Dude . . . I heard my first Maggies . . . the MMGs

Posts: 5,218
Ok, I heard my first Maggies and now I am questioning everything I have ever known about speakers.
Who told me once you go flat you never go back?
Uhh . . . does anyone think the 1.6QRs could outperform my AZAs? I'm thinking of selling them and buying a pair and using the extra proceeds from the sale to buy two dual subs.
Am I completely irrational right now?
Who told me once you go flat you never go back?
Uhh . . . does anyone think the 1.6QRs could outperform my AZAs? I'm thinking of selling them and buying a pair and using the extra proceeds from the sale to buy two dual subs.
Am I completely irrational right now?
Post edited by SolidSqual on
Come on, I need some moral support.
SolidSqual wrote: »Am I completely irrational right now?
I'd suggest going to a local dealer, if possible, and listening to the 1.6QRs a couple of times, then decide. But don't be too hasty. Dual subs bring with them another set of complications.HT/2-channel Rig: Sony 50 LCD TV; Toshiba HD-A2 DVD player; Emotiva LMC-1 pre/pro; Rogue Audio M-120 monoblocks (modded); Placette RVC; Emotiva LPA-1 amp; Bada HD-22 tube CDP (modded); VMPS Tower II SE (fronts); DIY Clearwave Dynamic 4CC (center); Wharfedale Opus Tri-Surrounds (rear); and VMPS 215 sub
"God grooves with tubes." -
Ok scratch the subs for now. I need the Maggies to sound good with Keb Mo, Diana Krall, Tool, Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, Dave Mathews and Patricia Barber. The MMGs sounded amazing, but they were not broken in yet. How are the 1.6QRs with bass? The AZAs have plenty for me.
Muuuuhaaaahaaa! Another convert to the dark side, you will be assimilated :cool:
Seriously, I have loved the sound of the Magnepan's since the late '70's. I remember the first time I heard Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here on the Magnepan Tympani's. About 3 years ago I had a religious experience listening to DSOTM on the 20.1R's. If you like the sound characteristics the Magnepan's offer, then they are a great value, especially the 1.6QR's. I'm setting here listening to a variety of CD's on mine tonight, and loving every second of it!DKG999
HT System: LSi9, LSiCx2, LSiFX, LSi7, SVS 20-39 PC+, B&K 507.s2 AVR, B&K Ref 125.2, Tripplite LCR-2400, Cambridge 650BD, Signal Cable PC/SC, BJC IC, Samsung 55" LED
Music System: Magnepan 1.6QR, SVS SB12+, ARC pre, Parasound HCA1500 vertically bi-amped, Jolida CDP, Pro-Ject RM5.1SE TT, Pro-Ject TubeBox SE phono pre, SBT, PS Audio DLIII DAC -
The 1.6's have a surprising amount of bass, and hit 40hz pretty strongly. I run my sub at pretty low gain, just trying to fill in the lower octaves with a little low end thump.
When it comes to hard rock, it's not the Magnepan's forte. However, Black Sabbath or Led Zep at low to mid volume, with that detailed and huge soundstage, can be rather eerie and amazing.DKG999
HT System: LSi9, LSiCx2, LSiFX, LSi7, SVS 20-39 PC+, B&K 507.s2 AVR, B&K Ref 125.2, Tripplite LCR-2400, Cambridge 650BD, Signal Cable PC/SC, BJC IC, Samsung 55" LED
Music System: Magnepan 1.6QR, SVS SB12+, ARC pre, Parasound HCA1500 vertically bi-amped, Jolida CDP, Pro-Ject RM5.1SE TT, Pro-Ject TubeBox SE phono pre, SBT, PS Audio DLIII DAC -
Doesn't Dorokusai have some Maggies? I think he listens to Tool. Yo, Mark you out there?
There is one dealer in Indy. I am going to call to setup an appointment.
Would it be rude for me to bring my AZAs to the demo?
I loved the MMGs, I went up to the 1.6 and then the 3.5, some of the best sounding speakers I have ever had in the house.Dodd - Battery Preamp
Monarchy Audio SE100 Delux - mono power amps
Sony DVP-NS999ES - SACD player
ADS 1230 - Polk SDA 2B
DIY Stereo Subwoofer towers w/(4) 12 drivers each
Crown K1 - Subwoofer amp
Outlaw ICBM - crossover
Beringher BFD - sub eq
Where is the remote? Where is the $%#$% remote!
