DFW mini gathering anyone?



  • dorokusai
    dorokusai Posts: 25,577
    edited March 2008
    Hotwire....and drive down with an open bottle of Beam between your legs. That's what hardcore Polkies roll.
    CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint.
  • Sami
    Sami Posts: 4,634
    edited March 2008
    RuSsMaN wrote: »
    Sami, I'm stuck like chuck. My girl walked off with both sets of keys this morning, and she's in downtown Dallas taking a test all day. Unreal.

    Someone's waiting on their KLH 17's... :D

    Think you can still make it later? I'd pick you up but I'm the host and it's ~30 mile drive... :(
  • AndyGwis
    AndyGwis Posts: 3,655
    edited March 2008
    Samus - my PM box needed to be cleared out last night and accidentally erased your address.

    Can you re-PM me your addy and an appropriate time to arrive, as well as what I should bring (beer, snacks, etc.). I already plan on bringing copious gear to try to sell.

    Stereo Rig: Hales Revelation 3, Musical Fidelity CD-Pre 24, Forte Model 3 amp, Lexicon RT-10 SACD, MMF-5 w/speedbox, Forte Model 2 Phono Pre, Cardas Crosslink, APC H15, URC MX-950, Lovan Stand
    Bedroom: Samsung HPR-4252, Toshiba HD-A2, HK 3480, Signal Cable, AQ speaker cable, Totem Dreamcatchers, SVS PB10-NSD, URC MX-850
  • Sami
    Sami Posts: 4,634
    edited March 2008
    Already have two polkies here so any time.

    PM sent with address.
  • fatchowmein
    fatchowmein Posts: 2,637
    edited March 2008
    Thanks for your hospitality, Sami. Your wife makes a killer guacamole and your son is obviously an audiophile.
  • marvda1
    marvda1 Posts: 4,904
    edited March 2008
    sami, had a great time today although i was a little out of my element with the ht.
    nice to see that some are now believers that cables do make a difference.
    again thanks for a great time.
    Amplifiers: Norma IPA 140, MasterSound Compact 845, Ayre v6xe, Consonance Cyber 800
    Preamp: deHavilland Ultraverve 3
    Dac: Sonnet Morpheus 2, Musical Paradise mp-d2 mkIII
    Transport: Jay's Audio CDT2 mk2, Lumin U1 mini
    Speakers: Rosso Fiorentino Volterra II
    Speaker Cables: Crystal Clear Magnum Opus 2, Organic Audio Organic Reference 2
    Interconnects: Crystal Clear Magnum Opus 2, Argento Organic Reference 2, Argento Organic 2
    Power Cables: Argento Organic Reference, Synergistic Research Foundation 10 and 12 ga.
    Digital cables: Crystal Clear Magnum Opus 2 bnc, Tellurium Q aes, Silnote Audio Poseidon Signature 2 bnc
    Puritan PSM156
  • Sami
    Sami Posts: 4,634
    edited March 2008
    You guys are welcome! I'm glad so many showed up, and the special award for the person traveling the longest distance goes to, I think, SlowcarIX who rented out an SUV just to haul his dual subs all the way to DFW for a subwoofer shootout. The DSW600 is a very capable subwoofer, no doubt about that.

    Marvin, I do need to check out some of your cables later on, now I don't know if I could tell any of them apart but I was the one changing them so I don't think that's a fair test. I will also tell the Quake Audio guys that their IC was well liked, and ask them for another pair so you can test it out.

    We'll need to do this more often, maybe next time we will leave out the HT part of it and concentrate purely on 2 channel stuff.
  • Gadabout
    Gadabout Posts: 1,072
    edited March 2008
    Thanx for Hosting that Sami. It was great to meet some of the local polkies. Wish I could have stayed longer. The quick glimpse I got of your HT looks like you will be enjoying it for a long time.

    Thanx again,
    Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid. ..... Frank Zappa
  • AsSiMiLaTeD
    AsSiMiLaTeD Posts: 11,728
    edited March 2008
    I had a blast as well, definitely need to do that more often with so many of us around. Next time around I'll buy the food...
  • Sami
    Sami Posts: 4,634
    edited March 2008
    Link to the subwoofer shootout thread, in case you want to chime in with your impressions: http://www.polkaudio.com/forums/showthread.php?p=823755
  • SlowcarIX
    SlowcarIX Posts: 887
    edited March 2008
    thanks for making the gtg happen Sami

    Marvin, thanks for the cable comparison - there is more than meets the eye with copper :D
    my 7.(1x4) HT setup
    TV - Mitsubishi WD-65734
    AVP / Amp - Onkyo PR-SC885P / D-Sonic 2500-7
    Front - Emerald Physics CS2
    Center - JTR Triple 12LF
    Surround L/R / Back - Polk RTi4 / Polk FXi A4
    Sub - 4 X Hsu ULS15 playing nearfield
    DVD / CDP - Sony PS3/40GB / Sony SCD-XA9000ES
    Belkin PURE AV PF60 / UPS

  • AndyGwis
    AndyGwis Posts: 3,655
    edited March 2008
    Thanks, Sami. You're a wonderful and gracious host.
    Stereo Rig: Hales Revelation 3, Musical Fidelity CD-Pre 24, Forte Model 3 amp, Lexicon RT-10 SACD, MMF-5 w/speedbox, Forte Model 2 Phono Pre, Cardas Crosslink, APC H15, URC MX-950, Lovan Stand
    Bedroom: Samsung HPR-4252, Toshiba HD-A2, HK 3480, Signal Cable, AQ speaker cable, Totem Dreamcatchers, SVS PB10-NSD, URC MX-850
  • Sami
    Sami Posts: 4,634
    edited March 2008
    You guys left beer behind, you need to come back and help me drink it! :D
  • RuSsMaN
    RuSsMaN Posts: 17,986
    edited March 2008
    I can't believe I missed it. I'm off again a week from Saturday, want to do it again?

