TC610i: How do I match center channel and subwoofer speakers?

raspiwave Posts: 1
edited November 2008 in Speakers
Last year I remodeled my TV room. I got (4) TC610i ceiling speakers for a steal so I mounted them in the remodel. I am now upgrading rest of my system. I decided on the Onkyo TXSR606 for my receiver and looking for advice on the center channel and subwoofer. Room is 15 x 12 x 10. Thanks
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  • apphd
    apphd Posts: 1,514
    edited November 2008
    Welcome to CP raspiwave. Afraid I won't be much help as I do not have any knowledge on the TC610. But I can offer this; there really is no matching involved with a sub, in regards to matching the AVR and your other speakers. But you will want to look for something that can give you usable amounts of bass for your room. Those dimensions I would consider to be medium sized room, you also need to consider if it is a closed room or opens into other rooms. You call it your TV room so I assume this would be all or mostly HT. With that I would say to check out SVS, HSU, eD or Epik. There are some other good choices as well, but I think I would start with those. Check out their web sites for what product they recommend for that sized room. Also how much bass do you want?

    For your center you definitely would want to match up with your TC610's which is where I can't help much. Off hand I would guess CSiA4, but that is just a SWAG. Others here can probably offer up some much better options from 1st hand knowledge.

    You might also want to post what kind of budget you are working with as it will help others make the best suggestions for you. But you will probably see some that are just above that $$. Funny how that works:D
  • mantis
    mantis Posts: 17,228
    edited November 2008
    Use another TC 610i in the ceiling. It's the perfect match and will surprise you on how well it will work. I have done many all in ceiling theater and man it sounds fantastic.

    As far as a sub goes, get a Martin Logan Dynamo or Grotto. They work very well with the Polk speakers and will give you some really good bass for both music and movies. You room isn't that big so the Grotto would be the perfect choice. The Dynamo will do if you are on a lower budget but spend the extra money on the Grotto, you will be happy down the road.

    My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.