Tool - 10,000 Days
Just got it on lunch break. $10 at Best Buy like Demiurge said. The package is awesome. It comes with a stereoscopic lens attached to the case to view the pictures inside in 3D.
Venom -
Yeah, the 3D pictures are really, really cool. By far one of the best packaging for any album I have seen.
The guy who did their art (and does most of it) is Alex Grey -- Alex Grey's Website
It was funny watching the guys at Best Buy arguing...One kid says "Ugh, Disturbed is so much better!" (I almost lost my breakfast). Then another employee heard it when he walked by and said "Disturbed makes new fangled heavy metal music, blah -- TOOL is a friggin' art form -- LEARN IT!"
I was proud! -
Just happened to come across this thread and it made me happy. Tool has been a very favorite of mine since around the age of 10 and Im excited to get this new album.
But being at school, transportation is difficult and I'm going to have to wait until Amazon can get it to meMaybe I can get a copy from a friend to hold me over.
As for live, Tool was the first band I ever saw live and noone has even come close to topping that performance. Just amazing. It's good to know some people here like Tool.Ghetto Rig
Power: HK AVR245.
Screen: LG 24" 1080p.
Speaks: Rti4.
Source: PC. PS3. Xbox360.
Cables: BlueJeans. Monoprice. -
Welcome noimposse.
Demiurge, I find that most people do not understand Tool's music. When they first came out they were immediatly put in the heavy metal genre. But actually they do not belong there as they have created thier own genre. Easily rising above all other bands out there. A little on the gothic side, metal, trance, etc. merging into 1 new sound. Truly pioneers. But a lot of people are resistant to listen to the because of their perceived image.
Venom -
Even if I did like Tool, I don't think I'd like them enough to watch them show their "tools" to me, kinda weird, but hey if watching a guys tool floats your boat............
Umm, they don't. Someone is misinformed.
Umm, I'm just going by the reviews posted on this board, umm.
You mean the one guy who claimed that? :rolleyes:
lol to funny
Demiurge wrote:"Disturbed makes new fangled heavy metal music, blah -- TOOL is a friggin' art form -- LEARN IT!"
I was proud!
Yeah, there was no wang to be found when I saw them, just your average run-of-the-mill semi nude acrobatic mimes climbing on ropes.
I really like this CD, already better than Lateralus. The track 5 vocals are funky, it caught me off guard at first, but he makes it work. The bass throughout reminds me a bit of Undertow, that low snarling sound that is classic Tool. After the first few notes, you know who it is. -
Keenan thinks iTunes is another chance for the industry to screw the artist.
Theyre using the same old model, he says. Theres no extra marketing, no package deductions, but theyre still ripping the artist off. They are selling songs for 99 cents, but the artist is only getting about eight cents. Its way out of balance. Were reluctant to jump in because we want to see how it pans out. The record company comes to us and pleads, Please, please, please do it and we say, Please, please, please make it worth our while. -
Think about it with regards to Tool. Tool albums are whole works. Each song feeds off of the others. They are not one hit wonders like the rest of the crap out there today. $10 for the cd and the awesome artwork of 10000 days package is a deal and a half. It would cost more than that to buy each song seperatly.
The music industry has an uphill battle and they better change their business model and drop there overall prices. They say that cd prices have to be high because of marketing and advertising costs. If that is true, than why do 30, 20, 10 year old cd's cost as much as the new ones? I only buy an average of 1 cd a year and do not download anything. Tool is the only cd I have purchased in 06. While my dvd purchases are around 8-10 this year so far.
Venom -
Any of you AZ guys going to the show in Tempe Saturday night? I'm considering talking to the scalpers.
I'm 38 years old and I've liked TOOL since "Undertow". For someone to compare TOOL with Disturbed, is disturbing to say the least. Tool has it's very own sound, which is saying something in today's hard rock scene. Disturbed is just another, run-of-the-mill, screamer, shock-rock band, imo. Their sound is like many other bands out there today. I'll not be buying any Disturbed cds, but will go out and get this new TOOL cd, asap.
I wouldn't listen to Disturbed's music with Russ' ears:D"SOME PEOPLE CALL ME MAURICE,
Bought it.
Got it and it ROCKS!!!!! More like their earlier releases which, imo, is a good thing.
