Home Theater...its Not That Hard!!!



  • Posts: 13,098
    edited July 2002
    Even BETTER would be if we could get G-Diddy Grand to pick us up in one of his NIFTY KC-135's......

    All seriousness though, any of you mofos come through Charleston SC and DON'T drop in, my feelings will be hurt.

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • Posts: 4,413
    edited July 2002

    I had a co-worker bring me some Palmetto, 3 versions, good stuff.
    Dodd - Battery Preamp
    Monarchy Audio SE100 Delux - mono power amps
    Sony DVP-NS999ES - SACD player
    ADS 1230 - Polk SDA 2B
    DIY Stereo Subwoofer towers w/(4) 12 drivers each
    Crown K1 - Subwoofer amp
    Outlaw ICBM - crossover
    Beringher BFD - sub eq

    Where is the remote? Where is the $%#$% remote!

    "I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us have...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..."
  • Posts: 13,098
    edited July 2002

    When I get to GA, I can hook you up with some. How far are you from Canton?

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • Posts: 17,229
    edited July 2002
    First of all this post was not intended for a pissing match,rather it started out pretty cool untill TroyD posted his as usual disagreeable post.Then it was all down hill from there.

    I know we said our truce in the past,correct me if I'm wrong,butI really seems like you go out of your way just 2 dissagree with me for whatever your reasons are...You find a way to bring up the past and never let anything go.
    You always want me to cool my guns but its ok when I'm on the receiving end of anything.Gee I can't disagee with anything you say.I have my opnions and facts like anyone else in here and have the right to them,just as you ask to have the right to yours.
    As you know I'm sure you do,I have a deep passion for all audio and video formats.I have owned just about all of them at one time or another.It's my life and my livlihood.I argue points because I actually care about this stuff....alot.I like this forum but it gets out of hand...just like this post is doing.

    Whats my deal????Not with you bud.But stating AS IF ANYONE ASKED is plan cold bro........Do I need your personal permission to post around here or ask If I can make a post????On this post I haven't lashed out at anyone including you!!!TroyD and i argue all the time....Its like we can't agree on anything......not your beef.
    And YES your reading my posts wrong.....I have read in here people defending there systems,I'm not saying your system sucks or anyone else for that matter......As other people can say "you can't call it that"why is it when I say "you can't call it something"I'm the straight out ****?You ask and state it would be nice if a personal of professional level would help out people and offer good advice in here.........here I am...all ego aside....I try to offer as much help to all people in here.If you would just take the time to read some of my posts, you'll see what I'm talking about.Most of the time when I'm tring to help out people...TroyD and Russman will come on that post and start talking smack.Joking or not it pisses me off.
    You also said "since I have arrived this is all I do is talk ****....I have been here longer then just about all member's left in here.This forum wasn't always like this,there was guys who came threw here talking smack ,like a guy named Snake....he made me quit this post for a very long time.There was alot of good guys in herre and still are some.I have no beef with you but if you have with me....address me personally and I will work it out.

    that was about the biggest **** post I think you ever wrote.You offended me with that **** and I will deal with you on a personal level over I"M dude.....I try my verybest to swallow your crude humor but guess what man....I'm not laughing.

    Listen up man,
    Snobby I am not.....I never push around how much money I make you say thing like my system is better then your's or any other SNOBBY things like that........This post is not snobby.maybe to you it is then address that clearly and we can work it out......I'm very easy going.


    Now if you want to experience Dolby Digital 5.1...what do you need?
    What about DTS5.1???
    And Dolby surround????
    Surround sound is one key factor to mae up a home theater.
    I'm not going to argue what you think is home theater......have it your way..it's your room to listen....but if you cannot replay the nessary channel on a given recording,your not using a home theater system.
    This topic could have been discussed in a civil manner but in here MOST of you can't talk about it,just face f&*k me about what and how I feel about it.
    My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.
  • Posts: 13,098
    edited July 2002

    Point out to me, where, in this post or any other for the last couple weeks or so where I have said anything personal about you. I have kept my word. Go ahead and get your quote on.

    I think that maybe subconciously, you are stewing over the biwiring post that Aaron started. If memory serves, I only posted a couple times in that thread and I don't believe any of those were directed at you. However, the fact remains that biwiring and HT are two totally different terms. Biwiring is an empirical fact. HT is not. It is apples and oranges.