"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us have...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..." -
We have similar music tastes, and Tool is my favorite band. Before you pull the trigger on anything, go and demo the Gallos. Tool is insane on these, as is Dave Mathews.
Venom -
We have similar music tastes, and Tool is my favorite band. Before you pull the trigger on anything, go and demo the Gallos. Tool is insane on these, as is Dave Mathews.
Yeah you are right I should, but I am afraid the Gallos might not be able to create the soundstage of the Maggies. I realize the Gallos and the AZAs are different speakers, but they are of the same breed in terms of using drivers . . . I looked towards the Maggies because they are an extreme change. -
I wanna hear Maggies! Wah! (insert temper tantrum here)Sharp Elite 70
Anthem D2V 3D
Parasound 5250
Parasound HCA 1000 A
Parasound HCA 1000
Oppo BDP 95
Von Schweikert VR4 Jr R/L Fronts
Von Schweikert LCR 4 Center
Totem Mask Surrounds X4
Hsu ULS-15 Quad Drive Subwoofers
Sony PS3
Squeezebox Touch
Polk Atrium 7s on the patio just to keep my foot in the door. -
You know what else is funny. I hate speakers that don't look like speakers. I love the way speakers invade a room and just look like they will blow the windows out and shred the walls. However, the Maggies have no imposing presence at all. They look like acoustic treatments in a way and just seem to blend in. Not my cup of tea normally, but once I heard them, I couldn't help but admire and appreciate their simplicity.
I listened to some Maggies up at Mark's (Doro) a couple of years ago. I can't remember which one's they were since he has had several go through his rig. I was very impressed. I do remember a couple of things though:
1) They were not limited to the "sweet spot" to sound good as some have stated. I was sitting on the couch on the side of the room facing 90ºs from the speakers and I was supprised how good they sounded at that location.
2) Sub required. They sounded good until we added the big SVS cylinder to the mix...then they were great. They really need that extra low end presence.
Maggies are just another speaker option among many (albiet a good option). I have thought of trying some Martin Logans as well. I have only heard them as demos in a couple of shops, but have always been impressed with what I heard."Just because youre offended doesnt mean youre right." - Ricky Gervais
"For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible." - Stuart Chase
"Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago." - Bernard Berenson -
SolidSqual wrote: »Doesn't Dorokusai have some Maggies? I think he listens to Tool. Yo, Mark you out there?
I sold mine but Tool on the 3 series is no problem. I believe a subwoofer really fills in that lost octave so to me, it would be neccesary....to others, perhaps not.CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint. -
what i remember most about Mark's set up was the sub was on, but you had no idea it was on. how many times did we hear "hey, is that sub on?"
with the sub blended so well, that rig sounded fantastic.Living Room 2 Channel -
Schiit SYS Passive Pre. Jolida CD player. Songbird streamer. California Audio Labs Sigma II DAC, DIY 300as1/a1 Ice modules Class D amp. LSi15 with MM842 woofer upgrade, Nordost Blue Heaven and Unity interconnects.
Upstairs 2 Channel Rig -
Prometheus Ref. TVC passive pre, SAE A-205 Amp, Wiim pro streamer and Topping E50 DAC, California Audio Labs DX1 CD player, Von Schweikert VR3.5 speakers.
Studio Rig - Scarlett 18i20(Gen3) DAW, Mac Mini, Aiyma A07 Max (BridgedX2), Totem Mites -
SolidSqual wrote: »Yeah you are right I should, but I am afraid the Gallos might not be able to create the soundstage of the Maggies. I realize the Gallos and the AZAs are different speakers, but they are of the same breed in terms of using drivers . . . I looked towards the Maggies because they are an extreme change.
Perhaps, and I cannot comment as I have not heard the Maggies, but I have noticed that a lot of Maggie owners have jumped to the Gallos on other boards. As far as soundstage, that is the Gallos strong point. The Gallos are invisible. Spooky like. If the Maggies fit the bill for ya than I say go for them. But I think the Gallos may fit your tastes also. Demo, Demo, Demo.
Venom -
When I first heard the 1.6's, I was quite impressed. Then after listening multiple times, I began to prefer the box speaker. IMO, the Maggies sounded like I was listening to music in a concert hall. Some people like it, some don't. Plus, the sheer size of the Maggies would be too imposing for my room.
