Comparing LSi with other brands and models
Posts: 16
I am currently unable to easily audition the LSi speakers. But before I do, what other speakers (other brands and models) are in the same class as these ? Who are the main competitors ? LSi owners, what other speakers did you consider before buying the LSi ?
I was thinking of a LSiC/LSi9/LSiC.
Right now the Denon 4800
Currently I just have some old Polks RTA14 ... hmmm I should double check that, but not sure what the model is
I was thinking of a LSiC/LSi9/LSiC.
Right now the Denon 4800
Currently I just have some old Polks RTA14 ... hmmm I should double check that, but not sure what the model is
Post edited by smilingdawg on
I doubt you're going to find much competition to the LSi9 at its price point, especially if you were to order it online. Check out this review at SoundStage (click here). The reviewer seems to feel that the Amphion argon2 is a worthy competitor (for $200 more), but not neccessarily better. I've never heard them, so I can't comment.
Aaron -
I had rt800i front mains, CS400i center & rt35i rears & was happy. I recently Purchased LSi15 front mains LSiC center & LSiFX surrounds. Both sets of speakers were hoked up to the same reciver, dvd, & cd player. The LSi's are just soo much better. Much more transparent than the rt series. I wasnt able to adution the LSi's here before I ordered them, no one in Hawaii stocks the speakers. When they arrived I hooken them up & was very pleased with the sound. I know I could have gotten better spekers at a much higher price, but dollar for dollar Im very pleased with the LSi speakers. I dont have any regrets in purchaseing the LSi & I have sold my Rt series.
comparing other brand speakers to the LSI series, first it would be much better if they where in the same store.
I asked myself this very sme question.
2 compete with the LsI line,I'd say in my findings that the Dynaudio Audience line,Vienna Accoustics,Sonus Faber,B&W CDMNT just to name a few.They are all good speakers.But you need to listen.
I can tell you tis from my past 2 demo's of the LSi line.They are very nice all around speakers,search for my older review for details.
With the right amp I think they could make most people very happy including myself.
You avr4800 will get you started but I would upgrade it down the road or now if thats in your ballpark.Dan
My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time. -
Thanks Mantis for the suggested other speaker makers.
yes I was planning on upgrading the 4800 later, probably first by just getting an amplifier and using the 4800 as a preprocessor for the time being. -
thats seems to be the popular way of upgrading around here.Many guys choose to go that route.
The avr4800 has a good preamp inside.The output voltage is low,but getting a sensitive amp should work just fine.Dan
My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.