    All my mosts have been my honest opinions. I don't feel that surround is a required part of HT. If you do, as I stated before, you are more than welcome to that opinion. I never said your opinion is wrong, I just don't agree. However one opinion is not any more valid than another. For crying out loud this isn't some competition as to who is right. Who REALLY gives a ****? I don't and it would seem most of the others don't either.

    As for the rest of it, whatever. I've said over and over that I don't care to participate in a pisssing contest. That does not mean that I won't state and logically support my opinions.

    I will only add that it would seem that the forum in general is getting pretty tired of this as well.

    Let's move on here.

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • Posts: 3,277
    edited July 2002
    mantis- I agree with you on an even higher level. But it really doesn't matter- I get pissed on alot myself.
    I am VERY passionate about HT.
    The simple deff. of HT is "Replicating the Movie Theater experience in your home." This means large moniter/screen and full range sound. These people that are paying $8.00 a person every weekend are paying for the huge screen and the "awesome surround sound experience". George Lucas says
    "sound is 50% of a movie" and I totally agree with that. No I don't worship Lucas and I don't think that THX is realivent to equipment.
    If it's got good acting and a good story you don't need surround sound to transport you anywhere, 'cause you're already there!
    Ohhh please tell me your joking. If this were true why don't you listen to movies on a mono clock radio like in the 30/40's. And a 19" bl/wh tv with a $60 Classic DVD player does not even close to a HT. Jurassic Park with a 3 1/2" T-Rex with the thundering growl of a field mouse. Think about it. It's the way I feel about it. At what point does a A/V system become HT --- maybe just maybe when the site and sound of your local movie theater just doesn't compare to your own home theater experience. I created this for myself about a year ago and I can't what for my next movie. Witch is in about 2 hours :D
  • Posts: 3,277
    edited July 2002
    I command that all this maddness STOP. Heee! Haaaa!
    SSsshhhhhhhh*****What is so funny is when I speak on a thread it totally dies out.
    Even one's like this that are getting several hits an hour.******Ssssshhhhhh
  • Posts: 13,098
    edited July 2002

    I seen the **** you buy on ebay....I'm staying FAR away from your Crazy Train there OZ :D

    But I do know that you Love a Rainy Night.....

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • Posts: 3,277
    edited July 2002
    Dam it TroyD, keep that stuff on the down lo!:lol:
  • Posts: 1,261
    edited July 2002
    I'm by no means an experienced audiophile with several systems under my belt. But when I think of a theater, I think of the current style of theaters..and not a single one "that I know of" has sound only coming from the front of the theater. It's like saying I own a sports car...but my car hasn't been called that since the fifties. And the person I told this to is picturing a sleek, newer model because that's the currentl style..then when he's underwhelmed at my clunker or says "that's not a sports car" I get pissed at him. *no I don't own a vintage sports car*
    *MY* definition of a home theater is the attempt to recreate a theater-like experience at home. That means you have surround sound..just like probably every theater today has. *MY* definition of a television with anything other than surround sound speakers is an Entertainment Center/System. And I don't care how good the acting/plot/dialogue/script is...home theater sound ENHANCES it. Which is the whole **** purpose of buying a good system anyway..isn't it?
    Two Channel Main
    Receiver - VSX-54TX
    Mains - Csi40's
    Sub - Spiked Velodyne Cht-8 On Spiked Landscaping Stones

    "If you could put speakers in a needle, I'd never see him again..." - My Girlfriend
  • Posts: 3,277
    edited July 2002
    Right on Liquidsound- I have watched some movies that were just O.K. but with the big screen and great sound surrounding me - it was a great movie. I am a big horror buff and I have never seen anybody jump out of there seat with there hearts going a mile a minute with a 3 watt "small" tv. If you just want good acting and a boring plot go watch a play. :rolleyes:
  • Posts: 1,261
    edited July 2002
    Scottvamp, you've got a sweet setup there chief. Where did you land that slew of dolby digital stuff? Has the theater you looted it from noticed it missing yet?
    Ahh....so THAT'S what a 1200 looks like. *envy*
    Two Channel Main
    Receiver - VSX-54TX
    Mains - Csi40's
    Sub - Spiked Velodyne Cht-8 On Spiked Landscaping Stones

    "If you could put speakers in a needle, I'd never see him again..." - My Girlfriend
  • Posts: 17,986
    edited July 2002
    Dan, I apologize, personal attacks are not cool, and if that is what I did, my bad, I mean that. However, I still don't understand the behavior you exhibit.

