Definitive Technology Demand series.

mantis Posts: 17,228
Hello everyone,
I'm getting my Mythos ST amp fixed on the one side which has a bad volume control. Once I get this back from Def Tech I'm probably gonna consider moving on. I've had these speakers Since August 27 2009. So 11 years of wonderful service. Over these years I have found no reason to upgrade them BUT now that one is broke and I put together a temp fronts and sub with my KLH Albany bookies and Def Tech Powerfield 15 inch Sub. I re ran Room Calibration on my Sony ES receiver and used the Sony reference room setting to try and blend in the KLH to my Mythos Center , surrounds and Atmos speakers. It did a fair job it's not bad as most things I have been watching don't call attention to each speaker as things move around so I'm fine with the mis match for now.
I look at having book shelf fronts as not a bad idea. Running the fronts in small is ideal anyway for room bass response. So getting a killer pair of higher end book shelf speakers might be the way to go. I have had many pairs of bookies and never wanted them as mains until maybe now. I also totally enjoy floor standing speakers but maybe this is a good time to let go and try something totally different. In the mean time if I find a pair of Mythos 9 or 10's I'm also willing to use them wall mounted for the surround system. I can always pick up a 2 channel speakers at some point and separate the 2 duties. The Hunt is getting strong within so the gear are turning and so many options it's not even funny.
Well I checked out the Demand series by Def Tech and have not yet heard the brand new models. Anyone get a chance to sit with them bookies or even the 2 foot standing models? They replaced the Mythos series so I gotta assume they are a next level in overall performance. I also like the idea of getting away from powered towers as I'm pretty tired of that setup. I like having subs in the room to move around and place better then where your main channels go as that isn't always the idea place to have even smooth bass response in a given room. I'm not going to be using the Powerfield 15 inch sub in the new setup as I'm gonna try and get a pair of SVS PB2000 Pro's and compare them to JL audio and see IF they are as good as everyone has said. My room doesn't need anything more powerful then a pair of 2000 pro's which by spec seem to fit my purpose.
My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.
