Totem or Klipsch

AintJoM0mma Posts: 131
edited July 2004 in Speakers
Totem rainmaker or Klipsch RB-35? :D
I = NOOOOOOoooooo000b

Post edited by AintJoM0mma on


  • organ
    organ Posts: 4,969
    edited July 2004
    Well, you've decided on the Jolida and it wouldn't be that good of a match with the Totem. They're too demanding when it comes to power. Also, they sound completely different than Klipsch. But it's nice to see you're looking at the smaller Klipsch.

  • AintJoM0mma
    AintJoM0mma Posts: 131
    edited July 2004
    Yeah the small klipsch is essentially the same thing -1 woofer, which can be made up for with a sub. The towers have to be at least 2 ft from a wall right? That would mean they would have to be 2 ft from my head, hahaha.
    I = NOOOOOOoooooo000b

  • organ
    organ Posts: 4,969
    edited July 2004
    Most people say 18" which is close to 2ft but I've got a little over 2ft. Any closer and the bass just didn't sound natural to me. I doubt you'll need a sub with the RB-35. They won't dig that low but whatever they can play will hit hard and kick you in balls when needed. If you really want towers, I'm sure you could get away with a pair of RF-15. They're small towers with smaller rear ports. So you could get them closer to the wall. For the price of a pair of RB-35 with good speaker stands, you could get a pair of RF-15.

  • AintJoM0mma
    AintJoM0mma Posts: 131
    edited July 2004
    Organ, but the RF-15 wouldent sound as good as a RB-35 with a sub.....Would it?
    I = NOOOOOOoooooo000b

  • organ
    organ Posts: 4,969
    edited July 2004
    Do you have a dealer nearby? Try to demo both. You'll be surprised by the amount of bass they produce(up to a point). Listen and see if you'll need a sub. For an 11x12 room, I wouldn't use a sub. You can get a lot of bass in a room that size. The RF-15 have a larger surface area in the woofers. Try to give both models a listen and see which one you prefer. Watch the electronics they're connected to at the dealer. Toe them in a lot but make sure you can't see the outer left and right sides of the cabinets. Bring your own music to demo.

    good luck

  • AintJoM0mma
    AintJoM0mma Posts: 131
    edited July 2004
    I dont have a klipsch dealer near by. I decided to get 2 RB-35's and an STF-3 to make up for 1 less woofer. Trust me, if I dont need the subwoofer, ill turn it down low just to fill in the very low end. That way if I ever move into a bigger room, it will still fill the room like 2 RF-35, instead of being stuck with 2 little towers.

    Ill be using a tube amp with these....Is that good? I heard its incredible (Klipsch + Tube amp).
    I = NOOOOOOoooooo000b

  • AintJoM0mma
    AintJoM0mma Posts: 131
    edited July 2004
    I just read this on a website:
    The difference between the 6L6 tube and the EL34 tube for the most part are as follows: The EL34 produces a more low and mid frequency sound that is tighter sounding. It has a more "British Rock" tone because of it's biting and aggressive sound. The 6L6 on the other hand is more of an American sound. Great for blues because of it's smoother bass frequencies along with more high end frequencies - think Fender Twin.

    Jolida uses EL34 tubes
    Kailin uses 6L6 tubes

    Which is better for Klipsch?
    I = NOOOOOOoooooo000b

  • organ
    organ Posts: 4,969
    edited July 2004
    The RB-35 won't have as much muscle as the RF but they should perform very well with a sub.

    Yes, tubes and horns have a very unique sound. The sound of my RF-35 is much better when driven by my tube amp. It was very nice with the NAD amp but tubes sound a lot better.

    I have no experience with 6L6 tubes but the EL34 is one of the most popular output tube. My tube amp use a quad of EL34 tubes.

    The description you posted was for guitar amps. The tube sound you want for an audio system is not what guitarists are looking for. A lot of times, guitar players overdrive the tubes until distortion kicks in.

    I'm sure both amps will sound great on klipsch. Personally, if I had the choice to start again, I'd still go for an EL34 tube amp because I love the sound of my amp. The great thing about tube amps is the ability to change the sound by changing to a different brand of tubes.

  • AintJoM0mma
    AintJoM0mma Posts: 131
    edited July 2004
    The RB-35 has a bigger horn than the RF-15, which should provide for better highs. Lots of people say that any of Klipsch's bookshelves coupled with a sub come extremely close to being theyre floorstanding counterparts. Ill get a Jolida 202A since it uses EL34 output tubes.
    I = NOOOOOOoooooo000b

  • ProAc_Fan
    ProAc_Fan Posts: 15
    edited July 2004
    Hmm just what Jolida are we talking about? I've heard the Rainmakers driven by 30 watts of Jolida P-P amp and they sounded very nice indeed. Much nicer than any Klipsch could ever hope too. Who's telling you that the Totems need ungodly amounts of power? Unless you need concert volume levels or live in a gymnasium I must beg to differ.

  • AintJoM0mma
    AintJoM0mma Posts: 131
    edited July 2004
    I would be using a Jolida 202A with 40 WPC. Hurry before the auction goes off.
    I = NOOOOOOoooooo000b

  • ProAc_Fan
    ProAc_Fan Posts: 15
    edited July 2004
    Well I'd have no problem choosing the Totem's when mated with that amp. Better sound, better build quality and just a different "class" of loudspeaker.

