Posts: 355
I went out to have a look at some amps today and I came upon some Athems but they didnot have any in stock except for a brochure. I was wondering if you or anyone on this board have any thought about their products?
I want to know how they compare to the Rotels are they as good as the Rotels or better or visa versa?
here are the products:
Rotel RB 1080 (200watt)
RC 1070
Anthem TLP1
MCA 20 (225watt)
both sets are priced about the same 1050.00 pre/1500.00 amp in $CDN
* the Anthem comes in silver or black
PS....I hope you have some good insight on the comparisons of the two.....I have no idea on the Anthem 2ch amp/pre. I'm still waiting and waiting to start building my two channel system...starting to get a little anxious.
I went out to have a look at some amps today and I came upon some Athems but they didnot have any in stock except for a brochure. I was wondering if you or anyone on this board have any thought about their products?
I want to know how they compare to the Rotels are they as good as the Rotels or better or visa versa?
here are the products:
Rotel RB 1080 (200watt)
RC 1070
Anthem TLP1
MCA 20 (225watt)
both sets are priced about the same 1050.00 pre/1500.00 amp in $CDN
* the Anthem comes in silver or black
PS....I hope you have some good insight on the comparisons of the two.....I have no idea on the Anthem 2ch amp/pre. I'm still waiting and waiting to start building my two channel system...starting to get a little anxious.
Post edited by SPEAKER7 on
Do they make a Mantis genie lamp or 8 ball?
"The Mantis" Ask it an audio equipment question - rub the lamp and BAM I suddenly know how to spend $2500 bucks. -
The Rotel stuff comes in silver or black as well.
I've never heard anthem, but I know some forum members have some anthem stuff. I think they're probably both really close and your best bet would be to listen to them both. I'm sure your dealer will accomodate.
I'm partial to Rotel, but I bet each has it's own yin and yang.
Get what YOU think sounds best! -
Get what YOU think sounds best!
How in the hell do I know what sounds best?
I'm waiting on Mantis. And that is final!!!! -
you guys crack me up.
yes I have heard Anthem go and as you know Rotel allday.I think Anthem's Home theater Preamp is better then the Rotel's rsp1066 with more features and THX.
This is a tuff question to answer.You almost stumped the chump.But I can answer this for yeah if you take it as My personal opnion.with that being we go.
Rotel is that seperate company that is the best bang for the buck.They sound awesome running alot of different kinds of speakers.They are however limited in there preamp.The new rsp1098 is coming out, and from what I seen of it,it should be fully upgradeable,it's a card frame like AMX uses for there automated systems.I can't comment on it's sound quality.
The Rsp1066 mated with Rotel amps sound fantastic.Awesome for that kind of money.Rotel isn't a bad way to go at all.But after you get over if it sounds good driving what your going to drive it with,then features and connectability needs to be addressed.
Anthem's new processor is fantastic.So it there amps.I have listened to them a couple of times with different speakers.I didn't however like them mated up with B&W cdmnt series speakers......sounded like crap.
Anthem and Def tech speakers is breath taking.I sat and listened to the BP2002's and was floored.Man detail and depth was out of this world.I loved the combo.
To answer your question which one I would buy,I would be torn.You gotta listen for yourself.I know you want me to be your ears,joking or not,you really need to take some time and compare.You won't be sorry which way you deside to go.
So here's a quick thinking..............
Rotel I feel sounds better in ways......and seems to better mate with a larger group of speakers.
Anthem has better hookup and a better preamp all together.I haven't heard them with as many speakers as I have with Rotel so I'm alittle torn to say that Rotel is the champ here.But I did here them both on B&W and the Rotel dominated.
Anthem is more expensive in the preamp,but the new rsp1098 will change that.
If you buy one or the other,I would use that preamp.
Check this twister out........have you listened to B&K?I feel overall out of the 3 given here I would go B&K ,hell I did.Dan
My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time. -
You da man! you must have demoed everything that you can get your hands on.......I guess working in the audio/video industry sure gives you the many opportunities and the upper hand because you get to spend more time on it as a hobby and also work.
Anyways, I came a upon the Anthems because I have seen someone on this Polk board mentioning about one of their receivers and also the audio rep where I went for a demo carried the Anthem products but not in the store that I was in....only certain stores carries them because most buyers I guess are only interested in the basic audio equipment. I was auditioning a pair of Paradigm studio 100/60 and he mentioned they carried the Anthem line and they had seperate amps and receivers and the company is related to the Paradigm company (sorry to have mention about Paradigms on this polk board) but anyways, that is why I was curious if they would may mate well with the Paradigms because they are associated companies just like Rotel and B&W......? I have no idea because I have never listen to the Anthem products and I can not even find their website. However I believe they're cheaper here because they are manufactured in Canada and also because of all those taxes and the exchange rates.
Well thanks again for sharing you great insight and if you have anymore thoughts on the Anthem separates please do post. I'm running out of time and I getting confused on what to buy.
ps. Scottvamp .......your also a great stero hifi/video dude and don't feel insulted because you have given me some very good feed back as well as the rest of the gang on the Polk board.....I was asking Mantis because he had alot of experience with Canadian Totems,Psb, Paradigm,Anthems...ect.
dc. -
Canada huh,
well if you can get Anthem cheaper then B&K and Rotel, then go for it.You can't go worng,unless you plan on B&W opnion that stunk.
