Atrium Sub100 Hookup



  • CGC
    CGC Posts: 51
    Start with your #1.

    Ch 1 on the Crown is the Left. Yesterday, we only had the Polk's left (Blk & Red) connected to the Ch 1 on the Crown. That is where I left it and connected the remaining Polk right (Grn & Wht) leads to the Ch 2 on the Crown. If, in the diagram, Amp 2 represents the Crown, then I believe they are currently reversed.

    Yes, I did a factory reset of both the Crown and the Yamaha.

    I will wait to see if you want me to reverse the speaker connections on the Crown before going further.
  • msg
    msg Posts: 10,341
    edited August 2020
    Good on the resets.
    Yes, you are correct. Let's swap them.

    Okay, let's set this convention:
    • Crown Ch1 = L = Yam Subwoofer Output 1
    • Crown Ch2 = R = Yam Subwoofer Output 2

    According to the Sub100 Manual, confirm wired like this:
    • Crown Ch1+ Polk W
    • Crown Ch1- Polk G
    • Crown Ch2+ Polk R
    • Crown Ch2- Polk B

    We're switching the Red & Black to Ch2.

    Make sure everything's powered off before making any cable changes, of course.
    Always. No exceptions.
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  • CGC
    CGC Posts: 51
    Wires are switched.

    Front set to Small Crossover 80Hz
    Subwoofer set to Use; Phase: Normal. No crossover setting provided.
  • CGC
    CGC Posts: 51
    No second Subwoofer option
  • msg
    msg Posts: 10,341
    Okay, give that a shot.
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  • CGC
    CGC Posts: 51
    There is a Level page in settings for all speakers and all are currently set to 0.0dB
  • msg
    msg Posts: 10,341
    See how it sounds right now first.
    I suspect you may be bumping the levels and maybe the crossover.

    Try it at your regular listening level, and a little louder and see what you think of the bass response. Make sure the sub's not distorting.
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  • CGC
    CGC Posts: 51
    Nah. I have to literally pick up the Sub 100 and turn it over and stick my head inside to see if its working. Very faint.

    I am not sure what the meters on the front of the Crown should look like but I would think, with the gain turned to the max, that the light bars would be reaching the top. Not the case. Just lit up at the bottom of the scale. Flashes in time with the music but does not climb up the scale at all.
  • CGC
    CGC Posts: 51
    Maybe the issue is volume. If I turn it up, the sub seems to do better but the Klipsch are too loud. Not only for the neighbors but not good for those sitting on the deck in close proximity either.
  • msg
    msg Posts: 10,341
    edited August 2020
    And before what were the meters doing? They were higher, but is there a green/yellow/red scale?

    Sounds like the Crown isn't getting enough sub input signal.

    At the Yamaha's listening level for the Klipshes, try bumping the level for the sub +3 and see if the Crown meter changes.

    From page 113 in the Yamaha manual, it looks like you have +/-10dB to play with in levels.
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  • CGC
    CGC Posts: 51
    I really do not know what the Crown gain scale is capable of but I assume it does change color as it reaches the dangerous areas. But, I have never seen it.

    Please be more descriptive as to the listening level for the Klipsch's and Sub. Where in the settings should I be headed to bump the sub +3? Are you talking the Level page where all are set to 0.0dB or the Front speaker crossover adjustment?
  • CGC
    CGC Posts: 51
    Name a good bass tune for testing purposes. I would like to push the Crown to see just how it works.
  • msg
    msg Posts: 10,341
    edited August 2020
    Yes, the level page you mentioned earlier. This is where you want to change the sub's level. (The front crossover is a separate function. We'll leave that at 80Hz for now.)

    Hold on that momentarily.

    When you set up the Speaker System option after the reset, what option did you choose?

    Is there an option for 2.1 (or maybe even 2.2)?
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  • msg
    msg Posts: 10,341
    edited August 2020
    CGC wrote: »
    Name a good bass tune for testing purposes. I would like to push the Crown to see just how it works.

    Massive Attack's Protection is one I use in a reference playlist of sorts. It should hit deep, and offer a bit of bass decay; it'll linger between hits.

    This is a good question. Find some tracks you're familiar with and know to sound good for whatever genres you're into, and set them up in a playlist.

