Yard sale ad pictures that don't show much but tell a lot.
Still in limbo...
No call yet. He said he would call me when he was done.
He said he had a job to do in the morning, so...
I let things play out sometimes. I'll call him at 4:00 to see what's up, or maybe not.
My day has been kind-of wasted but I'm used to people NOT doing what they say. Like waiting for him to call.
I just posted up above, it took days for that girl to answer my 3rd email. The music man took days I think to respond to my email about the Rotel and Pinnacle speakers.
Patience is a hassle sometimes.Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them. -
A very old friend just moved back to wilm.
He got in touch with me last night. He's coming over to show me a BIG HAUL he just picked up!
I'll bet anything, he got the Infinitys and whatever else he could get from the guy for little to nothing. He's a finagler now. I feel 99.99% he got the deal. He likes to re-foam speakers too!
Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them. -
Ya can't win em all. At some point, it is better to sit back and enjoy the music rather than worry about the next step. Might be a good time for that with those Tritons
A very old friend just moved back to wilm.
He got in touch with me last night. He's coming over to show me a BIG HAUL he just picked up!
I'll bet anything, he got the Infinitys and whatever else he could get from the guy for little to nothing. He's a finagler now. I feel 99.99% he got the deal. He likes to re-foam speakers too!
knock him out and take the gear!!!
wait, did I just say that out loud??? *slowly backs towards the recent threads button* -
My old friend got the speakers. They had the 2 woofers and they needed foam bad. The rest of the speakers looked great. He bought a Pioneer elite amp. The yamaha 2030 I think it is, the little TT, and a Bob Carver Receiver that was in mint cond. sans a couple of missing knobs. I think he bought another electronic piece but I forget what it was if at all.
He said the seller called a guy who was interested in the stuff but he didn't answer. WTF. I had the phone next to my head this morning and waited all day. I should've called the guy at 10 AM I guess. But I don't need the stuff and I'm glad an OLD FRIEND got it to play with. He likes re-foaming surrounds, like I said.
It's been like 6 years since he lived here. He stopped by of course and loved all my new things and new addition in the back. He really liked the Tritons sound and bass A LOT!.
He can't wait to here them out in the open.
I forgot to ask him about the MK sub though. next time.
Strange and Funny story to tell over the years, huh?Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them. -
I hate your old friend.
So what speakers were they?
I hate your old friend's guts.I disabled signatures. -
He's really a super guy! He and I laughed about this. SO you're the other guy!!!LOL... Yea, I was first in line ...I thought. LOL.
It was these;
Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them. -
He’s got a proper amp to power them right? I’d hate to see him blow up an AVR and those speakers...
He said he wanted to get one from me most likely.
But he's still using a SUPER HUGE Pioneer Elite I sold him 6 years ago that puts out 130 or 170 per channel. He's been loving its performance for years. He said he'd try it first probably.Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them. -
Those infinitys are power hungry like Polks, but the pioneer should be fine as long as you're not trying to play Toccata en Fugue at live levels.
He likes Pink Floyd a lot now I heard.
But he's a musician and has been in a few bands and also solo singer player, so he might like LIVE levels. He gave me the thumb up to play the Tritons a little louder. I obliged. He smiled BIGGER!Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them. -
Tony, you've got a collection. Now that you heard the GoldenEars and they knocked you off your arse, maybe its time to flip that gear and reinvest?
I think the GE are giving you a taste of newer high fidelity but just a taste.
Antagonistic enabler...
But glad you are here to do so nonetheless -
I think I have fallen down the rabbit hole a bit more.
These GE's are almost the most I've ever spent on audio gear. The other was the Bob Carver 600x2 signature amp. at 300.00 more. That amp powered my SRS2's well but the NAD Int. I have now does just as well I feel.
We can't miss what we haven't heard and when I bought the RSL3300's a few months back. I heard a clear sound that seemed balanced just like a pair of Avid's I had, did years ago. Clear and not ear piercing at all. Just right I feel. Pic. from the web. Not mine but they looked like this.
I think I need to bring my old Rotel Pre. off the shelf and see if it's better than the Adcom pre I have hooked up now.
