Hummer style driving in Iraq



  • ledhed
    ledhed Posts: 1,088
    edited February 2007
    I'm not too tired to address this!!

    That "killed in jihad" is a Muslem thing, good ones, bad ones, indifferent ones they all believe in jihad.

    These are NOT Christians and they do not KILL FOR CHRIST!!! That is the same as you saying, "who kill and destroy in the name of the Christian religion" . . . they are people who have distorted what the Bible, mainly the New Testament has to say. . . we Christians DO NOT believe in Holy war like the Muslems do. . .nor do we (and I am including you by your own admission) believe in killing anyone in abortion clinics to try to prove a point. You claim to be a Christian but you say the Christian "religion"???? Christianity is NOT a religion. Catholism, Protestantism, Greak Orthodox, etc, etc are religions, Christianity is NOT!!!

    If it is not a personal attack and you are so put off by this "racial slur" then why are you assuming, "are stated by "Christian" people who have no care to research and find the truth about these people," ---How do you know this is stated by "Christian" people????

    You seem to be guilty of this by your own statements. You can start by finding out what a religion is!!! Christianity is a spiritual way of life, not a religion.

    It saddens me when someone who knows NOTHING about religion makes general statements like you have and go after people who still feel the sting of what Muslims did on 911 and what Muslims are still doing or rather killing, each other, themselves, us, Westerners and anyone else who do not believe as they do.

    Yes, from my understanding, all of Islam believes in jihad but not all believe they are in a holy war against America

    Yes, the KKK etc. believe they have a special mission from God as do these islamic terrorists. Sure, Islam is more violent than the Christian Faith (be it catholic, protestant or any religion that falls under the old and new testament) but, these extremists stretch their religion into killing people for really no reason. There is more of them, yes. Probably because of where they live and really have nothing to lose. Or because they are taken is at a young age and essentially brainwashed into believing such things as Islamic fundamentalism teaches.

    I am maddened and outraged at terrorists but feel as though innocent civilians should not suffer. Yes, it is impossible to tell the difference but I still feel for those people who are persecuted because Americans hold hostility towards all those they believe to be from the Middle East no matter their beliefs.

    And, I have heard countless "Christians" say such things. Where I grew up, the area was covered with people who feel as though any difference was a bad thing and many held and still hold the belief that anyone not saved by grace is pure evil.

    I'm sorry if I offended anyone, I am not trying to say anyone here is wrong, I am just starting to get tired of hearing derogatory things said about people who have done nothing wrong, I just snapped here, probably because it was late. And for the record, I don't feel as though Mike personally said anything offensive, like I said, it was late and I misconstrued and took what he was saying slightly out of context.

    So, to sum up all my beliefs: Can't we just all get along? :p :rolleyes: No, but I wish we would have just a little more understanding, as I said, is mostly where I live and begin to feel trapped in ignorance so I have to come to a more fair balanced and intelligent (yes, I consider club polk intelligent) place to rant.
    God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. - Romans 5:8
  • Demiurge
    Demiurge Posts: 10,874
    edited February 2007
    jdhdiggs wrote:
    BTW, arabs drive like morons to begin with and if they had the armoured hummer, they'd drive the exact same way even though they aren't in danger.

    BTW: Anyone know the religion/background of the kid in the SLC shopping mall? ;)

    Musmon? :p
  • PolkThug
    PolkThug Posts: 7,532
    edited February 2007
    Christianity is NOT a religion. Catholism, Protestantism, Greak Orthodox, etc, etc are religions, Christianity is NOT!!!

    What are you smoking today? You've named denominations of Christianity.

    "Christianity is a monotheistic religion centered on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the New Testament."

    "Chris·ti·an·i·ty –noun, plural -ties.
    1. the Christian religion, including the Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern Orthodox churches. "

    If Christianity is not a religion, are you trying to say its a cult? ;)
  • MikeC78
    MikeC78 Posts: 2,315
    edited February 2007
    ledhed wrote:
    Why continue ignorance by stating generalizations? While some of this is based on truth (If killed in jihad, you get greater praise in heaven) I find the statement that they are screwed up in the head derogatory and offensive.

    YES, terrorists and extremeists are bad news but many of the people in Iraq and surrounding region also feel that way. Christians have theirs to; we have many who kill and destroy in the name of the Christian religion: those that destroy abortion clinics and kill the patrons to try and "prove a point" then we have David Koresh, Eric Rudolph, the KKK, and people like Fred Phelps and psychos like Orel Roberts.

    This is not a personal attack, it just saddens me when racial slurs get thrown around and quips like "kill them all and let God sort them out" are stated by "Christian" people who have no care to research and find the truth about these people when they can't realize that if America was bombed and "sorted" there wouldn't be many people not getting their asses singed.

    Sorry for the rantiness of this post, I guess I need to get out of the south :rolleyes:

    Get real!!!:rolleyes:

    Yep, you are right... I was generalizing. I was speaking for the majority as there are a few good small percentage of Iraqi's who I wouldn't consider terrorists(But, you never know).

    BTW, I wish some of you would make a visit to Iraq, I'm sure your views would change real quick! Take care my friend and relax a little...
