Up-sampling Confusion



  • jmasterj
    jmasterj Posts: 327
    edited September 2004

    Glad to hear DVD 963SA is working properly. It's been two months since I got mine back from repair and I must say it's been flawless. Handling the majority of music playing in my system it get a work out daily and I have no complaints. I keep the upsampling circuit on, and have not noticed any change in the low end. I believe the bass you hear through the upsampling is tighter less muddy and thats probably why you hear a difference.

    Get a SACD and tell me what you think of the upsampling via machine -vs- the upsampling in the recording. Also let me hear your thoughts on multi-channel music. I enjoy both formats however due to the upsampling capabilities of the Philips I only own a limited amount of DVD-Audio, and SACD's Maybe 10 disc.
    I have to blame the software manufactors for that as well. Look forward to hearing from you. J
    JmasterJ Polk to the Death
  • Polkfan
    Polkfan Posts: 15
    edited November 2004
  • sowen010599
    sowen010599 Posts: 343
    edited November 2004
    Have a look at the Denon's. I've got the 3910, and the 2200. Both are universal players (play CD/SACD/DVD-A/DVD). The 3910 can be had for $1300-1400 and is quite outstanding. The 2200 can be had for ~$600. BUT, you can pick it up B-stock for <$400, a monster-killer deal. Both offer out-friggin-standing performance.

    The audio performance of the 3910 is slightly better than the 2200, video performance however is nearly identical.

    I can't see how upsampling and oversampling can do any good for anything. I mean, we strive to make our systems to reproduce the source as faithfully as possible. Upsampling/oversampling changes the source. That would only make any improvement an effect, or even side-effect, of the conversion process be it desirable or not.
    Go BIG or go home!
  • F1nut
    F1nut Posts: 51,001
    edited November 2004
    Sowen, upsampling doesn't change the source, nor is it an effect. It mearly pulls out more info that is already there resulting in the best playback redbook has to offer.
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  • Tour2ma
    Tour2ma Posts: 10,177
    edited November 2004
    I thought upsampling was accomplished through a chip's interpolation of the available information...

    Google found some interesting and contraditory explanantions...

    "Upsampling is a solely digital domain process where the data stream is also stretched out by interpolation — guessing the points in between, again mathematically..."
    Of course then in the very next paragraph there's this:
    "'There is apparently no extra information in the upsampled signal that was not present in the initial signal,’ says Mike Story of dCS."
    from: http://www.aslgroup.com/dcs/upandover.htm

    Here's a white paper that was way to deep for me to tackle at 03:00... it gets into jitter as audible digital distortion and linear dither and time smearing and...
    More later,
    Vox Copuli
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