    Your rant above states you only want to express your opinion, yet, at the end, you state said beliefs as fact, and get angry when others express nothing more than their opinion.

    It's a 2 way street brotha. Just because my opinion doesn't mate with yours, doesn't mean I am holding a personal vendetta. It's just an opinion.

    Snobbery? Money? You contantly feel a need to remind us that you are a 'professional', and that you make 'good money' at what you do. I hate to say it, but I seriously doubt, even though you can claim to work 'in the industry', that you have any more real exposure, or resources than I, or any another common man here has.

    I actually do respect your opinion, but you rarely present it as that, you present it as fact, as if you are waiting for all of us to ohh and ahh and your words of wisdom. I don't know, do what you do for 30 years, and maybe it will happen.

    I do know you have something to offer, but as we have spoken before, in private, its the delivery that kills.

    Anyway, I guess we may never see everything eye to eye, honestly, I don't expect us too. I'm wheels-off drunk, and this post is giving me major tired-head.....I'm gonna go jam some Eddie Rabbit LP's....

    'Ohhhhh, I'm driving my life away....looking for a better way.....forrrrrrr meeeee'

    Check your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service.
  • Posts: 5,256
    edited July 2002
    You go Russ.., the HBomb is trashed with ya and Pouring a Rum now.

    Its all cool if you want my opinion. Thank God for vendors!
  • Posts: 17,229
    edited July 2002
    I do stand my ground on what I say.Thanks for the support,and well better put we see Home theater closer to the same then other's in here.
    I don't buy the 2 channel system is Home Theater,2 me it's not an as a todays industry standard it's not.I don't like pissing matches and would like to talk about it instead of fighting about it.

    Look TroyD,
    I respect your opnion as well,as outlandis as I think it is sometimes...I still respect it.Trust me when I tell you,I have been giving Quiting this post agin for sometime,even since the last big Online TuffGuy Brawl.
    I'm not going to get my quote on as I want this fued between you and I to end right here and now.I think we can post civil, if we just try not to kick one another.

    your points are also noted.Home Theater as it is marketed today is what it is.I didn't make the rules but I love it..all of it.

    I respect it and except it.
    But I have talked to you enough off this post for you 2 know I'm not a snob, nor do I have any Intentions of rubbing what I do for a living in anyones face.And as far as money is conserned...I only posted that liv4fam and myself get paid verywell only because YOU and troyD posted that it's not rocket science to do our jobs....Thats a personal attack and you guys did it alot.In many differnt posts..more you then Troy but there.These no need for it.
    The money thing I never said what I make and it's nobodies bussiness but my own.
    Brother you can dought me all you want.But the truth/fact is I am a factory trained Professional Installer and Programmer.I get trained on things you haven't seen because there not in the public eye.This is not intended to rub it in or anything,but you insult me in the same post that your apologize in.I do this **** everyday.I have installed thousands of systems.One of my systems has been on MTV cribs........Patty Lebelle's house,Liv4fam and I did her house when we worked for Soundex.She is a very nice lady the little I spoke with her.I don't claim to work in the industry ...I do ****.......I do see how you can say I don't get more exposure then people that don't work in this industry.I install it everyday 2 to 3 systems a day or 1 to 2 weeks depending on the complexity of the job.
    The last thing I want is OHH's and Haa's over what I post.I can help people with alot of things.So can most of all of you can.You guys even made jokes about the Great Book that Mantis wrote..I laughed and went along with it,but it was an insult.
    Russ you bring that up all the time,I don't psot that way anymore if I ever did,I'm also sorry....I do have poor delivery but I try.I believe alot of what I post is fact.....**** dude I have done all of it,I never ever post spec's or what I have read........I experience it.........Ihave read the spec's,I have done tons of research......I think experience is what I have to offer anyone who wants my help.
    All of you at one time or another have taught me a thing or 2....just because I'm a Professional,Doesnt' make me the be all end all and I don't want ANYONE to feel that way...Including you Russ.
    So Lets put this to rest once and foreall.The past is the past.........I will try to forget all the dickhead things that where posted to me and I hope If I offended anyone in the past ,You can forget as well.

