European Vacation



  • tryrrthg
    tryrrthg Posts: 1,896
    edited November 2006
    Well, we leave tomorrow. I can't wait! The mp3 player is loaded with good tunes, so I'm ready to travel.

    I've jotted down some notes from this thread. Thanks for the help guys!
    Sony KDL-40V2500 HDTV, Rotel RSX-1067 Receiver, Sony BDP-S550 Blu-ray, Slim Devices Squeezebox, Polk RTi6, CSi3 & R15, DIY sub with Atlas 15
  • unc2701
    unc2701 Posts: 3,587
    edited November 2006
    Oh one last thing- make a few photocopies of your passport. It can save you a lot of trouble if it gets stolen.

    Good luck & have fun!
    Gallo Ref 3.1 : Bryston 4b SST : Musical fidelity CD Pre : VPI HW-19
    Gallo Ref AV, Frankengallo Ref 3, LC60i : Bryston 9b SST : Meridian 565
    Jordan JX92s : MF X-T100 : Xray v8
    Backburner:Krell KAV-300i
  • tryrrthg
    tryrrthg Posts: 1,896
    edited November 2006
    unc2701 wrote:
    Oh one last thing- make a few photocopies of your passport. It can save you a lot of trouble if it gets stolen.

    Good luck & have fun!
    Thanks! I made copies this morning. if only our pictures weren't so hideous. :eek:
    Sony KDL-40V2500 HDTV, Rotel RSX-1067 Receiver, Sony BDP-S550 Blu-ray, Slim Devices Squeezebox, Polk RTi6, CSi3 & R15, DIY sub with Atlas 15
  • jdhdiggs
    jdhdiggs Posts: 4,305
    edited December 2006
    How was the trip?
    There is no genuine justice in any scheme of feeding and coddling the loafer whose only ponderable energies are devoted wholly to reproduction. Nine-tenths of the rights he bellows for are really privileges and he does nothing to deserve them. We not only acquired a vast population of morons, we have inculcated all morons, old or young, with the doctrine that the decent and industrious people of the country are bound to support them for all time.-Menkin
  • Demiurge
    Demiurge Posts: 10,874
    edited December 2006
    I was getting ready to tell him to have a great trip, and then I realized how old the post was. Hope you had fun! :D
  • tryrrthg
    tryrrthg Posts: 1,896
    edited December 2006
    Trip was GREAT! We had great weather, no rain for two weeks, no travel issues. We had just a fantastic time. It was a lot of walking, probably 8-10 hours a day on our feet walking and seeing everything, but well worth it.

    A random sample of some of our pictures.






    Sony KDL-40V2500 HDTV, Rotel RSX-1067 Receiver, Sony BDP-S550 Blu-ray, Slim Devices Squeezebox, Polk RTi6, CSi3 & R15, DIY sub with Atlas 15
  • Demiurge
    Demiurge Posts: 10,874
    edited December 2006
    Nice pics! Glad you had a good time.
  • Polk65
    Polk65 Posts: 1,405
    edited December 2006
    I'm jealous of the fine weather you had and hoofing it. The rain in Paris and Rome this time of the year can hurt. You were able to experience the sights, sounds, and smells from the street which are priceless. Any impressions of what you saw?
  • wodom1
    wodom1 Posts: 1,054
    edited December 2006
    I'm jealous of the weather you had too! When I went to Paris last year, it snowed for 3 out of 5 days there.
    "I got into the music business thinking it was really radical, that it wasn't really a business at all, that it was a lot of people being artistic and creative. Not true, and it made me very depressed."

    Thom Yorke of Radiohead

    SOPA. Bow down before me, ****. Want a cookie?

    Polk Audio LSi15
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    Polk Audio FXi30
    Samsung LN-T4061F 40" 1080P LCD HDTV
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    Outlaw Model 990 Pre/Pro
    Rotel 985 MK II
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    Soundstage Vacuum II tube pre
  • tryrrthg
    tryrrthg Posts: 1,896
    edited December 2006
    Polk65 wrote:
    Any impressions of what you saw?
    London was great. I liked it a lot. Very clean compared to the rest of the tirp, the tube was easy to use. We had amazing weather in London, mid to high 50's, sunny, no clouds, and NO RAIN. I was amazed. I actually liked London more than I thought, I wasn’t as excited to go there as some of the other cities, but it turned out to be very nice. Westminster Abby was pretty cool, and we attended a free organ concert there, which was cool to sit and listen to those 32' pipes. talk about BASS!

    Paris has fantastic sites, my favorite of the cities we visited. I loved Notre Dame; the architecture is just way cool. Our favorite museums were la orangerie and the Marmottan, both lesser known museums. We actually went to the la orangerie twice because we liked it so much. The giant Monet’s in the oval rooms were amazing. Paris the city was so-so. Most of it smelled like piss to me, it was way dirtier than London. We also had trouble finding stuff to eat, as we were traveling on the cheap, and I’m an American meat and potatoes kinda guy, I could do without all the fancy shmancy food.

    Venice was really neat, but a bit boring. I’m really glad I saw it and was there, but we got kinda bored there. If we would ever go back we would do some island hopping. And I’m sure as hell glad we weren’t there during the height of tourist season, man were all the people in those tiny streets annoying. I don’t deal well with people walking around aimlessly not watching where they’re going. And there were PLENTY of them in Venice.

    Florence was excellent. My wife lived there for a month or so in college so she knew her way around pretty well. The David was pretty cool, I didn’t think I’d like it that much but the detail carved into the stone was just incredible. The Duomo was pretty cool. I liked all the squares in the city. There was some great music in one of the squares on our last night. Not a whole lot of green space in the Italian cities we visited.

    Rome was excellent. Weather was in the upper 60’s which was great. Our first day there we went to the Coliseum, which is way cool, and as we were leaving we noticed a movie being filmed. We got to looking at the actors and they were Hayden Christianson and Rachel Bilson. We watched a couple of takes and then went to the Paletine Hill (spelling?). Rome’s traffic is insane, everyone is go go go, and if I ever hear the squeal of another scooter it will be the end of me. Man it was like a swarm of angry bees 24-7. Trevi fountain was pretty cool, except for all the street vendors that bugged the hell out of you every second to buy there stupid crap. Oh, and probably the “funniest” thing I’ve seen in a while. On our walk to the Coliseum we saw a beggar sit up and start talking on her cell phone. Real nice!

    Italy was like a smoker’s paradise. Non-smokers have to be in the minority there. I can’t stand the smoke and it was really getting to me by the end of each day. Walking down the sidewalk was agony because there was always someone blowing smoke in our faces. I also managed to step in dog **** in Florence. Gotta love watching out for that on the sidewalks!

    I was really surprised how much I enjoyed seeing everything, I wanted to go, but I wasn't dying to. In all the years I've known my wife she was always saying how much she wants to go back (and travel in general) and now I know why. I'm glad I got to see this stuff in my lifetime, everyone should. I hope we can do something like this again before my time is up.
    Sony KDL-40V2500 HDTV, Rotel RSX-1067 Receiver, Sony BDP-S550 Blu-ray, Slim Devices Squeezebox, Polk RTi6, CSi3 & R15, DIY sub with Atlas 15