Policeman beats woman BAD!



  • acsubie
    acsubie Posts: 773
    edited March 2008
    videos only show much, until people actually get the scope of the whole situation, no one can claim excessive force/brutality, whatever its called

    my case and point:

    im a PO in A.C....just this past weekend i was working a club detail(basically OT at $50 hr)

    well 1 hr into the detail, a drunk guy is asked to leave by the club security, ofcourse he thinks he's done nothing wrong....well after a couple minutes of him acting up i walk over and ask him to leave....ofcourse he wants to test me and not obey my verbal commands...finally gets to walking out of the establishment, i decide to follow him out only because he's starting a scene and very drunk....well i just wish i had taken another officer with me

    as im walking behind the guy hes yelling and screaming crap, he passes the original security that wanted him out(this security happens to be an african male) not 5 seconds after he passes him, the guy starts screaming the "N" word, i warn him to cut it out and ofcourse he continues

    well by then its time to lock him up for being disorderly....tell the guy to stop because hes under arrest, tells me to " "F" off "F"in "N", i go grab his arm from behind. dude flails his arms causing me to loose my grip on him, i move in to control the situation and he lifts his right arm with a balled fist, im thinking crap im about to get punched being that im less than 3 ft away from him(my 1st mistake)

    so i quickly rush the dude to tackle him to the ground, he hits the ground with me on top, i soon realize this dude has me in a headlock, ive never been in this predicament before and i panicked believing this guy can take my weapon..after i commanded him to let go and he declined i had no other choice but to begin striking the male, after about 3 strikes he finally lets go, i was then able to flip him around and place the cuffs on the guy after he resisted even more by not letting me cuff him

    stand the dude up and all i see is a pool blood, turns out i struck the male in the eye causing his eye lid to split right in half...ofcourse this guy is pleading he would never disrespect the cops by striking them, what im thinking is as soon as you raised your hand in a striking motion, no more nice guy

    guy swore up and down "i was a goner" and say good bye to my job...even the nurses in the ER couldnt believe the police would do such a thing to nice guy(in the hospital)

    basically the jist of this is until you are actually put through a hostile situation, dont blame someone for their actions unless you know the whole story..and yes there was video coverage of the whole incident
  • Face
    Face Posts: 14,340
    edited March 2008
    acsubie wrote: »
    basically the jist of this is until you are actually put through a hostile situation, dont blame someone for their actions unless you know the whole story..
    I agree, most people have no idea.
    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you." Friedrich Nietzsche
  • sbpolk
    sbpolk Posts: 644
    edited March 2008
    acsubie wrote: »
    videos only show much, until people actually get the scope of the whole situation, no one can claim excessive force/brutality, whatever its called

    my case and point:...

    ...basically the jist of this is until you are actually put through a hostile situation, dont blame someone for their actions unless you know the whole story..and yes there was video coverage of the whole incident

    Wow man... it can hit the fan at anytime. For most officers, ground defense is just that, defense. Better to never go to the ground, if you can avoid it. Once it gets there, the rules change, especially if someone has you in a headlock. You can't practice contact shots. It only takes once. :eek:
    "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." George Orwell