the pussification of american kids continues
Holydoc wrote:Exactly! This has nothing to do with coddling the children or some undercover attempt to protect them. It has to do with protecting the school and the staff of the school.
Do not blame the children or the school. It is the Lawyers and those parents who cannot accept the fact that accidents do and will happen. Until our society takes a stance and rids this world of frivolous lawsuits, those lawyers who initiate them, and the judge that lets them stand, you will continue to see a decline in people accepting responsibility.
This angers me to no end to think that a parent would sue a school because their child was tackled and got a scrapped knee... but they will. After all didn't a lady sue McDonalds because she was too stupid to realize that coffee is served hot and that you should not attempt to drive while drinking hot coffee? Hell, my blow dryer has a warning on it that says Not to be used in the shower. This was caused by some jerk using it in the shower, getting shocked, and then suing because he did not have the brains/common sense to take responsibility.
Personally I do not want to save all these people who are too stupid to not use a blow dryer in the shower or blame someone else when they spill their own drink. I do not want to continue to pay higher and higher insurance bills because some family sued a doctor because their baby was born ugly (yes... that happened right here in my small community).
You want your children to have sports in their future? Then take a stance and express your concern over this frivolous lawsuits and actions by passing a law that fines the person that files an idiotic case. Fine the lawyers that file ridiculous actions. Fine the judge that prosecutes for not using common sense.
Don't blame the children or the schools. Blame the hypocrisy that protects us from cleansing the gene pool!
*steps off the soapbox*
While there is truth to this, its not the only reason.
Public school officials have long since been trying to enact crap like this.
Some examples include the "outcome based" education style that didnt have F's. Same with "creative spelling" which meant it didnt matter if the little brat mispelled the word. You couldnt fail these kids because that would hurt their feelings.
And how about the sports that didnt keep score?! You cant have losers because they would feel bad and it would hurt their self esteem.
Crap like this has been seeping into our schools for a while and its only going to continue. The thinking today in the pointy headed intellectual world is that kids are too fragile for anything and must be sheltered, protected and coddled at all costs. This is of course is stupid as kids, by definition, dont know ****! Its when we're children that we're most adaptive! If we grow up thinking nobody ever loses, nobody is ever disappointed and everything always works out right, we're going to be in for a REAL shock the moment we enter the real world and try to get a job!polkaudio sound quality competitor since 2005
MECA SQ Rookie of the Year 06 ~ MECA State Champ 06,07,08,11 ~ MECA World Finals 2nd place 06,07,08,09
08 Car Audio Nationals 1st ~ 07 N Georgia Nationals 1st ~ 06 Carl Casper Nationals 1st ~ USACi 05 Southeast AutumnFest 1st
polkaudio SR6500 --- polkaudio MM1040 x2 -- Pioneer P99 -- Rockford Fosgate P1000X5D -
MacLeod wrote:If we grow up thinking nobody ever loses, nobody is ever disappointed and everything always works out right, we're going to be in for a REAL shock the moment we enter the real world and try to get a job!
That is the thought process that started the whole generation expecting to get paid for simply showing up. I have a degree, therefore I should be paid regardless of my performance.HT Optoma HD25 LV on 80" DIY Screen, Anthem MRX 300 Receiver, Pioneer Elite BDP 51FD Polk CS350LS, Polk SDA1C, Polk FX300, Polk RT55, Dual EBS Adire Shiva 320watt tuned to 17hz, ICs-DIY Twisted Prs, Speaker-Raymond Cable
2 Channel Thorens TD 318 Grado ZF1, SACD/CD Marantz 8260, Soundstream/Krell DAC1, Audio Mirror PP1, Odyssey Stratos, ADS L-1290, ICs-DIY Twisted , Speaker-Raymond Cable -
I hated when they tried doing crap like this at my school. Luckily when I was little, it hadn't really started yet. Now entire playgrounds are gone because they are too dangerous. They have been reduced to a simple slide and a tiny swing set.
RIP Giant Wooden Castle Playground -
danger boy wrote:
Another interesting fact i found out today that this age group wants to be recoginized for "just showing up" they don't want any kind of award, they want to get singled out for showing up.. ie: work, dinner out, etc. They need the affirmation to be able to make it thru the day. OMG!Music is like candy, you have to get rid of the rappers to enjoy it -
In the short term stuff like this does probably help reduce the amount of crazies suing schools but after a while it starts to lower the tolerance level so people snap and sue more and more often. If it becomes the standard to be super super safe where nobody ever gets hurt when little Johnny does get hurt a bigger concern will be raised.