So I agree with Venom -- take a test drive. Do the demo with extended listening with your music, ideally with the 1.6's in your room on your equipment.HT/2-channel Rig: Sony 50 LCD TV; Toshiba HD-A2 DVD player; Emotiva LMC-1 pre/pro; Rogue Audio M-120 monoblocks (modded); Placette RVC; Emotiva LPA-1 amp; Bada HD-22 tube CDP (modded); VMPS Tower II SE (fronts); DIY Clearwave Dynamic 4CC (center); Wharfedale Opus Tri-Surrounds (rear); and VMPS 215 sub
"God grooves with tubes." -
Lots of very good speakers out there! The goal should be to listen to as many types, brands, and approaches to music reproduction as possible. With a strong secondary market via the internet, you don't have to buy speakers to live with for life! I try to find speakers that I would like to listen to for about 5 yrs, then I'll look for the next thing I want to try. The Magnepans, for me and what I like, are pretty close to ideal at this point in my audio journey.DKG999
HT System: LSi9, LSiCx2, LSiFX, LSi7, SVS 20-39 PC+, B&K 507.s2 AVR, B&K Ref 125.2, Tripplite LCR-2400, Cambridge 650BD, Signal Cable PC/SC, BJC IC, Samsung 55" LED
Music System: Magnepan 1.6QR, SVS SB12+, ARC pre, Parasound HCA1500 vertically bi-amped, Jolida CDP, Pro-Ject RM5.1SE TT, Pro-Ject TubeBox SE phono pre, SBT, PS Audio DLIII DAC -
Sorry to dig up an old thread but I did some searching and couldn't find any answer that satisfied me.
I know the Maggie MMGs are very power hungry for the 4ohm loads.
Does anyone have any experience with the following amps driving these bargain bad boys?
- PS Audio Trio A-100
- Parasound A23
Are these powerful enough to do some damage?
KG -
I've owned both the amps and driven heavier loads with them than the MMGs. Parasound Halo A23 would be a better match.
SolidSqual wrote: »I've owned both the amps and driven heavier loads with them than the MMGs. Parasound Halo A23 would be a better match.
Maggie 1.6s by any chance...or would the A21 be necessary for those?
Thanks for the response.
KG -
You'd be fine with the A23 IMO, but those speakers would always benefit from the extra power and headroom. You're talking to the wrong guy about minimum power. I have four monoblocks powering my speakers. If you can afford it, more power is always better, but the A23 will make those speakers sing. Two A23s would make them a force to be reckoned with.
SolidSqual wrote: »You'd be fine with the A23 IMO, but those speakers would always benefit from the extra power and headroom. You're talking to the wrong guy about minimum power. I have four monoblocks powering my speakers. If you can afford it, more power is always better, but the A23 will make those speakers sing. Two A23s would make them a force to be reckoned with.
2 A23s for the MMGs or the 1.6s? With the offer that Magnepan has, I'm sure everyone goes in saying I will just buy the MMGs and not worry about the trade-in offer. Nine months later, everyone probably starts thinking...hmm...I wonder what those 1.6s sound like?
If you said 2 A23s for the MMGs...were you thinking bridging or monos? I don't think you can run the A23s mono with a 4ohm load.
As always...thanks for the response.
KG -
I'm talking about the 1.6s. The 1.6s can be vertically or horizonatally biamped by the A23s. I would recommend vertically biamping them. The amps would still be running in stereo.
SolidSqual wrote: »I'm talking about the 1.6s. The 1.6s can be vertically or horizonatally biamped by the A23s. I would recommend vertically biamping them. The amps would still be running in stereo.
I meant biamped or mono in my response. :rolleyes:
Now I see what you meant.
What are you running these days? You seem to go through speakers like addicts go through drugs.
KG -
Well actually I've kept my Emmys for a while now. But, yes I have tried other speakers along the way, but never sold the Emmys.
Audio: Polk S15 * Polk S35 * Polk S10 * SVS SB-1000 Pro
HT: Samsung QN90B * Marantz NR1510 * Panasonic DMP-BDT220 * Roku Ultra LT * APC H10 -
I would think this is the last amp I would ever need.
or 2 of those!!! :rolleyes:
KG -
The sanders amps are better.