The SQ is excellent, too. Great job of mixing. Not TOO bass heavy, just right."SOME PEOPLE CALL ME MAURICE,
I've got Orchestra/Pit seats for Tool tonight in Chicago. Going to meet up with a bunch of people from TA before the show and my God is this going to be awesome!!!! Heading out for Chicago in a couple of hours.
Demiurge wrote:I've got Orchestra/Pit seats for Tool tonight in Chicago. Going to meet up with a bunch of people from TA before the show and my God is this going to be awesome!!!! Heading out for Chicago in a couple of hours.
Note to self; Not talking to Demiurge anymore. -
Just bought it, gotta listen to it all the way through yet...
Wow, awesome show!
Set List:
Lost Keys
Rosetta Stoned
Forty Six & 2
Right In Two (Only show on tour to get it, and it's what makes Danny a drum GOD.)
Demiurge wrote:Ghetto Rig
Power: HK AVR245.
Screen: LG 24" 1080p.
Speaks: Rti4.
Source: PC. PS3. Xbox360.
Cables: BlueJeans. Monoprice. -
10000 Days is a very personal album. More so than anything previosly. It is also a more mature work imho. Not that previous works were not mature, it is just from a different point of view.
Venom -
Thought this article was interesting (also looks like APC might be done):
From Justin Chancellor:
"If a band [puts out an album a year], how can you live any life? How can you evolve? How can you have anything new to say? Maybe you can, but I don't hear it. You win on one level and you lose on another level that way. With us, it sucks — you don't get any music for a long time, but when you do, it's something you can sink your teeth into. It lasts a little longer. Think of it like fast food — sure, it's instantly satisfying, but it doesn't really sort you out in the long run. I don't know which is better, but that's just how we roll, you could say." -
ND13 wrote:The SQ is excellent, too. Great job of mixing. Not TOO bass heavy, just right.
Agreed. -
dylan wrote:Thought this article was interesting (also looks like APC might be done)
Yeah, APC has been done for a while now, not sure if that info was well known or not, but in our circles we knew. -
Hey, I want to be in the circle!
I haven't kept up with Tool Army info recently, or with Maynard. Aenima / Lateralus days I kept up. That was a long time ago! -
dylan wrote:Hey, I want to be in the circle!
I haven't kept up with Tool Army info recently, or with Maynard. Aenima / Lateralus days I kept up. That was a long time ago!Are you a member of Tool Army?
I put down a bottle of Smoking Loon wine tonight, and made an AMAZING disovery. My original post is on Tool Army, and so far as I know I am the first person to come up with this.
Here is my original, excited post:
"Ok, this is effin' crazy as effin' s***....
Open Winamp & Windows Media Player, or 2 MP3 players on your computer. Setup 'Viginti Tres' & 'Wings for Marie (Pt. 1)' as a playlist in ONE of the MP3 players. On the 2nd MP3 cue up '10,000 Days (Wings Pt. 2)'.
Now, press play at exactly the same time on both of the players. The easiest way to achieve this is to put the play button next to the other on the top of the other player so that you can hit play on the one, and the other right away. Getting it exactly right is important.
It really gets crazy when Pt. 1 and Pt. 2 play together. The guitar riff is exactly the same, and the vocals sync up as well. Just everything sounds PERFECT. It will blow your **** mind!
GENIUS, THIS BAND IS EFFIN' GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
'Viginti Tres' + 'Wings for Marie (Pt. 1)' = 11:13 Together
'10,000 Days (Wings Pt. 2)' = 11:13 on it's own.
Coincidence? Eff no ****, this is 2nd grade math!" -
Demiurge wrote:I put down a bottle of Smoking Loon wine tonight, and made an AMAZING disovery.
Better rack up on some Excedrin Migrane Demi. Remember, the GREEEEEN bottle.
swear up and down that **** really works. -
Demiurge wrote:It really gets crazy when Pt. 1 and Pt. 2 play together. The guitar riff is exactly the same, and the vocals sync up as well. Just everything sounds PERFECT. It will blow your **** mind!
GENIUS, THIS BAND IS EFFIN' GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
'Viginti Tres' + 'Wings for Marie (Pt. 1)' = 11:13 Together
'10,000 Days (Wings Pt. 2)' = 11:13 on it's own.
Coincidence? Eff no ****, this is 2nd grade math!"
Children, drugs are bad. Alcohol is bad.
Now if you really want to blow your mind, do this together while watching the Excorcist on mute. Start playing just as the priest looks up the staircase outside the house. Crazy