Well Totem is on of those companies that really do a great job......
Get out there and find a dealer Bro,you might like one better then the other,your ears don't lie.
Well yes I do,I get to demo a ton of stuff everyday due to the fact I work in the bussiness.Other audio and video companies give me the respect to demo all I want in there stores.It's fun,and I'm die hard.Work Ply's just what I'm about.
Good Luck'll get it.Dan
My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time. -
sorry, I wouldn't mind having the B$K but it will cost me my entire years salary.........................I'm in the poor house!
dc.:( -
I have listened to the Anthem amps. Provided I can get a few deals to go through, I'm going to be getting the MCA50 amp. I can't call it a true demo as I don't have any idea what the speakers that were being driven were, or what model the receiver that was being compared to it was. To say that it was a true comparison would be a stretch. The Anthem setup was the AVM20 pre/pro and the MCA 50 channel amp (2025wpc 8 ohm and 370wpc at 4ohm). The receiver was something in the Denon line, possibly the 3803.
The msrp of the AVM20 v2.0 was $3300 and the MCA50 is $2000. I don't want to say based on dollar amounts alone, that makes one better than the other, but to think that the Denon could keep up would be something along the lines of wishing upon a star. Personally, I wouldn't get the AVM20 because I'm not spending over 3k on a pre/pro. The Anthem amp though was INCREDIBLE. The sound difference between the Anthem and the Denon was night and day. The sound from the Denon (while still a good sound) sounded fairly flat and lacked depth. When that Anthem started to sing the sound stage depth had to have increased tenfold. It was no longer listening to the speakers. It was listening to the orchestra instruments and pinpointing them on the stage. Past that, knowing that I didn't have the $2000 to spend, I cut the demo short because I wasn't in the position to buy at that moment. I did hear an Integra receiver, and plan to use that as my pre/pro when I do upgrade from my current Onkyo receiver.
You said that you can't find their site. Here it is:
Good luck on your search.comment comment comment comment. bitchy. -
thanks brettw22 for sharing your experience with Anthem......I'm going take a closer look at the link that you have posted.
dc. -
Anthem was Sonic Frontiers' budget line.
Paradigm bought Sonic Frontiers, but retired all Sonic Frontiers and Anthem's tube gear only keeping the Anthem A/V gear. Chris Johnson (ex SF president) now runs parts conneXion.
Anthem's A/V gear also competes with Parasound gear price wise. -
Have listened to all above combinations in one forum or another with Martin Logan speakers at local dealer. In my opinion the Anthem processor ( AVM20) with either Anthem or Sonic Frontiers tube amps is the only way to go! The new combo amps are not the same quality although they still outperform most in the price range. The sound of tubes is outstanding with jazz, classical etc.. The Rotel can't compete as far as processor but the amps are quite well built and compare well to the anthem. However, compared to the tube amps of Anthem or Sonic Frontiers from the earlier days there is no comparison. The tubes win hands down. Have heard the difference and anyone would discern.
Here is a link below for the website! AV48WP30 Widescreen TV
Marantz SR6200 Receiver
Panasonic RP-82 DVD
Sony SAT-A50 DSS DD Receiver
Sonic Frontiers Anthem Amp 1
Tara Labs-Axiom Interconnects
Tara Labs Digital 75 Co-axial
Kinima HiG2 Mains
Polk CS400i Main Center
Kinima KC2 Rear Center
Polk FX300i Rears
Polk PSW 350 LFE Sub
M&K V-3B Mains Sub
M&K V-2B Mains Sub
M&K LP-1S High Pass Filter
Ultralink Bi-wiring Thru
AR Pro Series Interconnects
Marantz RC2000 MKii Remote -
thank's for your insight on the Anthems and Rotels!
looks like your one of the proud owners of a piece of Anthem audio equipment......I guess you can't complain.
Just wonder how would you think about mixing an Anthem pre with a Rotel amp.....would this combo blend or would it be better to stick to one brand???????
dc. -
I can't see a problem with the Anthem pre with Rotel amp. It really comes down to what sounds best with your speakers. I would try to bring both amps home to audition ( if your dealer will allow ) and go from there. Also, be sure to use a high quality cable such as AlphaCore MicroPurl between amp amd pre-amp. I can hear the difference compared to the AR Pro Series interconnects used elsewhere in my system. Good luck and let me know what you decide!JVC AV48WP30 Widescreen TV
Marantz SR6200 Receiver
Panasonic RP-82 DVD
Sony SAT-A50 DSS DD Receiver
Sonic Frontiers Anthem Amp 1
Tara Labs-Axiom Interconnects
Tara Labs Digital 75 Co-axial
Kinima HiG2 Mains
Polk CS400i Main Center
Kinima KC2 Rear Center
Polk FX300i Rears
Polk PSW 350 LFE Sub
M&K V-3B Mains Sub
M&K V-2B Mains Sub
M&K LP-1S High Pass Filter
Ultralink Bi-wiring Thru
AR Pro Series Interconnects
Marantz RC2000 MKii Remote -
thanks again.....I will post some pic's once I put everthing together however I'm still slowly saving up some the funds for the big purchase.