RIP Jeff Beck



  • Posts: 1,793
    edited February 2023
    Just read about this and it really sucks big time.!
    There will NEVER be another Jeff Beck (a Guitar players Guitar player).
    R.I.P. Mr. Beck.
    “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” ~ Mark Twain
  • Posts: 25,994
    Hey @gimpod welcome back hope all is well with you.
  • Posts: 8,820
    That was amazing. Brought a tear to my eye... :'(
  • Posts: 4,999
    I was hoping he had come back to life. :#
    Speakers: Polk Lsim, ATC SCM19 v2, NHT SuperzeroSpeaker Cables: DH Labs, Transparent, Wireworld, Canare, Monster: Beer budget, Bose ears
  • Posts: 1,978
    Great video, thanks for posting.
    Yamaha RX-A2070, Musical Fidelity M6si integrated amp, Benchmark Dac1, Bluesound NODE 2i, Audiolab 6000CDT CD Transport, Parasound Zphono USB Phono Preamp, Fluance RT85, Ortofon 2M Bronze, Polk L600's, L400, L900's, RC80i's, SVS 3000 Micro, Audioquest Interconnects and Digital Cables, Nordost Silver Shadow Digital Cable, Cullen Gold and Crossover Series Power Cables, Douglas Connection Alpha 12AWG OCC Speaker Cables, Douglas Connection Alpha Analog Interconnect Cables, Douglas Connection Alpha 11 OCC Custom Power Cable, Signal Power Cable, Furman PL-8C 15 Power Conditioner, Sony 65" 900F, Sony UBP-X700, Fios, Apple TV 4K, Audioquest Chocolate HDMI Cables.


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