Car Decals

jdtruong00 Posts: 7
edited July 2010 in Car Audio & Electronics
Anyone know how to get free car decals? My new polk speakers and my cd player did not come with any. I wrote to each of the companies, but now response.
Post edited by jdtruong00 on


  • neomagus00
    neomagus00 Posts: 3,899
    edited April 2004
    try calling polk, they'll have an answer... whether it's the one you like or not, they'll be there. um, lots of audio companies make you buy the logo in addition to the product. call and ask.
    It's not good, very fundamentally simply not good. - geolemon

    "Its not good enough until we have real-time fearmongering. I want my fear mongered as it happens." - Shizelbs
  • jdtruong00
    jdtruong00 Posts: 7
    edited April 2004
    I have already tried contacting both of the companies by email, no response as of yet. I didn't see any car decals for sale in the Polk Store online.
  • neomagus00
    neomagus00 Posts: 3,899
    edited April 2004
    i just called- they're free (i got one sent to me too, these people are great!!).
    It's not good, very fundamentally simply not good. - geolemon

    "Its not good enough until we have real-time fearmongering. I want my fear mongered as it happens." - Shizelbs
  • neomagus00
    neomagus00 Posts: 3,899
    edited April 2004
    oh, the number is 800.377.7655

    i said i was a consumer and i went to parts/service.
    It's not good, very fundamentally simply not good. - geolemon

    "Its not good enough until we have real-time fearmongering. I want my fear mongered as it happens." - Shizelbs
  • jdtruong00
    jdtruong00 Posts: 7
    edited April 2004
    You said you were a comsumer, went to parts/service and then just asked them if they would send you some free car decals?
  • neomagus00
    neomagus00 Posts: 3,899
    edited April 2004
    It's not good, very fundamentally simply not good. - geolemon

    "Its not good enough until we have real-time fearmongering. I want my fear mongered as it happens." - Shizelbs
  • AustinKP
    AustinKP Posts: 861
    edited April 2004
    How big is the decal? I got one w/ my MM6's that's like 2" x 6-8ish - Read it, know it

    Alpine 9815
    Polk MM6's in custom fiberglass door pods
    Ascendant Audio Atlas 12
    HiFonics Zeus ZX6400 - 85x2 + 350x1
    2 Gallons SecondSkin Spectrum V.2
  • neomagus00
    neomagus00 Posts: 3,899
    edited April 2004
    i dunno...

    hmm, i just looked and it turns out i've got a little polkaudio/momo logo too (w/ my mm6s).i didn't know i had it, but another/different one cant hurt :)

    ill post what the new one looks like when i get it (probably a couple weeks).
    It's not good, very fundamentally simply not good. - geolemon

    "Its not good enough until we have real-time fearmongering. I want my fear mongered as it happens." - Shizelbs
  • jdtruong00
    jdtruong00 Posts: 7
    edited April 2004
    I called up Polk and was transferred to someone's voicemail. Hopefully they will send them to me also. I have also emailed Fockford Fosgate because I have one of their amps and they are going to send me a car decal also.
  • geolemon
    geolemon Posts: 67
    edited April 2004
    I wouldn't suggest sticking "steal me" stickers on your car. ;)

    Nothing like drawing a big pointy arrow for the car theif. :eek:

    It follows along the same lines as the famous Mark Twain quote: "It is better to sit in silence and appear ignorant, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"

    I personally believe it is best to park in silence, and let a car theif wonder which car might have the prizes they seek... than to stick a virtual product list on the outside of your car and remove all doubt. :p

    Not to mention... many people really make fun of "wannabe sponsorship stickers".
    You aren't sponsored by them, correct?
    You aren't obligated to advertise for them... in fact, what has the company done for you, other than take your money and turn large profit off of it? ;)
    "The executive staff, with their suits and black Mercedes S-class sedans, formally wishes to thank you for your continuing to support their profit and their second homes - but no, they aren't going to share any of their wealth with you for your efforts." ;)

    Companies actually pay people to sacrifice the smooth lines and otherwise undisturbed cosmetics of their vehicle with brand name advertisements, such as professional race vehicles.

    I'd have a hard time even advocating stickers for things like this in a high school locker or something...
    People might know which car was yours, etc.

    But then again, I take security seriously.