SS kicks in, in a year or more so I'll be able to maybe buy some used gear that is awesome right now, like Parasound amps and pres, or Cary gear too. I'm sure there will be a ton of HIGH-QUALITY gear available the more wireless becomes mainstream.Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them. -
^ see!? Another NAD lover. Why is it that NAD gets a bad rap? Warm, tonnes of headroom, no nonsense throughout.
I guess it's good for me, keeps the prices down -
Nice Audio Devices!Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them. -
Close, it's "New Acoustic Dimension".Its actually New Audio dimension or something like that...
yes you are correct, it was too late to correct after I woke from my hibernation
Thanks -
Now who has heard people say it "En A Dee" vs. "nad"?yes you are correct, it was too late to correct after I woke from my hibernation
That's how I say it. And have since before you were born. N.A.D.
NAD's hang..
Same as K.E.F. . What does KEF mean? - Definitions.net
KEF is a British-based loudspeaker manufacturer with international distribution. It was founded in Tovil, Maidstone, Kent in 1961 by electrical engineer Raymond Cooke and named after Kent Engineering & Foundry which previously occupied the site.
Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them. -
Huh! I always said KEF as "keff", not K.E.F.That's how I say it. And have since before you were born. N.A.D.
Same as K.E.F. . What does KEF mean? - Definitions.net
KEF is a British-based loudspeaker manufacturer with international distribution. It was founded in Tovil, Maidstone, Kent in 1961 by electrical engineer Raymond Cooke and named after Kent Engineering & Foundry which previously occupied the site.
I say NAD as En A Dee, but I say KEF as keff. I think that that was how they were intended to be pronounced. My friend has a Bic America subwoofer, and he insists that the company is called Bic, like it is spelled, but i refuse to say that so I pronounce it beak even though I know that’s not how it’s pronounced.
Either way... They're both fine with me. I've had a ton of people ask me how to say stereo names. I give my opinions but don't say it's concrete since I'm not a certified dealer of anthing.
Whatever feels right to you in some cases. We say POLK instead of Polk Audio don't we most of the time?
You actually thought, I thought NAD was what I typed up above?I've been around too long and owned so many receivers and still do, to not know what NAD are initials for.
But I'll bet 98% of people don't know and probably don't care either. As long as they realize NAD makes some nice dependable, affordable and high-end electronics still.Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them. -
mlistens03 wrote: »I say NAD as En A Dee, but I say KEF as keff. I think that that was how they were intended to be pronounced. My friend has a Bic America subwoofer, and he insists that the company is called Bic, like it is spelled, but i refuse to say that so I pronounce it beak even though I know that’s not how it’s pronounced.
Another good mention..........I say B.I.C. myself. The beginning;
BIC America - Top Rated Speakers Since 1973
BIC, originally an abbreviation for British Industry Corporation, was established as an American corporation specializing in British products. We were among the earliest pioneers in the audio industry, distributing products including Garrard turntables, Luxman amplifiers and Wharfedale loudspeakers during the 1960's.
Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them. -
Either way... They're both fine with me. I've had a ton of people ask me how to say stereo names. I give my opinions but don't say it's concrete since I'm not a certified dealer of anthing.
Whatever feels right to you in some cases. We say POLK instead of Polk Audio don't we most of the time?
You actually thought, I thought NAD was what I typed up above?I've been around too long and owned so many receivers and still do, to not know what NAD are initials for.
But I'll bet 98% of people don't know and probably don't care either. As long as they realize NAD makes some nice dependable, affordable and high-end electronics still.
I knew NAD stood for something, but I couldn’t remember what it was. As long as I know what the person I’m talking to I say talking about, I could care less if they say it right or wrong. I thought for the longest time that my Mission 770 Freedoms were actually Mission Freedom 770s, but it turned out I was wrong. I still sometimes say it the wrong way, but for the most part I say 770 Freedoms.
Micah -
I have a pair of pee oh ell kay ess dee ay ess are ess two point three tee ells.
I have a pair of pee oh ell kay ess dee ay ess are ess two point three tee ells.
you should see a doctor to get some salve for that.... -
Looking around for Goldenear remarks I found this post. I hope one day I can say the same.
Notice the NAD thumbs up.
Well-Known Member
Grosse Pointe
I've now lived with my set of Triton Ones for over a year. I continuously tell my wife how much I love them. They are powered by an NAD amp.
ggjjr, Sep 1, 2016Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them.