It's A Boy!!!!!!
I would like to formally announce that at approximately 5:37pm on Tuesday, September 17th, a helthy looking PSW1200 has made it's way into my home. 
After a sweat inspiring ride home with my 1200 hanging out the trunk, it arrived safely into my world. After Hoosier bowed out of the auction from Ebay, I bought it from the guy out in TN. (Thank you Hoosier) For some weird reason, the guy couldn't ship it to my apartment, so he had it shipped to my offices.
I have a Honda Accord and couldn't get that beast in the front or back seat, and the trunk was the only option. I didn't have any rope, but what I did have was one of those nifty lil trunk extender things. (For those that don't know what I'm talkin about, it's about the size of a tape measure, has one fixed hook on one corner, and then a retractable string that you clip up on the trunk lid and then use the locking mehcanism on the box to keep your trunk from popping open with your items being held in)
The idea that the 1200 was being held in my trunk by a string that's probably half the thickness of a straw was frightening, especially rollin down the freeway at 55. I didn't have any other options, and i sure as HELL wasn't going to leave it at the office.
So anyway, it's's insanely huge......and i LOVE IT!!!
Now just need to upgrade a few other pieces and I'll be stocked!
Let the tweeking begin........

After a sweat inspiring ride home with my 1200 hanging out the trunk, it arrived safely into my world. After Hoosier bowed out of the auction from Ebay, I bought it from the guy out in TN. (Thank you Hoosier) For some weird reason, the guy couldn't ship it to my apartment, so he had it shipped to my offices.
I have a Honda Accord and couldn't get that beast in the front or back seat, and the trunk was the only option. I didn't have any rope, but what I did have was one of those nifty lil trunk extender things. (For those that don't know what I'm talkin about, it's about the size of a tape measure, has one fixed hook on one corner, and then a retractable string that you clip up on the trunk lid and then use the locking mehcanism on the box to keep your trunk from popping open with your items being held in)
The idea that the 1200 was being held in my trunk by a string that's probably half the thickness of a straw was frightening, especially rollin down the freeway at 55. I didn't have any other options, and i sure as HELL wasn't going to leave it at the office.
So anyway, it's's insanely huge......and i LOVE IT!!!
Now just need to upgrade a few other pieces and I'll be stocked!
Let the tweeking begin........

comment comment comment comment. bitchy.
Post edited by brettw22 on
it's insanely huge......and i LOVE IT!!!
Congrats Brett!
Peace Out~:DIf...
Ron dislikes a film = go out and buy it.
Ron loves a film = don't even rent. -
Congrats Brett, I do not know about being a BOY but it is sure a BEAST! Let us know more about what you think about it (sound wise) and witch reciever u are using. Is it in a corner, how is it hooked up and what setting u have it at? I am curious in comparision to my setup.:)
Originally posted by scottvamp
Congrats Brett, I do not know about being a BOY but it is sure a BEAST!
I thought that if I said IT'S A MAN!!!!! that would have sounded wrong.....but i guess in that context, boy doesn't sound any better.......hmmmm......movin on.
I have absolutely NO idea how to set this thing.......SOOOOO many settings. I don't have a corner to put it of now, it's sounding VERY good. <<runs to check settings>> The volume is on 7, it's hooked up LFE in (like my old Infinity BU-2 was), Variable Bass Crossover is cranked up to 120, Variable Phase Alignment is at about 3pm position, and the Switchable High Pass Crossover(line level) is set to 80Hz.
I didn't adjust the Variable knobs, since I don't have a clue as to what they actually do. Hopefully by Friday I'll have my Denon 5803 so that I can hook that up. If you're in the area Scott, I could DEFINITELY use some advice for this place. Sadly, my RT16's look like they've been dwarfed now.
One other thing......the back plate on the sub is fairly hot to the that normal?comment comment comment comment. bitchy. -
The corner isn't the ideal place for that beast...congrads on that sub it's heavy I know first hand.
Try side wall placement,with the side firing woofers you might have better luck there.Dan
My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time. -
yes the amp should get hot...if it dosnt and ur playing it loud...probally means ur sub isnt doing nething...newayz nething with a amp usually will get hot, playing your denon when u get it at -30 or so for about 30 minutes and you'll see exactly what im talking about...Damn you all, damn you all to hell.......
I promised myself
No more speakers. None. Nada. And then you posted this!!!!
Damn you all! - ATC