Help a brother out w/2 channel

Posts: 19,425
Oh man, I just got a new neighbor who came over to hear my rig a couple of minutes ago. He told me that he was going to go get a BOSE system for his pad.
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Oh, dear lord, let's help him before he makes a major mistake. His budget is around $1,500 and he doesn't know about cables yet so let's just keep it simple for him. What rig would you think would be good for him that has good synergy for that price range? He's not opposed to buying used.
I was thinking maybe a tube amp, Focal bookshelves, small mid-bass module or sub and a Jolida tube CDP. Whatcha' think? Got any other ideas? I just don't want him to blow hard earned dollars on "that" company. Talk to me.....
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Oh, dear lord, let's help him before he makes a major mistake. His budget is around $1,500 and he doesn't know about cables yet so let's just keep it simple for him. What rig would you think would be good for him that has good synergy for that price range? He's not opposed to buying used.
I was thinking maybe a tube amp, Focal bookshelves, small mid-bass module or sub and a Jolida tube CDP. Whatcha' think? Got any other ideas? I just don't want him to blow hard earned dollars on "that" company. Talk to me.....
~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~
Post edited by treitz3 on
We should just let him attend the "School of Hard Knocks" and buy the Bose.
Heaven forbid that we convince enough buyers that Bose goes belly up. Imagine how bleak these forums would be without the firestorms caused when the words "Bose" and "Monster" show up.
Justin wouldn't have anything to do and he might get laid off. Polk's Internet Service Provider would have to issue them a 50% credit due to using only half as much server storage space.
This would NOT be a good thing in lieu of the current economy.VTL ST50 w/mods / RCA6L6GC / TlfnknECC801S
Conrad Johnson PV-5 w/mods
TT Conrad Johnson Sonographe SG3 Oak / Sumiko LMT / Grado Woodbody Platinum / Sumiko PIB2 / The Clamp
Musical Fidelity A1 CDPro/ Bada DD-22 Tube CDP / Conrad Johnson SD-22 CDP
Tuners w/mods Kenwood KT5020 / Fisher KM60
MF x-DAC V8, HAInfo NG27
Herbies Ti-9 / Vibrapods / MIT Shotgun AC1 IEC's / MIT Shotgun 2 IC's / MIT Shotgun 2 Speaker Cables
PS Audio Cryo / PowerPort Premium Outlets / Exact Power EP15A Conditioner
Walnut SDA 2B TL /Oak SDA SRS II TL (Sonicaps/Mills/Cardas/Custom SDA ICs / Dynamat Extreme / Larry's Rings/ FSB-2 Spikes
NAD SS rigs w/mods
GIK panels -
Plus $100-150 in cables, leaves plenty of room for a decent pair of speakers."He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you." Friedrich Nietzsche -
A couple of used NAD amps coupled with a tube CDP coupled with a pair of smaller SDAs.
Plus $100-150 in cables, leaves plenty of room for a decent pair of speakers.
Agreed. He'll have half of his budget left for speakers. I'd recommend some floorstanders. You can convince him to get a sub later.HT/2-channel Rig: Sony 50 LCD TV; Toshiba HD-A2 DVD player; Emotiva LMC-1 pre/pro; Rogue Audio M-120 monoblocks (modded); Placette RVC; Emotiva LPA-1 amp; Bada HD-22 tube CDP (modded); VMPS Tower II SE (fronts); DIY Clearwave Dynamic 4CC (center); Wharfedale Opus Tri-Surrounds (rear); and VMPS 215 sub
"God grooves with tubes." -
Jolida 302 tube amp
Jolida JD100 CDP
Monitor 7's with peerless
PS audio PC
Audioquest Copperhead IC's.
I had about $1500 in this exact system and it was the Balls.:cool: Amazing synergy!
Nick -
BOSE rocks!!!!!!!!
I agree, BOSE does rock. At the last audio event we held, we threw a Bose system off the cliff as a sacrifice to the audio gods. When it finally hit ground, lots of rocks started falling. Rock on BOSE!!!~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~
Oh man, I just got a new neighbor who came over to hear my rig a couple of minutes ago. He told me that he was going to go get a BOSE system for his pad.
Oh, dear lord, let's help him before he makes a major mistake.
Leave him alone.
