U,Polk RM6600 w/ 350 sub (rti28's 2nd zone), JVC Dual tape deck, MMF-2.1 Turntable, JVC 5010 CD R. ((its simple, its cheap, it works))
there are 3 types of prokectors the 3-1 bulb analogcant think of the name at this time.,dlp and lcd. crt is the old type with is in most to allmost all rear projectors. lcd is newer and is in olny front projevtor it projects light throgh a lcd. newer and beter than the first . dlp is the thing of the futhure. it is digital and not analog.
right......what he just said
Seriously though....just wait.Polk Rt800i -Fronts
Polk cs400i -Center
Polk fx500i -side surrounds
Polk rc60i -rear surrounds
Onkyo TX-NR 1009 (9.2) receiver
Velodyne cht12
Polk psw111 -
I checked out the Marantz S1 DLP projector this weekend at a friends house. This is a 1280X720 HD projector. The short on it is if you've got a good input (108i, 720p, 480p) you get a good picture. A fantastic picture for the 1080 and 720. Regular TV is almost unwatchable on a 100" screen. In fact, the proud owner says he doesn't watch regular tv on the projector. DLP is where I'm heading. I'm about 2 years out on a purchase. Not enough material to make it worthwhile.
i'd wait a few more years.. the price will drop, and picture quality will improve greatly over the next 2 to 5 yrs. I say this because not much is being broadcast in HDTV, yet. YEah the superbowl was and some other programs. but in the next 2 - 5 yrs most all broadcasters will be sending out an HDTV signal. It will be awesome once they do.PolkFest 2012, who's going>?
Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin: -
and the hd tunner will be afordable. proabley 100-200bucks for the tuner.
Thanks for the comments. I will wait and keep an eye on the DLP systems. I understand that there is a fan noise issue but whwn I buy in the next two years they will have improved that.