30 years ago if a kid at school got hurt playing a sport would his parents sue? Heck no, they'd smack him for getting his clothes dirty. Times are changing :rolleyes: -
ohskigod wrote:NO F%CKING HOLLOWEEN!?!?!?!?!?!? dude, I missed that memo.
wtf is going on up there :mad: (not aimed at you by the way)
I'm probably going to open a pandora's box, but does someone want to fill me in on any Holloween debates I've missed out on? Oh God, its the wiccan religion thing isnt it!!!!
Yup. It's a "religious holiday", and people are afraid of offending someone.If you will it, dude, it is no dream. -
"Another reason cited was that in a free-for-all activity at recess, such as tag, some children would become unsuspecting, and unwilling, participants in the game." Excerpt from BY SUSAN LaHOUD SUN CHRONICLE STAFF
What the hell does this mean??? "unsuspecting?" "unwilling??" That sounds like lawyer talk! What freaking kid doesn't want to play tag or run around at recess??? I think Massachusetts is being led around by the nose by super liberal lawyers. I grew up in the first suburb of Philly. The kids in Philly hated us, the kids in the adjacent suburbs thought we were Philly kids and hated us. We played games with them and against them and fought with them all and we had respect for each other. Sometimes when there were serious disputes the older kids would make a circle and the two disputers would duke it out. When it was over the two (bloody noses and all) would shake hands and move onto the next game.
Kids who were inclined to play football had the luxury of being able to play starting in 5th grade. I did. Now you are lucky to get to have any sports even that **** sport soccer (no offense to soccer players) in grade schools and middle schools in this area.
One more thing that really gets my goat!!! I go to my younger sons school and there are 3 huge banners spread across the main hallway they read as follows: "Meredith School, We Were Rated Adequate in 2003." the same for 2004 and 2005. . . ADEQUATE!!! When the F#$% did adequate become good enough.
I was always taught to be the absolute best I could be at everything I did. When I played sports I gave it my all. When I work(ed) I give/gave it my all. I taught my older son those same work ethics and he is very successful. I am teaching my 9 year old the same ethics.
What the hell is this world coming to when an employer can give an annual review to his employee, mark him as adequate and have the employee going around high fiving everyone because his performance was "adequate." In Massachusetts this employee would probably be entitled to a raise in salary for being "adequate."
Something is seriously wrong here.
Rant Over!!! -
hearingimpared wrote:One more thing that really gets my goat!!! I go to my younger sons school and there are 3 huge banners spread across the main hallway they read as follows: "Meredith School, We Were Rated Adequate in 2003." the same for 2004 and 2005. . . ADEQUATE!!! When the F#$% did adequate become good enough.
As for shooting water down your leg....:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: *shudders*George Grand wrote: »
PS3, Yamaha CDR-HD1300, Plex, Amazon Fire TV Gen 2
Pioneer Elite VSX-52, Parasound HCA-1000A
Klipsch RF-82ii, RC-62ii, RS-42ii, RW-10d
Epson 8700UB
In Storage
[Home Audio]
Rotel RCD-02, Yamaha KX-W900U, Sony ST-S500ES, Denon DP-7F
Pro-Ject Phono Box MKII, Parasound P/HP-850, ASL Wave 20 monoblocks
Klipsch RF-35, RB-51ii
[Car Audio]
Pioneer Premier DEH-P860MP, Memphis 16-MCA3004, Boston Acoustic RC520 -
I took great pride in ramming someone in the head with a dodgeball...
Hitting them while running when playing kickabll, knocking them off their feet...
Woooo- Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit. -
Vr3MxStyler2k3 wrote:I took great pride in ramming someone in the head with a dodgeball...
Hitting them while running when playing kickabll, knocking them off their feet...
Jailhouse my butt . . . that was just good clean fun!!!:D -
We are raising kids that will go to the hospital for a scrapped knee. Then sue the guy that layed the sidewalk.Michael
Samsung 50" HD DLP
Yamaha RX-V2500
(2) Outlaw 200
Adcom GFA 555
Sony BDP300
Denon 2900 DVD
Lsi9's mains
Lsi7's rear
Lsic center
12.1 SVS driver in 4.53 cuft. tube
Harmony 880 -
this is sad...I'd hate to be a kid never get to "play"..even when you are playing sports, it is always supervised and structured..gone are the days of calling up your friends to play a game of baseball or football...