He'll never really appreciate the good stuff until he spends some time with the not so good stuff.;)Proud and loyal citizen of the Digital Domain and Solid State Country! -
Here are a few examples of audio systems that show differing philosophies:
The Move Air System:
Elemental Designs A7S-450 subwoofer with LT/1300 upgrade $860
Polk RtiA5 (pair off of Ebay) $300
Harmon Kardon HK3490 $270 J&R Music
Marantz - CD 5003 CD $349 Audio Advisor
$1779 a little over budget
The disappearing act:
NHT Classic III on Audiogon $625
NAD C372 on Audiogon $600
NAD C542 Demo for $255 or Music Hall CD25.2 for $699 both at Audio Advisor
$1480 to $1924
The stereo everywhere system:
Ohm Micro Walsh Tall $1000
Audio gd SA1000I Diamond Integrated Amplifier from Pacific Valve $599
Lite Audio DAC AH $180 on your current CD player or DVD player Pacific Valve
$1780 a little over budget
The Balanced or well-rounded system:
High Efficiency MTM Transmission Line with minimal crossover / Ribbon / SET with Tube Rectification
Decwares MG 944s speakers $849
Decware SE 84C+ $675 amplifier
Vanguard CDM 12 CD Transport $599 from Pacific Valve
Lite Audio DAC 60 $659 from Pacific Valve
Way over budget -
DarqueKnight wrote:Leave him alone.
He'll never really appreciate the good stuff until he spends some time with the not so good stuff.;)
I think I have to agree with Raife on this. If listening to your system did not make a believer out of him...and you talk him out of the "world class" bose system...IF there is anything he doesn't like about the non-bose rig he will blame you for it and lament that "he coulda' had a bose". Better to let him find out the hard way. Then once he has it and comes over to your house...whining about the bose (assuming he can tell the difference) then you can say "I told you so" in a very smug and condesending way. If he can't tell the difference...then it really doesn't matter and he doesn't need (or deserve) a good rig. That's just my .02."Just because youre offended doesnt mean youre right." - Ricky Gervais
"For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible." - Stuart Chase
"Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago." - Bernard Berenson -
This is a POLK forum, so I'd think that we could come up with a pretty damn good system for $1500 that includes some POLK speaks, buying used gear.
SDA 2Bs-$250
AMC CD8b-$150-175
Dodd ELP-$350-400
Parasound HCA1500A-$425
or go with a Onix/Melody SP3 integrated tube amp for $600 and some SDA1Cs for around $400-500
Still has some left for some cables/ICs"SOME PEOPLE CALL ME MAURICE,
I wouldn't try to hook him up with any system, yet. I would link him to all the internet forums/sites that bash Bose and let him do some research. If he still finds Bose is the brand of his choosing then tell him you will let him borrow all the SACDs, DVD-As and 180 gram pressings you have to get the best out of his new gear. He will see just how limiting his beloved brand is.HT Optoma HD25 LV on 80" DIY Screen, Anthem MRX 300 Receiver, Pioneer Elite BDP 51FD Polk CS350LS, Polk SDA1C, Polk FX300, Polk RT55, Dual EBS Adire Shiva 320watt tuned to 17hz, ICs-DIY Twisted Prs, Speaker-Raymond Cable
2 Channel Thorens TD 318 Grado ZF1, SACD/CD Marantz 8260, Soundstream/Krell DAC1, Audio Mirror PP1, Odyssey Stratos, ADS L-1290, ICs-DIY Twisted , Speaker-Raymond Cable -
He might not.
I don't drink, so I probably wouldn't be able to appreciate all the differences between a fine aged scotch and sample of the "rotgut" variety.Proud and loyal citizen of the Digital Domain and Solid State Country! -
If you let your new neighbor buy Bose, he might later blame you.:eek:
If he insists on Bose, tell him I have a pair of 201s that I will reluctantly part with for $5 (buyer pays shipping).:D
If your neighbor is a newbee to audio, I do not recommend tubes (unless its The Tubes).;)____________________________________________
Home Theater 32"LG LCD; Comcast; 7.1 Onkyo 805; Fronts: Polk M50s; Center: Polk CS2; Sides: Polk M40s; Rear: B&W LM1s; Subs: (2) Sony 12" x 100w; Samsung 1500BDP; Toshiba A-2 HD-DVDP.
PC stereo: Viper custom PC: Windows XP; ASIO4ALL; JRiver Jukebox> Pop Pulse USB to S/PDIF conv> Monarchy DIP > Musiland MD10 DAC > Parasound 2100 pre> Aragon 4004 MKII amp> Dali Ikon6 towers; Sunfire True Sub; PSA Duet, Ultimate outlet and Noise Harvestors. -
That's some excellent suggestions and thoughts fellas, thank you very much. To be honest, I don't care whether or not he blames me for anything. I just don't want to hear a BOSE system, even if I would only be hearing it thru the walls or with the windows open.
