this is not political, its just disgusting



  • George Grand
    George Grand Posts: 12,258
    edited May 2006
    The Army is currently accepting recruits up to the age of 42. Plenty of time left for a lot of folks on this forum to prove that actions speak louder than words.

    This is NOT a subject as important as, "What kind of speakers should I buy for this receiver?" Lose a child prematurely, judge her actions. That's all I'm saying.
  • TroyD
    TroyD Posts: 13,093
    edited May 2006
    Just my .02....

    The fact that she has the right to hold and express her opinions is one of the things her son was sworn to protect.

    While we may find her distasteful and her 15 minutes of fame has pretty much gone by.....I'd rather that she have the right to express herself than if she didn't.

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • Demiurge
    Demiurge Posts: 10,874
    edited May 2006
    She has the right, no doubt, but she's also going to get flak for the things she says and the things she does. You can't yell fire in a crowded movie theater and act aghast when you're arrested. You can't say certain things and expect nobody to bat an eye -- Polk_Audio_LSi anyone? She's not the only one who gets a voice because she lost a boy -- the issues facing the country are bigger than her or the hole in her heart.

    When you hold political rallies with the leader of the Revolutionist Communist Party (if you want pics I got those, as well as video) I think you're sticking your neck out there a little farther than just as a grieving parent. What about the thousands of other parents who lost loved ones? Half the stuff she spews is just salt in the wounds of loved ones lost -- don't assume she's the only one, even right here on this forum...
    Lose a child prematurely, judge her actions.

    Bottom line, it's terrible for any parent. We all read what you had to deal with, and obviously sympathize with you. How far is one allowed to take it beyond that before people can comment on the words? Saddam Hussein lost two sons, do you care?
  • George Grand
    George Grand Posts: 12,258
    edited May 2006
    You take it as far as " I have no idea how I'd behave if I were her."

    Anybody that hasn't walked a mile in her shoes, and says they KNOW how they would act, is speculating. It's really very simple.

    I didn't lose a child "tragically" or "senselessly" in my opinion. What happened was supposed to happen, sooner or later. We were fortunate that it was a little later than average for a Rett Syndrome girl. I make no bones about admitting I am still basically a basket case. If my mind is quasi-occupied, I'm quasi-okay. If it is not occupied, she rushes right in. I have no idea how I would act if I were Cindy Sheehan, and neither does just about everybody on this forum, if they were in her PERCEIVED shoes.

    Saddam Hussein lost two murderous thugs that happened to be his sons. He raised them that way, any surprise that they died that way. Ask me if I care about all the other parents in Iraq, the INNOCENT parents who DID NOT raise their children to be murderous thugs (the Iraqi Cindy Sheehans). Yes, I do. I care about the dogs that got bombed, the donkeys that got bombed, anything innocent that happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.
  • Demiurge
    Demiurge Posts: 10,874
    edited May 2006
    I just want to know if you think that if a person chooses to go in front of a camera day after day solely because that person lost a child that they're absolved of criticism because of that fact, regardless of what is said.

    No parent should have to bury a child, and that's a given. I don't think that's even up for discussion. This woman is opening herself up to the criticism. So long as she understands what it's coming from and why. She's no different than Jerry Falwell on the polar opposite side of the political isle. If Jerry loses a son or daughter and he uses their death for a personal crusade all of a sudden nobody can criticize him?

    It's not a matter of whether she can or can't do it, it's a matter of words having meaning.

    You may hold a different opinion than me, but people like her embolden the people we're fighting against, all of whom wear no uniform. I think she's indirectly helping more mothers and fathers lose their kids. It would be one thing if they were all here at home, but they're not. You'd know that better than anyone.
  • George Grand
    George Grand Posts: 12,258
    edited May 2006
    The woman is insane with grief, insane with rage, and probably insane with the fact that she's never going to get to hold a grandchild, OR her son again. HER perception is that he died for no good reason at all. It certainly wasn't for HER right to speak her mind (sorry Troy, have to differ on this). It was for some IRAQI mothers right to speak HER mind. I mean, after all, that's why we're there. Isn't it? That's the story I'M getting this week. A free and democratic Iraq.

    WE embolden the people we're fighting against.

    Who got more Americans killed in Vietnam? Jane Fonda, or the Secretary of Defense that wrote a book 20 years after the war ended, detailing how they knew early on we couldn't win that war? So maybe we could've saved 40,000 American boys, and god only knows how many innocent Vietnamese. THAT son-of-a-**** got to die of old age in a bed.
  • Demiurge
    Demiurge Posts: 10,874
    edited May 2006
    Casey Sheehan died over 2 years ago now, and while that pain probably never goes away, maybe it's time to stop using that as the fail safe excuse to say some really dumb things in a time of war by envoking his name. Remember, I never said she can't speak -- she just can't expect everyone to agree or not comment because her son died.

    There's no point in us arguing about it back and forth saying the same things, but you say some stuff I agree with. The main point being I don't know what it feels like. On the flip side I do know that there are families who lost loved ones to the same tragic fate that certainly see Cindy Sheehan in the same light that I do for the same reasons.

    When you use something or someone, especially someone who can't defend themselves, you're wide open for the comments seen here. There's no nobility in her actions that I can see, and maybe that's MY bias.

    I'll give you the last word, and appreciate the straightforward discussion.
  • bikezappa
    bikezappa Posts: 2,463
    edited May 2006

    My original statement regarding the posts on this thread was "Empty barrels make the most noise". My science teacher used it to describe people that talked about science yet don't know ****. That means much loud talk from someone that doesn't know what they are talking about.

    George's staement was not an empty barrel. He knows what he is talking about with regard to this thread.

    Got it?

  • aaharvel
    aaharvel Posts: 4,489
    edited May 2006
    yeah i think the genuiness of her exploits are now gone, now pushed aggressively by the radical radical left. But the bottom line she did lose a son. Tragically. Just as George said. But there's one more thing that I don't get. How do we KNOW that her son would disagree with her? Just because he went to go fight in Iraq? That says nothing because at the time he went to go fight BEFORE the intelligence was proven to be incorrect (note I did NOT say anyone lied b/c I don't believe that to be the case). Yet I didn't even know of Cindy Sheenan's exploits until we knew for a fact that the intelligence WAS incorrect, so how can WE as members of Club Polk obviously know what beliefs her son DID have? Just because he's in the army doesn't necessarily mean he's Pro-Bush or Pro-Iraq war, and I think alot of people forget about that. Hell there's soldiers over there right now that are wondering what the f--k we're doing over there.

    Just throwing that out to ponder..

    (edit) interesting link Demi, thanks.
    H/K Signature 2.1+235
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    "People working at Polk Audio must sit around the office and just laugh their balls off reading many of these comments." -Lush
  • George Grand
    George Grand Posts: 12,258
    edited May 2006
    I have to bug out. I can't participate anymore without getting political.

    I will close by saying that at one point in my life, I felt that the two things that ripped the fabric of this country apart like nothing else was, The Civil War, and The Vietnam War. Well, I still think two things ripped this country apart like nothing else, and one of them is The Civil War.