When I was in school, we had a parking lot for a playground (Yes..Im from the ghetto..sorta)...we played tackle football in the winter until they said we couldn't....they said we couldn't because we would track too much snow in the lunchroom after recess..!!:D ...not because of them worrying about us getting hurt...
getting hurt is part of being a learn from things and do them better next time...
ughPioneer Elite VSX-53, Polk RT800i fronts, Polk CS400i center, FX500i surround, Velodyne sub -
I talked to my sister-in-law lastnight on this. She's a teacher. She knows about this trend and said it is from the insurance companies putting pressure on the schools due to law suits. People will sue for anything. And these liberal judges agree with this "crap" (trying to keep it clean)Michael
Samsung 50" HD DLP
Yamaha RX-V2500
(2) Outlaw 200
Adcom GFA 555
Sony BDP300
Denon 2900 DVD
Lsi9's mains
Lsi7's rear
Lsic center
12.1 SVS driver in 4.53 cuft. tube
Harmony 880 -
ohskigod wrote:NO F%CKING HOLLOWEEN!?!?!?!?!?!? dude, I missed that memo.
wtf is going on up there :mad: (not aimed at you by the way)
I'm probably going to open a pandora's box, but does someone want to fill me in on any Holloween debates I've missed out on? Oh God, its the wiccan religion thing isnt it!!!!
Yes, no Halloween... Rig
Pioneer Elite SC-05, Rotel RMB-1075
RT800i, CS400i, RT35i, FXi50, Klipsch RSW-12
Pioneer Elite DV F-07, PS3, Wii
Monster HTS 3500 MKII
SC Analog 2, BJC Speaker Wire
Samsung HL61A650
2nd Rig
Pioneer Elite VSX-56txi, Pioneer Elite DV-47a
Cambridge Soundworks, MC150 (Center), MC100 x 4, Mirage LF-150
Adcom GTP-400, Adcom GFA-535II, (need a quality CDP), RT55i -
when it comes down to it, its not the schools, its not the kids, its not even really the court system... its the parents.
I'm glad I enjoyed me childhood breaking bones;)AVR: H/K AVR240
Fronts: Monitor 50s
Center: CSI3
surrounds: R15s
Sub:Velodyne DPS10
Dvd/Cd: Samsung HD upconverter (for now)
TV: 50" Sammy Plasma
game hardware: 360 and gcn.
Gamertag: kovster27 -
No halloween, no run around play time, no Christmas, no wonder we have so many kids bringing guns to school..... their bored.Skynut
SOPA® Founder
The system Almost there
DVD Onkyo DV-SP802
Sunfire Theater Grand II
Sherbourn 7/2100
Panamax 5510 power conditioner (for electronics)
2 PSAudio UPC-200 power conditioners (for amps)
Front L/R RT3000p (Bi-Wired)
Center CS1000p (Bi-Wired) (under the television)
Center RT2000p's (Bi-Wired) (on each side of the television)
Sur FX1000
SVS ultra plus 2
Thanks for looking -
No Halloween here either and no scary costumes at the "Harvest Festival Party."
Teachers also started correcting papers in purple ink because the red color had negative connotations and could hurt the kids self-esteem."The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is courage." Thucydides -
WTF?!! That's all I can say at this point! I'm glad I don't have kids yet...HT Rig
Polk SDA SRS 2.3tl - Anthem 2 SE
Polk CSi5 - Adcom 555
Polk Monitor 30 - HK DPR1005
Denon DCD-1500II
Sony SXRD 60"
ShengYa CS-10
Basement Rig
Carver 1.5t
Carver C2
Technics SLD202
Some Other Sony DVD/CDP -
Maybe I am a bad person because I used to dress up for halloween and I recieved big red F's on some of my papers.
I think I need to act out against society and make my name imortal.Skynut
SOPA® Founder
The system Almost there
DVD Onkyo DV-SP802
Sunfire Theater Grand II
Sherbourn 7/2100
Panamax 5510 power conditioner (for electronics)
2 PSAudio UPC-200 power conditioners (for amps)
Front L/R RT3000p (Bi-Wired)
Center CS1000p (Bi-Wired) (under the television)
Center RT2000p's (Bi-Wired) (on each side of the television)
Sur FX1000
SVS ultra plus 2
Thanks for looking -
"A mix of red and blue, the color purple embodies red's sense of authority but also blue's association with serenity, making it a less negative and more constructive color for correcting student papers, color psychologists said. Purple calls attention to itself without being too aggressive. And because the color is linked to creativity and royalty, it is also more encouraging to students.""The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is courage." Thucydides
No Tag. ****, I remember having rock fights when I was a kid. Two teams of about 3 to 5 would split up, get the rocks, put them in your pockets, then go on the attack. It was very bad when your team ran out of rocks because you had no defence and finding good rocks on the ground while being hit with rocks was not recommended. The only recourse was to run. That meant you lost the rock fight.