    JMO.. take it or leave it. :cool:
  • AustinKP
    AustinKP Posts: 861
    edited April 2004
    Yep, I definitely keep any and all stickers off my car. Bad enough my car is need to advertise any further :D - Read it, know it

    Alpine 9815
    Polk MM6's in custom fiberglass door pods
    Ascendant Audio Atlas 12
    HiFonics Zeus ZX6400 - 85x2 + 350x1
    2 Gallons SecondSkin Spectrum V.2
  • exalted512
    exalted512 Posts: 10,735
    edited April 2004
    Originally posted by geolemon
    Nothing like drawing a big pointy arrow for the car theif.
    the funny thing is, some of the momo stickers are big bright yellow arrows...
    i agree, you wont see any stickers on my truck advertising that i have at least 4k worth of audio in it...
    Music is like candy, you have to get rid of the rappers to enjoy it
  • neomagus00
    neomagus00 Posts: 3,899
    edited April 2004
    i see it this way - i live in a pretty secure place where everyone knows everyone else; this includes everyone's system. if i wanted to steal stuff, i could name at least ten other vehicles i'd go after before mine. my car attracts attention as is, i don't think a sticker's gonna make much difference. and if it does, that's what the alarm's for, no?
    It's not good, very fundamentally simply not good. - geolemon

    "Its not good enough until we have real-time fearmongering. I want my fear mongered as it happens." - Shizelbs
  • AustinKP
    AustinKP Posts: 861
    edited April 2004
    What do you drive Neo? You live in a small town? I always think of Gone in 60 Seconds. I know that was just a movie, but there are people out there who know how to disable an alarm in like 10 seconds flat. Does anyone even look twice at a car alarm going off these days? Heck, I dont' even look once. I just think it was probably the wind or a passing car. Too many cheap alarms ruin it for the good ones actually advertising a break-in...:( - Read it, know it

    Alpine 9815
    Polk MM6's in custom fiberglass door pods
    Ascendant Audio Atlas 12
    HiFonics Zeus ZX6400 - 85x2 + 350x1
    2 Gallons SecondSkin Spectrum V.2
  • neomagus00
    neomagus00 Posts: 3,899
    edited April 2004
    yeah, i live in a small town; it's developing quite rapidly, but im goin off to college soon (w00t!).
    Originally posted by AustinKP
    Does anyone even look twice at a car alarm going off these days? Heck, I dont' even look once.
    consider a mom and her baby - when the baby cries, the mom can hear it from a mile away, and can't ignore it until she's done something. same with me and my alarm :p.

    and if someone manages to disable the alarm (can't rip through the roof to prevent it from going off, motion sensors inside), find the amp (pretty tough, you can't see it from anywhere, even the trunk), get it out, or even if they're able to get a tool in the door far enough to get the mids - hey, they deserve to have them
    It's not good, very fundamentally simply not good. - geolemon

    "Its not good enough until we have real-time fearmongering. I want my fear mongered as it happens." - Shizelbs
  • exalted512
    exalted512 Posts: 10,735
    edited April 2004
    the thing is is that all the stuff they tear up trying to get in your car, ripping the alarm out, ripping your dash out, ripping your seats apart...
    trust me, i live in a village of like 500 ppl
    and my dad has gotten 2 tool boxes stolen with about 900 dollars worth of tools
    also, ive stayed at my brothers house in a town of 2500 pl
    in the good neighborhood where everyone knows everyone
    two guys came up to my truck about 1 am
    if my neighbor wouldnt have been up, i might have a broken window...and thats because the only sticker i have the "advertises" my system is a "Pardon my bass" sticker--which is about to be taken off anyway
    Music is like candy, you have to get rid of the rappers to enjoy it
  • neomagus00
    neomagus00 Posts: 3,899
    edited April 2004
    i guess it'll have to be experience that teaches me this one then :)

    anyone touches my car, i'm taking a baseball bat to em first, and only then will i call the cops... "What the hell happened here??" "Well, officer, I found this guy trying to steal my stuff, and I yelled at him, and he fell over - that's why he's all bruised and broken..."
    It's not good, very fundamentally simply not good. - geolemon

    "Its not good enough until we have real-time fearmongering. I want my fear mongered as it happens." - Shizelbs
  • exalted512
    exalted512 Posts: 10,735
    edited April 2004
    i go for the .302
    or if theyre NOT around the truck...12 gauge does wonders
    Music is like candy, you have to get rid of the rappers to enjoy it
  • neomagus00
    neomagus00 Posts: 3,899
    edited April 2004
    haha... i'll stick with the baseball bat, or if they escape that, the m1 garrand (i happen to qualify as expert with this weapon... see, i'm not just any ole city boy).
    It's not good, very fundamentally simply not good. - geolemon

    "Its not good enough until we have real-time fearmongering. I want my fear mongered as it happens." - Shizelbs
  • GT_03
    GT_03 Posts: 37
    edited April 2004
    Options makes custom decals from all companies in any color you want, even carbon fiber. Check them out, this is where i get all my decals.
  • jdtruong00
    jdtruong00 Posts: 7
    edited April 2004
    This has gotten out of hand. It is just about some free car decals. Don't we advertise our system by just driving it around? If someone wants to go through the trouble I went through installing my stuff then be my guest. Besides I park my car in a garage every night and have like three police officers that live in my neighborhood. I don't think anyone is going to be that stupid. We advertise many products, even by just wearing the clothes with thier logos on them. Anyway I am getting my free car decals anyway, thanks neomagus00 your advice helped.
  • neomagus00
    neomagus00 Posts: 3,899
    edited April 2004
    Originally posted by jdtruong00
    This has gotten out of hand.
    isn't that the point :D.
    Anyway I am getting my free car decals anyway, thanks neomagus00 your advice helped.
    no prob :)
    It's not good, very fundamentally simply not good. - geolemon