    TONIGHTS A NEW NIGHT..........Lorenna Mckennitt is playing on my rt35i's and I love it...........Peace to all!!!!!
    My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.
  • Posts: 3,277
    edited July 2002
    Scottvamp, you've got a sweet setup there chief. Where did you land that slew of dolby digital stuff? Has the theater you looted it from noticed it missing yet?

    Liquidsound - thanks for the kind words. Much of my income went into it. But it is alot of fun. Now I have two rows of couches in it and the rear couch is elevated about a foot higher than the front and that is where I like to set. I need to send some new pics for the showcase. Just got done watching Resident Evil and the sound/picture quality of new DVD's keeps impressing me more and more. The surround effects keep getting stronger and more defined. Makes having a 6.1 setup much more apreciated.
    Got all of my DTS and Dolby Digital stuff from the wed sites stores.
    DTS.com and DolbyDigital.com
    Ahh....so THAT'S what a 1200 looks like. *envy*

    Were u eyeing my sexy ****:D
  • Posts: 51,017
    edited July 2002
    scottvamp, LiquidSound, mantis, etc.

    A long, long time ago before George Lucas decided to bless you with his idea that "sound is 50% of a movie" people use to watch silent films. By all accounts I've heard, the people filled the theaters and enjoyed the films. Then, "talkies" came along and people filled the theaters and enjoyed the films. Then, stereo came along and people filled the theaters and enjoyed the films.
    My point, once again, is that it's the film and not the sound that gets people out to the theater.
    If you think Jurassic Park could stand on it's own without ALOT of help from it's sound track, then you don't know what a good movie is about. Godzilla was a 3 1/2" image on mono TV once and it scared the **** out of alot of people. Now, I'm not saying it was a good movie, just trying to make a point.
    So, today we have movies made around special effects and a 5.1 sound track so that Hollywood can put out lousy movies that lots of people think are great, because.....Oh, wow did you hear that!?! Give me a break!
    Now, the opposite is true if you go to a live music performance. Sure, it's cool to see the lights and stage set, but does that stuff make the music sound better...I think not. In this case it is all about the sound!!!
    I'm not knocking those that believe HT is the reason to live, I'm blaming your teachers who failed to get you to think outside the box....LOL, that's a joke son!
    Political Correctness'.........defined

    "A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."

    President of Club Polk

  • Posts: 17,986
    edited July 2002
    blah blah blah blah, I'm done with this post......
    Check your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service.
  • Posts: 5,860
    edited July 2002
    My $.02

    HT is HT. Many years ago we were all in the Dark Ages and watched movies in mono, then came stereo and of course multi-channel surround sound Bliss. Just as movie theaters evolved, our definitions of Home Theater have also evolved. I think that your very own personal idea of what a HT should be comprised of is as close to the correct definition as anyone can provide.

    But maybe the best way to look at this is to realize that for the majority of the people out there today the idea is to repeat the Movie Theater experience in there own home. For most (not ALL) this means OAR, multi-channel surround and as big a picture as they can afford or cram into a given space.

    Lets remember that there are still a FEW theaters out there that do not have more than 2 speakers. They are still theaters, just not as modern as most. Regardless of what your own definition of an HT may be, I think that MOST people would agree that Home Theater is all about recreating the Modern Cinema in your own home.

    HT is HT. Mine has X amount of speakers, yours has Y amount of speakers. Which is a true HT? Both!
    9/11 - WE WILL NEVER FORGET!! (<---<<click)
    2005-06 Club Polk Football Pool Champion!! :D
  • Posts: 1,464
    edited July 2002
    HT is HT. Mine has X amount of speakers, yours has Y amount of speakers. Which is a true HT? Both!

    Period......THE END:D
    Oh, the bottle has been to me, my closes friend, my worse enemy!
  • Posts: 101
    edited July 2002
    I'm gonna say my 4.5cents on this. HT started out to me as hooking up my vcr to my stereo. then came the bookself mini-hi-fi<dolby pro with 2 aux inputs!!!>Then my Sony, that had 5.1 inputs. My RCA was next, man it was Dolby Digital<no DTS> and finally my 6.1/7.1 setup with Harmon Kardon.

    now I will personally have words<even you mantis whom I greatly respect> if you argue that at any point and time that I didn't have HT. because I thought I did.

