New setup, wiring questions

edbert Posts: 1,041
edited December 2006 in Troubleshooting
Okay, for Christmas I will be assembling a surround sound system for the first time. Here's the list of things that I will be using

Monitor 40's - fronts
Monitor 30's - surrounds
CS1 - Center
PSW10 - Sub
Pioneer VSX 816 K/S - Receiver

The receiver is a 7.1 channel receiver rated at 110 watts per channel. I know that you can bi-amp the Monitor 40's and would really like to do that. According to the receiver manual, I can connect one set of speaker wires to the front channel and the other set to the "Surround Back" channel since the audio output is the same for these two channels. My question is, will I do damage to the speakers with 110 watts going to the highs and 110 watts going to the lows? Thanks for your help and I can't wait until two weeks from now when all this comes together.
I know just enough to be dangerous, but don't tell my wife, she thinks I'm a genius. :D

Pioneer VSX-816
Monitor 40's - fronts, bi-amped
Monitor 30's - surrounds
CS1 - center
PSW10 - I'll let you guess
Blue Jeans Cable - speaker cable
Daewoo 27 incher - one step up from a console
Sony Progressive scan DVD

SOPA since 2008
Here's my stuff.
