Rap vs Death Metal
Posts: 3,277
I put up two lots of CD's on EBay. 9 Death Metal (ones I bought and did not like) *stuff not played on your local radio station*and 15 rap/r&b/hip hop (stuff I am just not into anymore)
The DM cd's went for over $50 and the rap went for a whopping $14. I have seen simulair Death Metal lots go for over a hundred bucks.
Just goes to show you that the big popularity of rap in the US is just pushed by MTV and not really respected by people that really appriciate music. Is Ebonics and ****/jelly shaking really shaping our society. It is like "just the thing to do". It has become such a "POP" phemonon. A rap artist sells a CD one day for $16.99 and soon after it is selling for $1 in the "I never listened to that section". O-Well to each there own. Thanks for reading my venting on my EBay sells. :eek:
The DM cd's went for over $50 and the rap went for a whopping $14. I have seen simulair Death Metal lots go for over a hundred bucks.
Just goes to show you that the big popularity of rap in the US is just pushed by MTV and not really respected by people that really appriciate music. Is Ebonics and ****/jelly shaking really shaping our society. It is like "just the thing to do". It has become such a "POP" phemonon. A rap artist sells a CD one day for $16.99 and soon after it is selling for $1 in the "I never listened to that section". O-Well to each there own. Thanks for reading my venting on my EBay sells. :eek:
Post edited by scottvamp on
Time is art's greatest critic."Just because youre offended doesnt mean youre right." - Ricky Gervais
"For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible." - Stuart Chase
"Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago." - Bernard Berenson -
The test of time is a test that many, if not most, of today's so-called "artists" will not pass.:mad:Proud and loyal citizen of the Digital Domain and Solid State Country!
i like the old scool rap but when it went ganster i stoped listning
I'd've given ya $65. I wouldn't have (and probably won't)looked for either on E-bay, but could use a little of both in the collection. And it'd be one package.
I know I'm steroetyping, but I think MOST people that listen to RAP are less likely to be checking out E-bay and the music is more available. Plus ther's the whole "in today, gone tomorrow" thing that has been PROVEN to be socio-economic. I also know that a lot of death metal is on obscure labels that are not found at the local chain store. Another stereotype would be: "Damn, my yuppie parents suck, I need Death Metal to show my indepence".
I honestly think that "x" years down the road RAP will be the survivor between the 2.Make it Funky! -
Yeah, users are more likely to be searching the net for death metal since alot of it's harder to find.
Heh, I'm thinking of selling my VHS collection on ebay. -
Ya, my vhs collection needs to be thinned out and I will probably use ebay. Ebay seems to be getting huge. Its getting harder to find good deals. In my experience with auctions is that if they are to big it is no longer an auction. We had a live auction place in my town for awhile and after it gained popularity people were bidding higher than the stuff was worth. I could go to the local Wal-Mart and buy the same item for cheaper brand new. I know a few people in my city that actually have home bussiness through Ebay sells. Thats pretty cool.:)
Well it's good for the seller, bad for the buyer
Try the Flea Market for a week before E-bay. Keep it in the family.Make it Funky!