    Fatchow and Andy, I've got things I need to put in yous guys hands.
    Check your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service.
  • Sami
    Sami Posts: 4,634
    edited March 2008
    29th? I'm off to Las Vegas on Monday so, yes, maybe we could.
  • AsSiMiLaTeD
    AsSiMiLaTeD Posts: 11,728
    edited March 2008
    Sami, too many of these and your kid's going to go deaf :D
  • Systems
    Systems Posts: 14,873
    edited March 2008
    Who passed out first? And what time?


    This will never get old.
  • AsSiMiLaTeD
    AsSiMiLaTeD Posts: 11,728
    edited March 2008
    Everyone was still awake and very much lucid when I left around 6:30...
  • Sami
    Sami Posts: 4,634
    edited March 2008
    Nobody seemed to be in drinking mood. It was really a quick afternoon meeting, which means I forfeited an already acquired pass to drink all night... :(
  • Systems
    Systems Posts: 14,873
    edited March 2008
    6:30 am? If you're going to tell me folks left at 6:30pm I'm going to make a few calls. The NC Fest....well...it was...was....an adventure to say the least. I don't things really got cranking until about 8:00pm.


    PS...Pictures of the wounded as well as the survivors will be posted before the end of the day over on the NC Fest thread. I want to see some here too.
  • AsSiMiLaTeD
    AsSiMiLaTeD Posts: 11,728
    edited March 2008
    Yeah, I had dinner plans and had to jet around 6:30 pm...
  • Sami
    Sami Posts: 4,634
    edited March 2008
    That seemed to be the case for more than one of the participants. Next time we'll pick a day that everyone can dedicate.
  • AndyGwis
    AndyGwis Posts: 3,655
    edited March 2008
    It was the GF's dad's 60th, and I had to leave early to prep for taking down a 24oz Porterhouse, wedge salad, Maker's on the rocks, mushrooms, potatoes, etc.

    Next time, I'll leave the GF at home and try to commit to staying longer. I pretty much just tried to make an appearance and hawk some gear on Saturday :)
    Stereo Rig: Hales Revelation 3, Musical Fidelity CD-Pre 24, Forte Model 3 amp, Lexicon RT-10 SACD, MMF-5 w/speedbox, Forte Model 2 Phono Pre, Cardas Crosslink, APC H15, URC MX-950, Lovan Stand
    Bedroom: Samsung HPR-4252, Toshiba HD-A2, HK 3480, Signal Cable, AQ speaker cable, Totem Dreamcatchers, SVS PB10-NSD, URC MX-850
  • AsSiMiLaTeD
    AsSiMiLaTeD Posts: 11,728
    edited March 2008
    Andy, did you end up selling anything?
  • AndyGwis
    AndyGwis Posts: 3,655
    edited March 2008
    Nope. But, I was only there for 90 minutes, so not much time for sales.

    All the stuff I brought is pretty much up for sale, though, including the MF 3.2 player, Audio Research DAC1-20 (didn't even hook that bad boy up), and a bunch of other stuff I didn't even unveil.

    Theta DAC
    Tara Labs RSC 1000 speaker cable
    some assorted ICs
    Cardas AES/EBU cable

    Most of it has been posted for sale here already so people should know about it.
    Stereo Rig: Hales Revelation 3, Musical Fidelity CD-Pre 24, Forte Model 3 amp, Lexicon RT-10 SACD, MMF-5 w/speedbox, Forte Model 2 Phono Pre, Cardas Crosslink, APC H15, URC MX-950, Lovan Stand
    Bedroom: Samsung HPR-4252, Toshiba HD-A2, HK 3480, Signal Cable, AQ speaker cable, Totem Dreamcatchers, SVS PB10-NSD, URC MX-850
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 1,394
    edited March 2008
    Darn it!!! I could not believe I missed this event!! I have been looking forward to this polk gathering! Been relocating and moving and so busy with work.!! Not to mention, extremely limited internet time!! I am all settled in now. I still need to meet up with fellow polkies! Russman, so are you gonna do another mini polkfest? Sami, I really wished I could have made it and get to know you, among the other people on here.
  • fatchowmein
    fatchowmein Posts: 2,637
    edited March 2008
    A week from Saturday works (March 29) or I can swing by McKinney this weekend depending on when you get off.

    Drink all the Shiner for me. Merry Christmas.

    That MF is gorgeous and I would have loved to hear the DAC but Mrs Fatchowmein specifically said not to bring anything else home except for the KLH 17's. That's why I left the Shiner with Sami. :)

    Everybody else,
    Nice to meet ya. I hope we can do it again.
  • Sami
    Sami Posts: 4,634
    edited March 2008
    What's the interest level to repeat on the 29th? Too soon or not? I think the beer will be safe in the fridge from me so it should be there on the 29th. :)

    I can set up a rig for cable testing, another for CDP/DAC/Transport testing, and then later at we could test out the HT with a HD movie. Good seating limited for the movie, reserve now or sit on the leftover seats...

    For the testing area, we can use items someone has for sale. I doubt my stuff is anywhere near reference level (other than the Aragon maybe).
  • treitz3
    treitz3 Posts: 19,201
    edited March 2008
    No pic's?
    ~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 1,394
    edited March 2008
    I would be very interested if there were to be another mini pf!