Bookshelf Replacement for a pair of old Monitor 10s

jthomas666 Posts: 3
edited January 2008 in Speakers
I have a 22 year-old pair of Polk Monitor 10s. They still sound great, and are in relatively good shape. Floor space is becoming an issue w/three kids, though, and it may be time to retire these guys in favor of a pair of good bookshelf speakers.

Would a pair of RTi6/RTiA3 speakers be a suitable replacement? Given that the placement of these speakers will be less than optimal due to room constraints, I was also considering using a pair of surround speakers, such as FXiA6s, though they're not generally intended for front channel use.

Either option will probably require that I break down and buy a powered subwoofer.

My receiver is a Yamaha RXV2500, and the system is mainly used for home theater.

Any suggestions would be appreciated; I haven't shopped for speakers in 22 years.
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