Potential Challengers for the FAP
I had to print that picture of Shannon and run to the bathroom.
I've gotta go look again.Check your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service. -
Ask and ye shall receive
She is the one on the right -
You know... Shannon Elizabeth is really honestly not all that in the face.
I mean, you get really really distracted -- I'm STILL distracted -- and that's understandable, but the face is a big letdown; sort of horsey, isn't she?
Now, let's see that Cruz girl...
Sheesh. This is pathetic. This is an audio forum...
Ouch. -
Micah, I'm glad you've mostly seen the light about Shannon. I don't, however, agree with your assessment of her face. I think she has an extremely cute face. Check out the cover of the latest Rolling Stone for proof.
Aaron -
.... try this link (assuming the link to Geocities will actually work)
http://www.geocities.com/~stekson/se/pictures/gallery9.htm -
Naw. I actually like the little blonde from "American Pie" better, now that I'm really looking looking. Shannon's got tremendous gifts, but her face is like a 5 out of 11. And I can say that because my own personal face is just barely a 1.5 out of 11, so no one can fight me on this. Shannon's a little too horsey for me. It gets in the way.
The little blonde, tho, Tara something... I think she's a dirty little girl. Troy, 'know what I mean?
Where's this Cruz girl from?
MC -
Your Little Blonde from Pie got arrested yesterday for OUI out in California...So, now she is HOT and BAD....
Cept she looked better in AP1...Didn't really like her look in AP2
As for Cruz, she is Tom Cruise's girl now...They got a movie coming out soon and she was just in somebodys Mandolin with That Hairy dude with the long arms that girls like for some reason... -
Is this "good" enough for you, and clean enough for this site.
http://www.cinema-stars.com/TaraReid/images/6.jpgDodd - Battery Preamp
Monarchy Audio SE100 Delux - mono power amps
Sony DVP-NS999ES - SACD player
ADS 1230 - Polk SDA 2B
DIY Stereo Subwoofer towers w/(4) 12 drivers each
Crown K1 - Subwoofer amp
Outlaw ICBM - crossover
Beringher BFD - sub eq
Where is the remote? Where is the $%#$% remote!
"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us have...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..." -
Whoa. Okay, and she's gettin arrested? What is she, like 16? She is definitely a dirty dirty girl. Which makes up for the fact that she's a blonde. Big time.
Get me pitchers of the Cruz girl! Comeon guys, you know I have important Polk Audio work to be doing, I don't have time to cruise the net for pitchers.
Check here...
MC -
Dodd - Battery Preamp
Monarchy Audio SE100 Delux - mono power amps
Sony DVP-NS999ES - SACD player
ADS 1230 - Polk SDA 2B
DIY Stereo Subwoofer towers w/(4) 12 drivers each
Crown K1 - Subwoofer amp
Outlaw ICBM - crossover
Beringher BFD - sub eq
Where is the remote? Where is the $%#$% remote!
"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us have...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..." -
With Tara, it's her eyes that set her apart and the Black and White photo does NOT do her justice...
Ms Cruz in Mostly non-revealing photos...
I don't see much in her though...
http://movies.yahoo.com/shop?d=hc&id=1800019548&cf=mm -
It's not just Tara's eyes. It's her mouth. Sheesh. What a dirty little girl.
And Anna Kornawhatever is an interesting case. She's a big girl with a little tiny baby-girl's face, and there's something SO SEXY about that. But she's also kind of awkward and ungainly. No question that if you get her from the right angle, she's very cute and womanly at the same time. That's intrigueing.
But I think the winner of the Big First Prize has to be...
I'm feeling very patriotic. And I bet Penelope Cruz doesn't even speak English.
MC -
The girl in American Pie?! That girl is real hot. She definetly looked better in AM2. I thought for a minute you were talking about the other blonde girl in American Pie -- the one who was also in American Beauty. I think she is NOT attractive, but it seems a lot of people disagree with me on that on.
My vote would probably go to her. There are too many to pick from right now, can't we just narrow it to 2 or 3?
