DS7200 Sub cutting out

fjules Posts: 2
edited June 2004 in Troubleshooting
The sub on my DS7200 system intermittently cuts in and out. This occurs when I am playing the system loud. I was thinking it may be thermal related so as a test I put a big 20" fan behind the sub to see if maybe the amp would cool and the sub would kick back in but it did not. The fan cooled the fins nice but the sub would not kick back in. The sub continued to kick in and out regardless of the fan. Any thoughts?
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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 7,658
    edited June 2004
    I don't believe the unit's protection circuitry is temperature related, but rather current related. In other words the protection is monitoring the flow of current not the temperature. You would want to make sure you have balanced the output of all of the channels using the instructions on page 20 of the owner's manual. This will get all channels balanced, then begin playing a well recorded CD that has realistic bass information. Adjust the sub-woofer level until you can just detect the sub-woofer as a separate sound source. Once you find the bass level where the sub-woofer can just be heard as a separate sound source reduce it a slight amount. This will allow the sub-woofer to play at the same volume level as the other sounds being produced by the system. The goal is to have a high fidelity sound system where all the audible frequencies are treated the same, giving you accurate sound reproduction.
    Regards, Ken, Polk