Require mountain biker help



  • msg
    msg Posts: 10,341
    Nice plan for the parts, everybody wins!
    Pretty cool you all ride.

    Ha, I think anyone who does a lot of their own bike work has messed up at some point. Most of mine happened all at once 9th grade. I once received pegs for my freestyle bike that were 24TPI. My wheel axles were 26TPI. You can see where that's going.

    Then another time, related to the first incident, I had the cone-nuts too tight because I didn't have the skinny wrench required to hold the edge while tightening the lock nut. We rode out to a bike shop across town the next day, and I wasn't really supposed to be going that far. My rear wheel started screeching about 2/3 the way there. Made it there, and one of the bike mechs took pity on me and fixed it for one of the dollars I had in my pocket that day. Several of the bearings had cracked, and then ground down the others to bits as well.

    If we switch over to cars, I have a couple more stories.

    And when I was in the Air Force, in tech school, a buddy and I learned very quickly the difference between In-lbs and ft-lbs when we were practice-R&R'ing an A10 brake caliper. snap snap, on not just one, but two of the bolts. He did one, and I did the other. We were even following the manual. Mostly.
    I disabled signatures.
  • Willow
    Willow Posts: 11,079
    Yes I too have many stories of taking apart my bmx and having spare parts afterwards. My coolest one was taking apart the rear hub and coaster brake. Put it back together and ended up with a freewheel (with parts to spare) no idea how that worked. We'd use so much wd40 I'm surprised we never left the workshop seeing stars.
    We usually all go (4 of us) biking in the trails every weekend during riding season. We would average 10-16kms every ride. Doesn't sound like much but for a 7 and 9 yr old, going up and down constantly wears them out.