Polk Audio factory packaging SUCKS!

G-force Posts: 82
edited April 2006 in Speakers
This is the 3rd time this year I have received a factory sealed Polk Audio package that has sustained substantial damage to the product inside. I also would not blame it on the carriers because if you look at the way Polk packages their gear you can see that they leave the door wide open for even a little impact to cause serious damage. Get with the program guys!

Hopefully an exec. might have his attention directed to this thread if enough people chime in and MAYBE they could make the much needed change.

I cant think of many other things I dont like about Polk, but if I have to worry about the possibility (more like probability) of receiving damaged goods and going through the painstaking task of trying to get vendors to exchange them while usually eating a shipping cost on my part, I WILL stop buying your products!

Figure it out!
Post edited by G-force on


  • WilliamM2
    WilliamM2 Posts: 4,786
    edited April 2006
    I agree, both my CSi40 and RTi28's had very poor factory packaging. And both arrived with dinged corners, one very minor, and one major.

    Oddly enough, my cheap $49 R15's were packed very well, with thick styrofoam on both ends. Why would the more expensive speakers be packed so poorly?

    I don't know if I will quit buying them, but I definetly will not mail order again, and there are NO Polk dealers in my area...
  • Tour2ma
    Tour2ma Posts: 10,177
    edited April 2006
    Write or call Polk CS...
    More later,
    Vox Copuli
    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. - Old English Proverb

    "Death doesn't come with a Uhaul." - Dennis Gardner

    "It's easy to get lost in price vs performance vs ego vs illusion." - doro
    "There is a certain entertainment value in ripping the occaisonal (sic) buttmunch..." - TroyD
  • bknauss
    bknauss Posts: 1,441
    edited April 2006
    G-force wrote:
    This is the 3rd time this year I have received a factory sealed Polk Audio package that has sustained substantial damage to the product inside. I also would not blame it on the carriers because if you look at the way Polk packages their gear you can see that they leave the door wide open for even a little impact to cause serious damage. Get with the program guys!

    Hopefully an exec. might have his attention directed to this thread if enough people chime in and MAYBE they could make the much needed change.

    I cant think of many other things I dont like about Polk, but if I have to worry about the possibility (more like probability) of receiving damaged goods and going through the painstaking task of trying to get vendors to exchange them while usually eating a shipping cost on my part, I WILL stop buying your products!

    Figure it out!

    Is this stuff from the San Diego facility? Or is this from a dealer? Is there any padding around the product box (beauty carton) when its sent in a bigger box?
    Brian Knauss
    ex-Electrical Engineer for Polk
  • madmax
    madmax Posts: 12,434
    edited April 2006
    I noticed on the LSi series that the speaker is held firmly in place with a big air space around them. This makes sense to me because no matter what you replaced this air space with it would not protect the speaker as well as having that amount of distance there. I did however find myself sticking extra cardboard and bubble wrap in there when I shipped them out...
    Vinyl, the final frontier...

    Avantgarde horns, 300b tubes, thats the kinda crap I want... :D
  • KrazyMofo24
    KrazyMofo24 Posts: 1,210
    edited April 2006
    I had my rti10's csi5, and fxi5's shipped in perfect condition.

    2 Channel: Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand, T+A P 1230R, Primare SPA21, Oppo BDP-105
    PC: Vienna Acoustics Haydn Grand, Cambridge Azure 650A v2 , Peachtree iDAC, Denon DVD-3800BDCI

  • michael_w
    michael_w Posts: 2,813
    edited April 2006
    My LSi7's came shipped nicely. The outside of the box was beat up but inside was just fine. Maybe I just got lucky or perhaps they package the lsi's differently than other series.
  • TroyD
    TroyD Posts: 13,098
    edited April 2006
    I've never had a problem with the original packaging.

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • dorokusai
    dorokusai Posts: 25,577
    edited April 2006
    No problems here either, although the CSi series pressure formed cardboard inserts weren't the best idea.
    CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint.
  • okiepolkie
    okiepolkie Posts: 2,258
    edited April 2006
    Unfortunately, I've had several speakers damaged during shipment over the last few months. A set of RTi10's were had just just about all of the styrofoam broken, resulting in a damaged grill and a knick in the face. The box was pretty beat up on that one, so I blame UPS entirely.
    Next, a set of RTi8's had damage to the powerport assembly and a broken grille. From the looks of the box, I couldn't tell if there was any damage, so passed it on to my customer.

    As far as extra packaging around the speakers, my distributor sends them as is, in the original box.

    In both instances, Polk's CS came through without a hitch(except for wait during the inventory check back in March:))

    Still very satified to sell and own Polk.
  • Toxis
    Toxis Posts: 5,116
    edited April 2006
    It's not just polk. Every speaker manufacturer in their price range packages this way. Protect the corners and call it done. If you step up to the LSi's, their packaged even better. Are they fully covered by styrofoam? No. But it's still better than the RTi's/Monitors. Now as a company of this size who sells as many speakers as they do, I want you to think about the shear cost it would be to protect EVERY speaker you ship out. You'd have to start bumping the price up a LOT on your speakers therefore making them harder to sell. Now if you spend all that money just to get it cleanly to the house, you'd either bump the price or lack on the R&D of the speakers. Which would you give up? Plus, it's not polks responsibility to baby the carrier.
    Never kick a fresh **** on a hot day.

