Jazz at the Pawnshop



  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,136
    edited June 2010
    Sorry, my friend! At one time I thought it said "..call me by first of September" but I can't be sure.
    I didn't know the kitchen location part of the story, that's cool. I used to know the model of the microphones, but I'm too lazy to look on the album notes. I used to use the Proprius and Opus records to demo audio gear. I must have heard Pawnshop a thousand times, as well as the Christmas choral record. It never failed to create an immediate connection with the listener.

    Gert Palmcrantz wrote in the notes of one of the versions I have that he had to run the mic's (don't remember them off the top of my head either) wires over, under and through kitchen equipment to get it to the main gear. He also stated that most of the recording time he had to sit on the kitchen floor.

    It's amazing how he captured those musical moments so spectacularly in such conditions.

    My rig is currently down or else I would be going nuts trying to listen for your quote of September. I guarantee you that it will be one of the first things I do when I get her back up and running.

    Here is a discography of Gert productions or associated productions. I would love to hear some of them.

    Just another thought. When I read about Lars using the corn oil to lube up some squeaky fans all I could think of was, "what a mess he is going to have to clean up after that oil goes rancid!"
  • eeagle
    eeagle Posts: 226
    edited June 2010
    I love this SACD set and play it often....amazing sound and recording.

    They are sold on ebay new and shipped for $63 by a couple of highly rated sellers, and many times available for less used.

    Now I need to play it again to listen for the dialogue Ken Swauger heard :)
    SDA SRS 1.2
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  • jaama2shy
    jaama2shy Posts: 4
    edited June 2010
    albums are forever,spinning on that special turntable,that old school nothing else will do
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,136
    edited June 2010
    Nice first post jaama2shy! At first I thought it spam but no hidden text!

    Welcome to Club Polk.
  • heiney9
    heiney9 Posts: 25,236
    edited June 2010
    You're going to love it Mike.

    "Appreciation of audio is a completely subjective human experience. Measurements can provide a measure of insight, but are no substitute for human judgment. Why are we looking to reduce a subjective experience to objective criteria anyway? The subtleties of music and audio reproduction are for those who appreciate it. Differentiation by numbers is for those who do not".--Nelson Pass Pass Labs XA25 | EE Avant Pre | EE Mini Max Supreme DAC | MIT Shotgun S1 | Puritan Audio PSM136 Pwr Condtioner & Classic PC's | Legend L600 | BlueSound Node3 - Tubes add soul!
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,136
    edited June 2010
    Mike, it is truly a recording and performance masterpiece. I use the double LP on heavy vinyl as my first reference when test new gear. Then I throw in the SACD for comparison.
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,136
    edited June 2010
    Keiko wrote: »
    I was torn between which format to get. I opted for the SACD because titles are few and far between, plus I'm up to my ears in vinyl. Not that having choke vinyl is a bad thing. ;)

    If you had one format to choose of this title only, which would it be, Joe?

    Mike they both sound equally great to me but if I had to choose between which format it would me the vinyl set . . . now there's a surprise.:D The reason I say this is because although the SACD version has more weight to the music, I love that open, airy sound that vinyl imparts which sounds much more natural to me.

    It's a hard question to answer when you get into the audiophile releases of an album. Like my Big Brother Ted says, "I play the SACD and I say oh yeah beats the vinyl version hands down, I play the vinyl version and I say oh yeah it beats the SACD version hands down!" I'm of the same mind except with what I stated above which to me always trumps music weight.

    Then I have to think about my TT compared to the SACD player. If I would have to replace my turntable with an equivelent new one it would probably cost somewhere in the vacinity of an MSRP of $15,000. My SACD player which is a Denon 2900 mulit-format disc player's original MSRP was $1000 but I think if I bought a new product of that caliber it would cost a lot more. The point is; is that a fair comparison to be making a judgement call on which format is better . . . I give a resounding NO! Perhaps if I had the Musical Fidelity kw SACD/CD player which new is half the price of the replacement value of my TT then I could probably make a more fair comparison. I've heard the MF kw player in two differnt rigs and it sounds spectacular. However I've never been able to put my TT head to head with the kw.

    If you would have asked me which format of JATP to buy before you got yours, I would have told you to buy the heavy vinyl double LP set. Despite the disparity between my two piece of gear. Obviously I have a heavy bias towards vinyl but take into consideration that I've been a vinyl freak since I was a teen ager and SACD is a relatively new format.

    So there you have it . . . confused!?! LOL!:rolleyes::D . . . but that's the way I see it. I could have just answered your question with a simple "LP" but there are so many variables, I feel I would be doing you a disservice by such such a shot answer.
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,136
    edited June 2010
    Keiko wrote: »
    I read ya, Gus. I dig the SACD and am happy with the purchase. Later on down the road when $$$ isn't so tight I'll snag the vinyl for a comparison.

    Russman is killing me in the FM with all those PF, Harvest Labels. I need too learn and stay away from there, for now. :/

    It has taken every bit of my will power to stay out of that thread just like Georges threads, I must stay away or walk around with a remorse filled twisted gut because I can't move on them and don't want to know what it is I'm missing.:(
  • Disc Jockey
    Disc Jockey Posts: 1,013
    edited September 2010
    Just got finished listening to the K2HD versions of this, which some say is even better than the SACD, and I've not heard any of the other versions but wow was that fantastic! What a truly amazing listening experience.

    Ken, from what the liner notes say, this was actually recorded on a pair of Nagra IV's that he alternated since each reel only lasted 15 minutes.

    As far as the September comment, I heard what you were talking about but given the venue I'm pretty sure it was Swedish and not English they were speaking so it only sounded like September. In fact, they make note of the fact that one of the musicians called out (in Swedish) "What's the tempo?" right before that cut and was answered "First take, tempo" so that might be it. Don't know what that sounds like in Swedish.

    Also of interest is the note that the original analog tape of the second reel was lost in the early 80's and not found again until the late 90's so anything made during that time (including the first two FIM versions) were done from a copy and not the original master. There is also a Collector's Edition and Direct From Master Edition available now from Proprius.
    "The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is courage." Thucydides
  • Disc Jockey
    Disc Jockey Posts: 1,013
    edited September 2010
    Quick check of google translator shows "first take, tempo " translates to "forst ta, tempo" - sounds pretty close to "first of September to me"!
    "The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is courage." Thucydides
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,136
    edited September 2010
    Great stuff DJ!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 7,658
    edited September 2010
    Hello DJ,
    You are absolutely correct, the "Cantate Domino" Proprius label (also an amazing recording) was done with an A77, not "Pawnshop". Thanks for clearing that up. I think you are correct about the Swedish, now that I have a good clue what they are saying I can hear it now. Mystery solved!
    Cheers, Ken
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,136
    edited September 2010
    Hello DJ,
    You are absolutely correct, the "Cantate Domino" Proprius label (also an amazing recording) was done with an A77, not "Pawnshop". Thanks for clearing that up. I think you are correct about the Swedish, now that I have a good clue what they are saying I can hear it now. Mystery solved!
    Cheers, Ken

    I have this LP and it is breath taking!