~Justin -
Why do I think This is Micah's favorite Website???
FYI, that link has links to questionable material to some. It is also on a timer. Sit at that site for more than about 30 seconds, then it forwards you to it's regular site with the questionable links...
The links don't bother me, but figured I would let you know in case you are offended by nekkid pics. -
hay russ i think my boy sergie fedaroff of the red wings is naling that **** in detroit
scott:cool: -
all i have to say is 7 of 9
Yeah, she has quite the rack, doesn't she? Anyone have any links to some pictures of her?
Aaron -
what the hell does the time 8:53 have to do with anything?
There are a few sites out there that have pics of her, But I am tired of looking them all up. The people here at work might start thinking something... -
what the hell does the time 8:53 have to do with anything?There are a few sites out there that have pics of her, But I am tired of looking them all up. The people here at work might start thinking something...
Aaron -
I am going straight to hell!
Hey, that was a pretty cool Drivin'N'Cryin song....
TroyI plan for the future. - F1Nut -
Well, Paul has introduced me to a definite Penelope-challenger...
This is what I miss by not watching prime time TV? Damn.
MC -
NOT getting any work done today.
TroyI plan for the future. - F1Nut -
she was in Maxim (or whatever that magazine is) last winter or something like that. Veddy, Veddy hot. Oh, yeah I know what you mean. Chloroform optional, just whack her in the back of the head with a brick should do the job nicely.
TroyI plan for the future. - F1Nut -
Yeah, I can't for the life of me concentrate on anything. I'm supposed to be doing LSi stuff... And I can't keep my brain on it.
Troy, if they can chew through the leather straps, do you them go in the morning?A man after my own heart.
MC -
it seems only fair doesn't it?
TroyI plan for the future. - F1Nut -
See, my take on this is that there is nothing that's keeping me from enjoying the life of say, a Tom Cruise, except a few thousand dollars of plastic surgery.
And because I don't have that luxury, I've always had to take the "troll under the bridge" approach to women: I will do anything, and say anthing, to get you to notice me among the Tom Cruises, who seem to be everywhere.
I can be tedious at times, I know, but I have scored big. Every once in a while. I get quality over quantity.
I have learned, tho (and I learned it from a very very pretty girl), that you just have to sometimes WHACK them over the head to get them to notice you. I am an island of quality in a sea of slithering Tom Cruises.
Women. Can't live with them, can't, you know...
MC -
I still think that Tom Cruise is a scrub and a short one at that.
A really hot woman told me at a young age that there are more women that will go out with you than there are that won't. So I always figured my odds to be at least 50-50. Batting .500 right out of the box can't be a bad thing, for the other 50 percent, that is where the chloroform come in to play.
TroyI plan for the future. - F1Nut -
Hey, I was browsing the archives and this is my favorite babe thread.
Sela Ward. 'nuff said.
Back from the dead for the new folks to enjoy!
BDTI plan for the future. - F1Nut -
Originally posted by Micah
Guys, guys, guys... I am being stupid.
I am totally goofing up here, thinking of the wrong chicks! I am leading you all astray.
Clicking on those JPEGs up there -- of the Cruz and Shannon chicks -- set me straight... I can't even TYPE now! I was thinking "Shannon Elizabeth" was that girl from, what, "90210" or "Mall Rats" or something -- who was that?
The girl from the strip scene in "American Pie" is total choice. Unbelieveable. Who knew that such beauty existed on our planet. Take me to your leader.
And the Cruz girl? What the hell can I see her in? What movie is she from?
Help me here, I've fallen behind and can't get... Well, you know. Who is this new girl?
You know... I have to say, more power to these women, who can become rich and famous purely on the strength of their looks. God love 'em.
Cripes, I gotta download those pictures. Sela, who?
For Ms. Cruz, I would suggest renting "Jamon Jamon" ( foreign film but you get to see alotta of her).
p.s. not necessarily an intellectual first date movie either...;)Time is the best teacher. Unfortunately it kills all its students.