    HT is all perspective, so are cars, so are women, so is food, and ever beer for that matter.
    so drink up have one on me, beer.gif
    and remember... Its all fun and games till some one puts an eye out. then the fun really begins
    The probibility of someone watching you is directly related to the stupidity of the action in question.:eek:
  • Posts: 1,261
    edited July 2002
    "My point, once again, is that it's the film and not the sound that gets people out to the theater."-F1Nut
    You forgot commercials, word of mouth, and fancy movie posters. And it's usually a car that gets them there.. *an attempt at light hearted humor*smiles*

    Ok, never once did I say *the film is ****, sound is king* The film is the central focus of the experience. The sound is just a peripheral enhancement...but a rather important one. Don't believe me? Sink about 30 grand in a theater and don't buy a sound system...only use subtitles. Tell people it conforms to YOUR standards as a theater...see how long it floats. Or, produce a yugo with racing stripes and call it a sports car. To someone with a skateboard, it will work just fine as a 'sports car'. Until they see the other, current sports cars out there and realize they're driving a three cylinder toaster.
    If you wanna call a 2 channel system a "theater" then I'll call the wheel a "masterful exhibit of human technology and ingenuity"....because it was..at one point in time. My point is, you can't use a modern term for something that isn't up to date. At one time a 56k connection was considered "speedy" and "top of the line" can you call it that today???
    Two Channel Main
    Receiver - VSX-54TX
    Mains - Csi40's
    Sub - Spiked Velodyne Cht-8 On Spiked Landscaping Stones

    "If you could put speakers in a needle, I'd never see him again..." - My Girlfriend
  • Posts: 3,277
    edited July 2002
    Nice Liquidsound very nice.
    A long, long time ago before George Lucas decided to bless you with his idea that "sound is 50% of a movie" people use to watch silent films.
    Long ago we used to think the world was flat- and - Hometheater was not a household word. Times change and so does technology. DVD*Dolby Digital*5.1*Surround Sound*big screen*
    These are pretty standard terms in hometheater.
    Tires*Steering Wheel*Engine*Windshield*
    There are pretty standard terms for a automobile.

    UG-4730 Continental known as the
    "Danish Modern"
    Identified by four fin shaped legs.
    This set features a 21 inch view screen
    and a Mahogany finish.
  • Posts: 1,261
    edited July 2002
    "Then, "talkies" came along"-F1Nut
    Is that a cousin to the "wookie"? Ahh, another blessing by George Lucas.
    Two Channel Main
    Receiver - VSX-54TX
    Mains - Csi40's
    Sub - Spiked Velodyne Cht-8 On Spiked Landscaping Stones

    "If you could put speakers in a needle, I'd never see him again..." - My Girlfriend
  • Posts: 1,261
    edited July 2002
    A long, long time ago..splinters were a common problem in toilet paper. Yes you read that correctly. YEEEOUCH!!
    Two Channel Main
    Receiver - VSX-54TX
    Mains - Csi40's
    Sub - Spiked Velodyne Cht-8 On Spiked Landscaping Stones

    "If you could put speakers in a needle, I'd never see him again..." - My Girlfriend
  • Posts: 3,277
    edited July 2002
    1931 Jenkins mechanical scanning disc TV set which throws an amazing picture up to 8" square, in home use; with optional reciever incasing one dynamic loudspreaker with efficient tone control called the JD-30
  • Posts: 1,261
    edited July 2002
    But is it THX certified?
    Two Channel Main
    Receiver - VSX-54TX
    Mains - Csi40's
    Sub - Spiked Velodyne Cht-8 On Spiked Landscaping Stones

    "If you could put speakers in a needle, I'd never see him again..." - My Girlfriend
  • Posts: 3,277
    edited July 2002
  • Posts: 17,229
    edited July 2002
    I never thought this post would go the distance.....but man has it grown..........

    Enjoy your systems your way...I'll enjoy mine..my way.
    So Enjoy
    My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.
  • Posts: 5,860
    edited July 2002
    Sorry Mantis...
    Your speakers are the wrong color. You can't have an opinion anymore!
    9/11 - WE WILL NEVER FORGET!! (<---<<click)
    2005-06 Club Polk Football Pool Champion!! :D


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