I'm not bashing Bose, just giving my experience here......the last time I was at a party that had a Bose LR surround setup, the distortion was so bad I just had to leave the room. The BOSE sound was so annoying that it was like that alarm clock you hear in your dream that you just can't shut off. When you finally wake up, you realize that you were in a dream and it WAS the alarm clock. Now you hate the noise the alarm clock makes and every time you hear it you just want to pull your hair out.~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~ -
The simple fact is: Advertising works. Bose fills the papers, magazines, and TV. It's amazing how many people like the clouded sound of Bose. I've had a couple pairs of Bose 601s that sounded pretty darned good with a good amp. Most companies make at least one decent speaker.
Before he buys I'd take him on a tour of different gear and let him decide for himself. Then have him do the research for gear based on his needs and budget. Be a good neighbor. -
A co-workers husband visited a Bose "outlet" while in Florida this month and came home with their 123 set up. I have not heard it, but they are happy(that's what matters!) although I know I would not be. Anyhow the sales rep sold them a toslink and hdmi cable @ $50/ea.!! First off, the price is highway robbery for the quality of the cables and most importantly.....there are no such jacks on this 123 piece of crap! It was all I could do to not bad mouth Bose (and in effect their decision to buy Bose). Now they have to pay shipping to return the cables that should not have been sold to them in the 1st place! The final cost for everything approached a grand!!!!!
I guess they will be in audio nirvana with this as it's better than the tv speakers they were using for sound.....until they come by here and listen to my rig.:rolleyes:Yep, my name really is Bob.
Parasound HCA1500A(indoor sound) and HCA1000(outdoor sound), Dynaco PAS4, Denon DP1200 w/Shure V15 Type V and Jico SAS stylus, Marantz UD7007, Polk L600, Rythmik L12 sub. -
Oh man, I just got a new neighbor who came over to hear my rig a couple of minutes ago. He told me that he was going to go get a BOSE system for his pad.
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Oh, dear lord, let's help him before he makes a major mistake. His budget is around $1,500 and he doesn't know about cables yet so let's just keep it simple for him. What rig would you think would be good for him that has good synergy for that price range? He's not opposed to buying used.
I was thinking maybe a tube amp, Focal bookshelves, small mid-bass module or sub and a Jolida tube CDP. Whatcha' think? Got any other ideas? I just don't want him to blow hard earned dollars on "that" company. Talk to me.....
did he decide on buying bose before or after hearing your system -
Actually, after hearing my rig he was second guessing BOSE hardcore and was listening to any advice I had to give. For some reason, he thinks I know a thing or two about audio. :rolleyes:~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~
Get those 1C's out,and invite him over next week,,I'm sure that he'll walk away somewhat overwhelmed.;)JC approves....he told me so. (F-1 nut)
george daniel wrote: »Get those 1C's out,and invite him over next week,,I'm sure that he'll walk away somewhat overwhelmed.;)
Treitz3 didn't mention if his buddy is married, but sometimes the wife factor is in play.
While the sound out of the 1C's is about a million times better, they are about 120 times bigger.VTL ST50 w/mods / RCA6L6GC / TlfnknECC801S
Conrad Johnson PV-5 w/mods
TT Conrad Johnson Sonographe SG3 Oak / Sumiko LMT / Grado Woodbody Platinum / Sumiko PIB2 / The Clamp
Musical Fidelity A1 CDPro/ Bada DD-22 Tube CDP / Conrad Johnson SD-22 CDP
Tuners w/mods Kenwood KT5020 / Fisher KM60
MF x-DAC V8, HAInfo NG27
Herbies Ti-9 / Vibrapods / MIT Shotgun AC1 IEC's / MIT Shotgun 2 IC's / MIT Shotgun 2 Speaker Cables
PS Audio Cryo / PowerPort Premium Outlets / Exact Power EP15A Conditioner
Walnut SDA 2B TL /Oak SDA SRS II TL (Sonicaps/Mills/Cardas/Custom SDA ICs / Dynamat Extreme / Larry's Rings/ FSB-2 Spikes
NAD SS rigs w/mods
GIK panels -
Just a suggestion, but, take him to a couple of 'high-end' stores in Charlotte, then take him to 'Worst Buy' and let him hear the difference. If he doesn't hear any difference, then he's not evolved enough to play with us.
Give him six months, if he's still happy with his puchase, then oh well.
You can't MAKE people have taste.
And DON'T bash Bose to this individual either. I didn't like when a salesman bashed Polk:mad::rolleyes:I refuse to argue with idiots, because people can't tell the DIFFERENCE! -
Well, we only have one high end store in Charlotte but that's a good idea. He's single so the WAF is not an issue and yes, he will be back over when the 1C's are running, tweaked and the rig is at its optimum. A good comparison for him would be to go ahead and purchase the BOSE setup that he wanted and instead of setting it up at his pad, I'll have him set it up in mine. That way he can do a direct comparison at all volume levels and I'll let him decide what to do from that point.~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~