Benchmark LA4 preamp and AHB2 power amplifier review



  • JayDog
    JayDog Posts: 266
    Solid review thread, thanks for the info, everybody over at ASR is freaking out about the Benchmark amp and how it tested.
  • Clipdat
    Clipdat Posts: 12,992
    Measurements are a useful data point, but hearing is believing. In this case, the measurements correlate directly to the listening experience.
  • maxward
    maxward Posts: 1,602
    Apparently, Paul Seydor of The Absolute Sound shares your opinion of Benchmark equipment, Drew.
  • Clipdat
    Clipdat Posts: 12,992
    The LA4 and AHB2 deserve every bit of praise that they get!
  • JayDog
    JayDog Posts: 266
    They have been sold out for the last month, I think they are back in stock now. Clipdat I was hoping you would say "its a nice amp but not much better then a Parasound A21 ". This way I can get this amp out of my mind and move on.

    I have been avoiding ASR for a couple months because of its test results and all the buzz this amp has been generating, I like to spend money and hearing reviews like this all over the place is what makes it even harder, So thanks..I think :D
  • Clipdat
    Clipdat Posts: 12,992
    IIRC, you have a mixed use system, correct? I wouldn't upgrade from the A21 to the AHB2 for this use case.
  • JayDog
    JayDog Posts: 266
    edited January 2021
    Your right, I need to get back on the golf course and on the water soon, Spring seems like it is never going to get here.
    I think its a mix of cabin fever and upgraditis, I sit and read these wonderful reviews and well.. enough said.. thanks!
  • Clipdat
    Clipdat Posts: 12,992
    I'll have more reviews coming soon for you to read!

    In the mean time, enjoy the A21, it's a fine amplifier!
  • jdjohn
    jdjohn Posts: 3,194
    How about a Benchmark DAC3/HGC as a pre into a McCormack DNA power amp? Do you think the AHB2 would be an improvement there? :)
    "This may not matter to you, but it does to me for various reasons, many of them illogical or irrational, but the vinyl hobby is not really logical or rational..." - member on Vinyl Engine
    "Sometimes I do what I want to do. The rest of the time, I do what I have to." - Cicero, in Gladiator
    Regarding collectibles: "It's not who gets it. It's who gets stuck with it." - Jimmy Fallon
  • Clipdat
    Clipdat Posts: 12,992
    Not sure! I'd need to get ears on both amps powering the same speakers, in order to be sure which one would sound best to me!

    If you are curious about the AHB2 I would encourage you to take it for a 30 day test drive from Music Direct. The only thing you "have to lose" is the return shipping fees. :)
  • maxward
    maxward Posts: 1,602
    Great advice from any professional reviewer right there. Listen for yourself, preferably in your own room with your specific equipment.
  • steveinaz
    steveinaz Posts: 19,538
    Looks like someone is living the dream....congrats man!
    Source: Bluesound Node 2i - Preamp/DAC: Benchmark DAC2 DX - Amp: Parasound Halo A21 - Speakers: MartinLogan Motion 60XTi - Shop Rig: Yamaha A-S501 Integrated - Shop Spkrs: Elac Debut 2.0 B5.2
  • JayDog
    JayDog Posts: 266
    I would like your reviewer position Clipdat, but i would be afraid I would want to buy all of the top gear.. :)
  • jdjohn
    jdjohn Posts: 3,194
    This week I got an HPA4 for line-level preamp duties, so now I'm all-in on Benchmark. I use the DAC3/HGC to convert from an Innuos Zen Mk3, the HPA4 for line-level, and the AHB2 power amp.
    I'll likely reconfigure the rack arrangement once I build a longer pair of XLR cables, and I'd like to get a stone slab to put under the power amp, but as far as actual gear, I think I'm done for awhile B)
    "This may not matter to you, but it does to me for various reasons, many of them illogical or irrational, but the vinyl hobby is not really logical or rational..." - member on Vinyl Engine
    "Sometimes I do what I want to do. The rest of the time, I do what I have to." - Cicero, in Gladiator
    Regarding collectibles: "It's not who gets it. It's who gets stuck with it." - Jimmy Fallon
  • dromunds
    dromunds Posts: 10,036
    Pretty nice Nu-Vista there
  • Milito
    Milito Posts: 1,966
    @jdjohn Great looking setup!
    Yamaha RX-A2070, Musical Fidelity M6si integrated amp, Benchmark Dac1, Bluesound NODE 2i, Audiolab 6000CDT CD Transport, Parasound Zphono USB Phono Preamp, Fluance RT85, Ortofon 2M Bronze, Polk L600's, L400, L900's, RC80i's, SVS 3000 Micro, Audioquest Interconnects and Digital Cables, Nordost Silver Shadow Digital Cable, Cullen Gold and Crossover Series Power Cables, Douglas Connection Alpha 12AWG OCC Speaker Cables, Douglas Connection Alpha Analog Interconnect Cables, Douglas Connection Alpha 11 OCC Custom Power Cable, Signal Power Cable, Furman PL-8C 15 Power Conditioner, Sony 65" 900F, Sony UBP-X700, Fios, Apple TV 4K, Audioquest Chocolate HDMI Cables.