    Some people like Dire Straits's Money For Nothing. FFWD to about 1:10. This will demonstrate some tighter bass.
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  • CGC
    CGC Posts: 51
    There is a Volume setting under the Sound settings. It is currently at;

    Max +16.5dB
    Initial Volume is set to Off

    If that means anything.
  • CGC
    CGC Posts: 51
    Looking at the Info page, it shows the info on the Mp3 that is currently paying and down the list it shows Output Channel 2.1.2

    That must be my Speaker System setting, yes?
  • msg
    msg Posts: 10,341
    edited August 2020
    CGC wrote: »
    There is a Volume setting under the Sound settings. It is currently at;
    Max +16.5dB
    Initial Volume is set to Off
    If that means anything.
    This is saying the highest you are able to adjust the volume.
    CGC wrote: »
    Looking at the Info page, it shows the info on the Mp3 that is currently paying and down the list it shows Output Channel 2.1.2
    That must be my Speaker System setting, yes?
    Yes, this is the speaker system setting.

    On the front of the Yamaha, what do you see here in this yellow highlighted section? You should only see L R and SW.

    From the 2.1.2, I think it's configured with overhead speakers enabled. You want only Front and Sub enabled.

    Go through the speaker system setup again and confirm. You want that info page to show 2.1 or 2.2, but I'm not sure you'll see the .2.
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  • msg
    msg Posts: 10,341
    edited August 2020
    Okay, yeah, go through the Speaker System Setup again and set those Front Presence L and R to None.

    At -15dB, how do the Klipsches sound? Would you consider it loud, or just listening level?
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  • CGC
    CGC Posts: 51
    I remember in the speaker settings there was front and front presence. Those are both active. I just got rid of the Front Presence and the front display now shows only L, R, SW.

    But, made no difference in the sound. Currently, the volume bar on the Music Case app is nearly to the max with little room for adjustment. I guess I would like to see it more in the middle so I had more ability to increase the volume. Guess that doesn't make a lot of sense. There is no room for movement, so to speak. These are levels I would like to change if possible. But the Sub100 first.
  • msg
    msg Posts: 10,341
    Okay, good.

    Yes, with that volume level and unsatisfactory output, Levels and maybe, first, the Speaker Distance, would be next steps.

    But before we continue, do you have the setup mic that came with the AVR?

    We have the basics set now, and you're still not in the ballpark. If we run YPAO, it should configure the necessary system adjustments automatically.
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  • CGC
    CGC Posts: 51
    Klipsch's sound good. They are still putting out their own bass but I don't think that would be something to change. At -15dB they sound good. Not too loud for me but the wife would say otherwise. A tad loud I guess.
  • CGC
    CGC Posts: 51
    I would like to see more from the Sub at this point. It is working but at -15dB I have to put my had on it to realize it is working.
  • msg
    msg Posts: 10,341
    And the Klipsch speakers are connected to the Front terminals, correct?
    With polarity observed?

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  • msg
    msg Posts: 10,341
    CGC wrote: »
    Klipsch's sound good. They are still putting out their own bass but I don't think that would be something to change. At -15dB they sound good. Not too loud for me but the wife would say otherwise. A tad loud I guess.
    Good sign.
    CGC wrote: »
    I would like to see more from the Sub at this point. It is working but at -15dB I have to put my had on it to realize it is working.
    Yeah, this is probably Distance and Levels.

    If you have the setup mic, let's run YPAO.
    If not, we can set speaker distances and levels manually, starting with distances.
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  • CGC
    CGC Posts: 51
    Still having trouble grasping the gain settings on the Crown. They are both turned up to the Max but you wouldn't know it.
  • CGC
    CGC Posts: 51
    Yes, the Klipsch are connected as shown. I will run YPAO.
  • msg
    msg Posts: 10,341
    edited August 2020
    CGC wrote: »
    Still having trouble grasping the gain settings on the Crown. They are both turned up to the Max but you wouldn't know it.
    You're positive the Crown is factory defaulted?
    This is probably because the input signal is low.

    If the meters on front that are still showing low, this will probably change with adjustments in the Subwoofer Distance and Levels settings.
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  • msg
    msg Posts: 10,341
    Place the mic in the seat of the area you'll be sitting for listening. Ideally it should be at ear level, so if you have a camera tripod or a box you can put in the seat, do that.
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