I remember one rock fight and getting a great flat rock, like the ones you could skip on water, but with a sharp edge. I saw the kid from the other team as he was crawling on his hands and knees between trees. I let the rock go and it hit him on the side just above the pelvis, it stuck in and started to bleed. **** I was scared. We stopped having rock fights after that because all our parents would kill us.
Luckly nobody ever got blinded with a rock back then. -
I have no kids also. -
we had rock fights too. But we had a couple of rules, no aiming above the chest and no rocks with sharp edges and they couldnt be bigger than a
-CodyMusic is like candy, you have to get rid of the rappers to enjoy it -
we used to have bottle rocket fights every year around the Fourth of July, luckily none of us got hurt. Holding bottle rockets in your hand till they take of can leave a mark.
So can a rocket in the eye.Skynut
SOPA® Founder
The system Almost there
DVD Onkyo DV-SP802
Sunfire Theater Grand II
Sherbourn 7/2100
Panamax 5510 power conditioner (for electronics)
2 PSAudio UPC-200 power conditioners (for amps)
Front L/R RT3000p (Bi-Wired)
Center CS1000p (Bi-Wired) (under the television)
Center RT2000p's (Bi-Wired) (on each side of the television)
Sur FX1000
SVS ultra plus 2
Thanks for looking -
Roman Candle wars were fun. We'd hide in the sugar cane fields behind the neighborhood and shoot them at each other."I got into the music business thinking it was really radical, that it wasn't really a business at all, that it was a lot of people being artistic and creative. Not true, and it made me very depressed."
Thom Yorke of Radiohead
SOPA. Bow down before me, ****. Want a cookie?
Polk Audio LSi15
Polk Audio LSiC
Polk Audio FXi30
Samsung LN-T4061F 40" 1080P LCD HDTV
Sony Playstation 3
Outlaw Model 990 Pre/Pro
Rotel 985 MK II
Rotel 1072 CDP
Soundstage Vacuum II tube pre -
Pff, I'm not even old (26) an dI remember :
- actually having to walk, without my parents, to a bus stop down the street, rather than having my parents wait for me at the end of my driveway for the bus to pick me up like they seem to do now.
- playing tag and other sports on paved or rock surfaces
- riding bikes down steep hills and in the woods, without helmets (probably not smart)
- playing in the woods without supervision, and often getting bloody, and learning from it.
- getting smacked in the **** by my parents if I deserved it.
- playing "guns" with squirt guns and the like, all of which were painted black without any bright orange tips.
I mean, have we come this far in ~15 years? Really?If you will it, dude, it is no dream. -
Skynut wrote:we used to have bottle rocket fights every year around the Fourth of July, luckily none of us got hurt. Holding bottle rockets in your hand till they take of can leave a mark.
So can a rocket in the eye.
We preferred roman candle battles. With 8 shots, you're bound to land 1-2.Main Rig
Pioneer Elite SC-05, Rotel RMB-1075
RT800i, CS400i, RT35i, FXi50, Klipsch RSW-12
Pioneer Elite DV F-07, PS3, Wii
Monster HTS 3500 MKII
SC Analog 2, BJC Speaker Wire
Samsung HL61A650
2nd Rig
Pioneer Elite VSX-56txi, Pioneer Elite DV-47a
Cambridge Soundworks, MC150 (Center), MC100 x 4, Mirage LF-150
Adcom GTP-400, Adcom GFA-535II, (need a quality CDP), RT55i -
Those were the days of our youth.
The price of wisdom is youth. Jack London -
Disc Jockey wrote:"A mix of red and blue, the color purple embodies red's sense of authority but also blue's association with serenity, making it a less negative and more constructive color for correcting student papers, color psychologists said. Purple calls attention to itself without being too aggressive. And because the color is linked to creativity and royalty, it is also more encouraging to students."
Reading **** like this makes me want to go out and kick the living daylights out of the "psychologists" and then ask them why they think I did that. Because my papers were corrected in red or because I was an "unsuspecting", "unwilling" participant in a game of tag. I surely would ask the question while cleaning up the RED blood from his nose.:D