  • organ
    organ Posts: 4,969
    edited July 2004
    Originally posted by ProAc_Fan
    Who's telling you that the Totems need ungodly amounts of power?


    So are you saying 85-87db/w/m is efficient?????? Many of their speakers are 4 ohms and with those sensitivity ratings, they're more power hungry than the LSi.

    I've used many speakers with my tube amp (LSi9, RT5, RT800i and now Klipsch). Once you hit over 90db/w/m for speakers, you won't get the full dynamics, bass and most important, the bloom tube provides.

    An 87db/w/m Totem will need 32w to play a peak of 102db @ 1m. The RB-35 that AJM wants to get will only need 4 watts to reach 102db @ 1m. Add another meter and you'll have to double the power.

    If that's the int amp you want and you're set on high eff speakers, go for it.

  • AintJoM0mma
    AintJoM0mma Posts: 131
    edited July 2004
    go for
    I = NOOOOOOoooooo000b

  • organ
    organ Posts: 4,969
    edited July 2004
  • AintJoM0mma
    AintJoM0mma Posts: 131
    edited July 2004
    Jolida + Totem?
    I = NOOOOOOoooooo000b

  • ProAc_Fan
    ProAc_Fan Posts: 15
    edited July 2004
    Organ speaker efficiency ratings are obtained in many different fashions ( anechoic or room efficiency) and are NOT always the best indicator of true efficiency. If you were planning on using 3 watts of SET amp I'd be much more concerned about getting the Totems. ( In fact I wouldn't even consider the Totems) But 40 watts of tube is plenty. How do I know?? Like I said I actually listened to this combo. Unlike a lot of people I see proselytizing online I actually LISTEN to these setups before making judgements. Ain'tJoMomma if you're up for a road trip visit The Electronic Depot on Lundy's Lane in Niagara Falls. You can audition the Jolida/Totem combo for yourself. Or PM me and I'll give you the owners name and phone number and you can ask him his opinion of that combo.
  • organ
    organ Posts: 4,969
    edited July 2004
    I have listened to my own set up. I'm not making judgements without listening. Like I said, I also own the LSi9 which is in a seperate rig now, the RT800i and RT5. At 35w/ch tube watts with tube rectification, it still wasn't enough for the LSi9. My amp can push the Klipsch better than any of my other speakers.

    If I remember correctly, Sean (ATCVenom) owns a Jolida and it didn't have the juice to power his Totem.

  • ProAc_Fan
    ProAc_Fan Posts: 15
    edited July 2004
    Different stokes for different folks I guess. I just offered my opinion and its up to the buyer to make his/her own decision.

  • organ
    organ Posts: 4,969
    edited July 2004
    He decided on the int amp that's why I suggested more eff speakers. The problem is that he has no dealer nearby to demo the speakers or gear. So he's pretty much buying blind. It's still up to him though.

  • ProAc_Fan
    ProAc_Fan Posts: 15
    edited July 2004
    By the way Totem recommends the minimum amplifier power as 20 watts@4ohm. Just FYI.

  • organ
    organ Posts: 4,969
    edited July 2004
    Sounds about right. Wonder if the Jolida have 4 ohm taps

  • ProAc_Fan
    ProAc_Fan Posts: 15
    edited July 2004
    It most certainly does have 4 ohm taps.
  • organ
    organ Posts: 4,969
    edited July 2004
    I guess it's up to AJM now. They sound completely different.

    The Totems are more 'mellow' with a laid back presentation. Klipsch is more forward sounding with more dynamics.

  • VR3
    VR3 Posts: 28,913
    edited July 2004
    I gotta agree with Sean. 13 -18 (and up) - will probally take slam over finese(sp)?

    I personally could care less for a laid back, balanced speaker. I like personality. Just not a cat screaming at me...

    The boy needs to find the closest Totem and Klipsch dealer, get his parents on a free day and go for a ride. Hear these speakers for himself.
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
  • organ
    organ Posts: 4,969
    edited July 2004
    You can get class with slammin speakers. Tubes have the nice warm sound with class and when connected to hard slammin speakers, you get slam with class:D. Some hardcore audiophiles use giant horns with a 2w/ch amp. But seriously, the Jolida will enjoy powering the Klipsch more than Totem.

  • AintJoM0mma
    AintJoM0mma Posts: 131
    edited July 2004
    Man so. Will the totems still rock?.....Will the klipsch sound ballanced AT ALL? Will the totems sound dynamic?

    I gotta decide.
    I = NOOOOOOoooooo000b

  • organ
    organ Posts: 4,969
    edited July 2004
    Only you can decide. Of course the Klipsch will sound balanced. If you want dynamics and a rockin sound, get the Klipsch. It will mate MUCH better with your amp.

    I guess it's the opposite for me:) Went from LSi9 to RF-35.

  • organ
    organ Posts: 4,969
    edited July 2004
    Since you can't demo them, this author describes the sound of Klipsch very well. It's a review of the RF-3 which was replaced by the 35 series. Of course, the slight harshness is gone because Klipsch tweaked the x-over and tweeter for the 35's and it's not a problem with tubes anyway.

  • AintJoM0mma
    AintJoM0mma Posts: 131
    edited July 2004
    I will either get the RF-35's or the RF-5's. I can put them 1 foot from the wall and 5 foot from me.
    I = NOOOOOOoooooo000b