    Home Setup: Sony VPL-VW85 Projo, 92" Stewart Firehawk, Pioneer Elite SC-65, PS3, RTi12 fronts, CSi5, FXi6 rears, RTi6 surround backs, RTi4 height, MFW-15 Subwoofer.

    Car Setup: OEM Radio, RF 360.2v2, Polk SR6500 quad amped off 4 Xtant 1.1 100w mono amps, Xtant 6.1 to run an eD 13av.2, all Stinger wiring and Raammat deadener.
  • Shizelbs
    Shizelbs Posts: 7,433
    edited April 2006
    Call Polk CS. Sorry to hear about your misfortune.

    I've never had a problem.
  • maxima
    maxima Posts: 143
    edited April 2006
    I have had a pair of Lsi 7's destroyed by UPS.:mad: FYI: UPS denied my claim even though the speakers were in the factory boxes, claiming the factory unopened boxes were inadequate. I've had much better luck with Fed Ex, and most of the time they're cheaper.
  • zombie boy 2000
    zombie boy 2000 Posts: 6,641
    edited April 2006
    yeah... i just received a package from UPS last night
    unfortunately (or fortunately) it wasn't a pair of Lsi's -- just a lowly coffee maker, but the box had been utterly destroyed and its contents in complete disarray
    it looked as if it had been opened up and retaped haphazardly
    on top of that, I've had to go down to the local UPS hub to pick up a package that they have tried 5 to 33 times to deliver between the hours of 9 to 5 (go figure, me and the wife weren't home) and I've had a chance to see the boys in brown "in action"
    they were chucking boxes onto a conveyor belt like a perpetual game of hot potato had been mandated by upper management
    i don't see how anything survived the carnage
    I never had it like this where I grew up. But I send my kids here because the fact is you go to one of the best schools in the country: Rushmore. Now, for some of you it doesn't matter. You were born rich and you're going to stay rich. But here's my advice to the rest of you: Take dead aim on the rich boys. Get them in the crosshairs and take them down. Just remember, they can buy anything but they can't buy backbone. Don't let them forget it. Thank you.Herman Blume - Rushmore
  • Willow
    Willow Posts: 11,099
    edited April 2006
    I didn't even have factory dust particles on mine;)
  • maxima
    maxima Posts: 143
    edited April 2006
    This is starting to sound like the "boycott brown" thread. I think they have really gone down the tubes. I have also seen USPS kick their butt on prices at times.
  • AzN_plyR
    AzN_plyR Posts: 96
    edited April 2006
    Well, for my acoustech h100 sub, from UPS, there was a huge hole in the box that looked like someone kicked a hole in it, but good thing no damage.... sigh
  • mantis
    mantis Posts: 17,228
    edited April 2006
    I had Issues with Polk packaging. I had to return my Cs400i 2 times before I got a good one.

    My Dynaudio speakers are double boxed and packed very well. they have a high quality rubbery gree foam inside the boxes which seem to work extremely well. Maybe due to the fact they come from over seas there packed so well , but my speakers came here in perfect condition. I would have complete convidence that I could ship them anywhere and they would arrive safely.

    My Rotel gear is also very well packed. Also double boxed. Polk should step up there packages. It's worth the cost alone for not having to replace broken speaker I would think.

    My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.
  • Airplay355
    Airplay355 Posts: 4,298
    edited April 2006
    I waited at CC and opened 3 boxes of Rti150's before I found a pair that hadn't been dropped and didn't have dinged corners. Lucky me though, I drove home with the first pair before I realized they were dinged.
  • Flash21
    Flash21 Posts: 316
    edited April 2006
    My Polks arrived with the boxes partially squished and the styrofoam inserts in pieces. Fortunately, the speakers were fine.

    Oh, and that was 1985 (Monitor 10Bs). I guess some things never change...
    Steve Carlson
    Von Schweikert VR-33 speakers
    Bel Canto eVo2i integrated amp
    Bel Canto PL-2 universal disc player
    Analysis Plus Oval Nine speaker cables and Copper Oval-In Micro interconnects
    VH Audio Flavor 4 power cables
    Polk Monitor 10B speakers, retired but not forgotten
  • faster100
    faster100 Posts: 6,124
    edited April 2006
    Have received polks with the typical corner crunches... front edge dings, to much open loose space inside. I even went through several pair of replacment woofers when i redid my sda 1b's.. the drivers kept arriving bad. voice coils all out of wack
    MY HT RIG:
    Sherwood p-965
    Sherwood sd871 dvd
    Rotel 1075 amp x5
    LSI15 mains
    LsiC center
    LSIfx surround backs
    Lsi7 side surrounds
    SVS pb12/plus2

    2 Channel Rig:

    nad 1020 Pre-amp
    Rotel 1080 stereo amp
    Polk sda 2B
    kenwood grunt Tuner
    realistic lab 450 TT
    Signal cable IC