    "Its not good enough until we have real-time fearmongering. I want my fear mongered as it happens." - Shizelbs
  • exalted512
    exalted512 Posts: 10,735
    edited April 2004
    sorry not everone has the luxury of a garage
    we were simply trying to warn ppl of the consequences of putting stickers on the outside of your car that tells people what equipment you have in it
    no one here said any more than that and were not being rude at all
    do you ever park your car outside of the garage...say maybe a mall? say about 20% of car break ins are at the house, the other 80% is when youre out and about
    Music is like candy, you have to get rid of the rappers to enjoy it
  • jdtruong00
    jdtruong00 Posts: 7
    edited April 2004
    I realize this also. Can anyone really ever stop someone from stealing from their car anyway? People will know if you have a system just by driving by. Anyway I'm happy, I'm getting my free decals.
  • exalted512
    exalted512 Posts: 10,735
    edited April 2004
    no but measures can be taken to prevent it
    1. the little blinking LED light on the dash for your alarm
    2. the little stickers on the window that advertise your alarm:)
    3. not playing your system at 145Dbs in the parking lot of places youre going to park
    Music is like candy, you have to get rid of the rappers to enjoy it
  • jdtruong00
    jdtruong00 Posts: 7
    edited April 2004
    I don't have an alarm yet. Any suggestions, brand wise?
  • exalted512
    exalted512 Posts: 10,735
    edited April 2004
    mines some POS alarm that i got on a tint/alarm special
    its called barracuda, but i doubt its the brand name
    Viper's are awesome though
    Music is like candy, you have to get rid of the rappers to enjoy it
  • Sami
    Sami Posts: 4,634
    edited April 2004
    I think the question would rather be why would you advertise something without getting compensated? I would keep stickers out of my car unless there was sponsorship involved and even then I have turned down all the requests so far. Putting stickers on your car just bring it down to riceboy level. You have a nice sound system on your car for your enjoyment, not trying to impress someone else. Right?
  • geolemon
    geolemon Posts: 67
    edited April 2004
    Originally posted by exalted512
    sorry not everone has the luxury of a garage
    To back up your point, it's not really about this.

    It's really more about this: say about 20% of car break ins are at the house, the other 80% is when youre out and about
    No one owns a car, so they can drive it from their garage, out... and back into their garage.

    It's not for driving from point A to point A...
    It's about driving from point A to point B.

    The issue is more about limiting the point B's that you can drive to, securely.

    Can you stop a car theif?
    An alarm isn't effective... by the time it goes off, the damage has been done. Little blinking light might be a deterrant... maybe an invitation? ("Hmm what does THIS guy have to protect?" ;))

    The only way you can stop a car theif, is by not letting him know there's anything inside your car.

    Beleive me, I haven't owned a car in 15 years that I haven't modified, sometimes extensively...
    But I've taken extreme care to be stealth...
    You might be interested in my head unit for example.

    The car from the outside might draw some attention - yes.

    But then, the first thing a theif will do is peek in the windows, right?
    What do they see?
    Stock HU.
    (Even though it's not, really.)

    The car audio thief's hopes are dashed.
    Aw, guy's just got a suspension and wheels on the car.

    It's all about thinking like a theif.
    What would encourage him? Stickers would, no doubt.
    What would discourage him? Good thing to ponder! ;)

    You wouldn't go booming through a mall parking lot, right into your spot, right?
    You might as well, though, if your car is stickered up like a drive through window for a car theif. ;)

    Take it or leave it, it's just one man's viewpoint. ;)
  • neomagus00
    neomagus00 Posts: 3,899
    edited May 2004
    alarm - agreed, it is mostly a deterrent. i've got the little blinky light too.

    at least in my car, the only visible thing is the HU, and i almost always remove the faceplate and lock it in the glovebox (hidden in it's own little place). it would require an absolutely absurd amount of work (comparatively) to jack my stuff - i'm talking at least ten minutes to get the mids, another five to get the tweets, assuming they find them; they'll never find the amp - even if i opened the whole car for you, you'd probably take a few minutes to find it. subs will be locked and glued (and i wont do anything as retarded as blasting them in a mall parking lot :p) in the trunk.... etc etc etc.

    i suppose that i've got a 'stealth' installation too, and that surely helps enormously. with the sticker, i say "hey, stupid, i've got polk in here." he then looks around and sees three JL windshield stickers and a few tricked out cars and moves along. hopefully.
    It's not good, very fundamentally simply not good. - geolemon

    "Its not good enough until we have real-time fearmongering. I want my fear mongered as it happens." - Shizelbs