Sony is soon going

Wesmo Posts: 74
edited April 2002 in Technical/Setup
I'm listening to music right now, and my sound keeps cutting out every now and then. I have my receiver hooked to my dvd/cd player with a monster optical cable, so the receiver is playing in digital format. When the sound cuts out, 44.1khtz come up on the display, so I think the receiver thinks the sound is going "over its head", but the thing is, I've had the optical cable for a few months now, and it just started doing this. Also, sometimes when i put in a cd, "Unlock" comes up on the display and now sound comes out until i turn the dvd player off and back on. Any ideas anyone?
Post edited by Wesmo on


  • Wesmo
    Wesmo Posts: 74
    edited April 2002
    I mean that no sound comes out, and i forgot to mention the receiver is a sony str475.....kinda weak, but i'm going to upgrade soon
  • mantis
    mantis Posts: 17,208
    edited April 2002
    you could have a bend in your cable,thats a long shot but possible,your DAC in the receiver could be going bad.Try running a coax cable, if it does the same thing, it's most likely the receiver.Call Sony and see if they can help you.
    My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.
  • Wesmo
    Wesmo Posts: 74
    edited April 2002
    Alright, thanks mantis. I would hope that the receiver isn't going bad since i've only had it since xmas (it wouldn't have been my first choice), but i know i haven't bent my opitcal cable. I guess a call to sony is in order.
  • Systems
    Systems Posts: 14,873
    edited April 2002
    Please let us know how your cust srvc call goes. I've heard bad things about their cust srvc. Would be nice to know if someone actually has good things to say!
  • OrangeToupee
    OrangeToupee Posts: 488
    edited April 2002
    You may also have a pair of regular old red & white RCA cables lying around. Try running these and/or a digital coaxial(usually orange), just to see what type of response you get. It wouldn't surprise me if the problem went away with the pair of RCA's providing your connection.
  • juice21
    juice21 Posts: 1,866
    edited April 2002
    Originally posted by meestercleef
    Please let us know how your cust srvc call goes. I've heard bad things about their cust srvc. Would be nice to know if someone actually has good things to say!

    their poor customer service and lack of quality control is why i shy away from sony products. of course, i couldn't argue that the trinitron was the best in the price range on the market when i got my direct view tv.
  • lax01
    lax01 Posts: 496
    edited April 2002
    Hey their DVD players aren't too shabby either. Plus PS2 is only one of the best consoles ever made (wow I sounded like a nerd there, sorry :D). Overall, Sony's products are not that great of quality but there are some rare occurances of some very decent quality products.
  • trubluluc
    trubluluc Posts: 2,067
    edited April 2002
    Sony makes some decent stuff.
    "ES" is their hand made line.
    Whole different category.
    5 year warranty.

  • juice21
    juice21 Posts: 1,866
    edited April 2002
    Originally posted by lax01
    Plus PS2 is only one of the best consoles ever made

    damn, i own one of those too, i almost forgot. i only played the thing for like the first 3 weeks i got it. i actaully got it cause my GF wanted it. haven't touched it in like 2 months...

    that's 2 peices of sony i own, guess i can't be so anti-sony anymore...
  • gidrah
    gidrah Posts: 3,049
    edited April 2002
    Orange is right. Hook it up old school and see what happens. I too own a seldom used PS2. It's going to go to the bedroom TV for games/DVD. I've owned a few Sonys (1receiver, 1VCR, 1CD, 1CDchanger, and a PS2). I have no problems whatsoever with their CD players and the PS2.

    I won't bash SONY! Even if their receiver allowed me to blow a speaker in my 175w(?) Polk Monitor 10B when doing a comparison with a speaker rated at 30w.
    Make it Funky! :)
  • Wesmo
    Wesmo Posts: 74
    edited April 2002
    Well honestly, hooking it up old school isn't really an option because 1) my forty dollar optic cable goes to waste and 2) no dolby digital without it. I feel that if it has digital support, then it should work flawlessly, so something has to be done. The next receiver i buy will probably be an onkyo, or maybe a denon. Thanks for the help anyway, guys.
  • jcaut
    jcaut Posts: 1,849
    edited April 2002
    I think the analog connection was just suggested as a troubleshooting step. Or you could run a coaxial digital cable if you've got the in/outs. Next step would be to try another digital component with the receiver. Wouldn't surprise me if the D/A converters in the receiver were going bad, though.

    Not to bash Sony in general, but I think that especially their lower-end receivers leave a lot to be desired. Probably time to upgrade anyway.

  • Wesmo
    Wesmo Posts: 74
    edited April 2002
    Yep, the D/A converter sounds like the problem to me, and it's really frustrating since the receiver is only a few months old. I guess it's not too big of a problem since i'm going to upgrade within the next month though, but i still think it should last a lot longer than it has. I'm sure my rt600i's will thank me for the extra power of a high end receiver though.
  • danger boy
    danger boy Posts: 15,722
    edited April 2002
    Wesmo, there are a lot of good receivers out there.. the technology is changing so fast. You should be able to get a nice one for around $500 to $900.. spend more if you want of course.. but in that price range.. there are lots of choices.
    I bet you won't be looking at the Sony line anymore huh?
    good luck.
    PolkFest 2012, who's going>?
    Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin: