Parasound A21+ Review

Most of you know my short audio journey as it relates to my time on this forum. I've been into audio for a while, but took a deep dive back in mid 2018. I went from an old 2005 Denon AVR, to using that AVR as a preamp with a NAD power amp, and then on two Linn LK240 monoblocks. Then, I purchased a PS Audio SGC and used that as the preamp, finally adding two more LK240s. I had this powering the LSiM705s for some time.

In early 2019, I purchased the Elac Adante AF-61 floor standers to replace the 705s.
I loved the sound, but it took a few other listeners to help me decipher that bi-amping each tower (with the four monoblocks) was not ideal for this speaker.

I took a chance on a pair of PS Audio M700 monoblocks, assuming there would be clear synergy with the SGC preamp. Late last year, I ended up saying goodbye to the SGC pre and put the Parasound P6 in its place. I mainly chose it for the bass management, but it ended up making my whole setup quite pleasing.

My setup (besides switching to the stand mount version of the Elac Adantes) had been unchanged up until recently. I had been eyeing the Parasound A21+ since it was released. The first version of this amp had great reviews here on the forum, as well as around the web. The “+” version seemed to only add to the style and performance. This was the next intelligent move for me, since it plays off the synergy of P6. I called my local dealer and was quoted a price that I could not pass on.

I've already posted about the build quality and taken some photos. Now, let me get into the performance. I have had this amp playing for a few hours a night for the last two weeks or so. I've left in on all day during this time, but not always actively playing.

My first impressions were very positive with lower volume listening. I thought this must be the pure Class A (a little over 6 watts) operation that I was hearing. Even brand new, it was a solid gain over the PS Audio M700s. As the days progressed, the amp started to open up more and more. The space around the instruments started to increase and I was getting more left to right, up and down, and front to back depth.

This sensation was not new to me as I had it before. However, what I did not have before was a buttery smooth presentation at higher volume levels. My previous amplifiers had a tendency to get a little bright and harsh on heavy transients - not this guy. When I listened to "Celine Dion - The Power of Love" (let the flaming begin) and she starts singing the higher notes, the sound used to get muddled slightly, but not now. When the music comes in to to join her higher notes, there was so much headroom.

"The Smiths - How Soon Is Now?" - I have heard this song hundreds of times. But never with this much clear distinction of each note. This is a very dynamic song, and I was now hearing sounds and imaging I hadn't ever heard. I love it when that happens. Lastly, "Heart- Live in Seattle (Alone)". This song is a live recording, but very well done. When Ann Wilson gets into her second chorus, she really wails! Even though I had it up turned up to ear bleeding levels, her voice never broke up or started to get grainy. There are also moments when cymbals pierce through the dynamics, and I thought to myself “Was that there before?"

I've made many upgrades to my system that allowed for the cleanest signal path possible. The addition of the A21+ seems to have raised the bar of my system's performance even further. In summary, I am very pleased with this amp



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