RT Series vs LSi Series...

yoeddy Posts: 140
edited September 2002 in Speakers
So...this message is going out to those that have RT and CS350LS series speakers (or anyone that wants to participate :)) I am in a position to purchase some new speakers and I currently have RT16's as my mains, the CS350LS as my center and RT12's with the same tweeter as my 16's as my surrounds. I would probably go with LSi15's, LSiC, and LSiFX's for a setup. Has anyone here upgraded from more or less what I have to the LSi's? My Polks are very well loved and I am wanting to know if it would be worth the upgrade. I want something a little better for 2 channel audio, but in a 5.1 movie setting, my system is great. I run a Parasound AVC2500 Pre/Pro, a Parasound HCA2205 Amp (200x5) and a Sony DVP-S9000ES DVD/CD player.

Thanks fellow Polksters!
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  • mantis
    mantis Posts: 17,229
    edited September 2002
    nice setup.Selling the rt16's I assume???I once was after those fine speakers.

    The Lsi series are something you need if you haven't yeat a must demo speaker.Awesome in comparsion to others in it's class and I dare say they are the best in there class.

    You gear is fine to run them as well.
    My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.
  • TroyD
    TroyD Posts: 13,098
    edited September 2002

    GREAT rig you got there.....The LSi rig is in a different class though. My demo with them at HQ Polk was nothing short of amazing.

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut