
deronb1 Posts: 5,021
Anyone have a long commute? Mine is not crazy, but 31 miles one way. Mostly highway, which can get nutty at times.


  • lightman1
    lightman1 Posts: 10,795
    7.5 hrs one way for me. Sometimes 12-16....depends on what state I'm working in.
  • deronb1
    deronb1 Posts: 5,021
    lightman1 wrote: »
    7.5 hrs one way for me. Sometimes 12-16....depends on what state I'm working in.

    That doesnt count! Your job is one giant commute! ;)
  • mrbiron
    mrbiron Posts: 5,711
    My Mondays and Tuesdays I drive 78 miles, one way to work. All highway so not too bad.
    Other days are considerably shorter...

    When working around Boston, around 58 miles one way but commute time is about 2-3 hours. Winter puts me borderline suicidal.
    Where’s the KABOOM?!?! There’s supposed to be an Earth shattering KABOOM!!!
  • deronb1
    deronb1 Posts: 5,021
    mrbiron wrote: »
    My Mondays and Tuesdays I drive 78 miles, one way to work. All highway so not too bad.
    Other days are considerably shorter...

    When working around Boston, around 58 miles one way but commute time is about 2-3 hours. Winter puts me borderline suicidal.

    Ugh! Mine pales in comparison. Im sure Boston traffic is a bit stickier than Dayton.
  • rooftop59
    rooftop59 Posts: 8,121
    Sorry dude, 6.2 miles each way. About 12 minutes with traffic ;-/

    But the trade off is the lack of, uh, culture let's call it...
    Living Room 2.2: Usher BE-718 "tiny dancers"; Dual DIY Dayton audio RSS210HF-4 Subs with Dayton SPA-250 amps; Arcam SA30; Musical Fidelity A308; Sony UBP-x1000es
    Game Room 5.1.4:
    Denon AVR-X4200w; Sony UBP-x700; Definitive Technology Power Monitor 900 mains, CLR-3000 center, StudioMonitor 350 surrounds, ProMonitor 800 atmos x4; Sub - Monoprice Monolith 15in THX Ultra

    Bedroom 2.1
    Harmon Kardon HK3490; Bluesounds Node N130; Polk RT25i; ACI Titan Subwoofer
  • mhardy6647
    mhardy6647 Posts: 34,192
    edited June 2017
    Worst I ever had was, fortunately, for only one year working in a facility my company (based in Cambridge, MA) had in Norwood, MA. Drove it daily from Harvard, MA. About 50 miles one way, Route 2 to 128 to Route 1 (the Automile). It could be pretty dismal.

    The worst was late September/early October on Friday evenings -- 128 was chockablock with "leafpeepers" heading to northern New England from... wherever.

    Y'all know about "route 128", right? It is route 128... and it isn't... sort of at the same time. Most of Route 128 is Route 95. The signs say "95" -- but everyone knows it's 128, and that's what everyone calls it*. Except up north, where it really is Route 128, and then down south, where it is Route 93. 95 (128) south kinda just becomes 93 north. Like a magic incantation or something.

    There's a reason the Redcoats didn't fare too well in Massachusetts in the 18th Century. They got lost.7nuci28k2kd8.png

    * In fairness, there's usually one tiny little sign at the interchanges that says "128".

  • mrbiron
    mrbiron Posts: 5,711
    It's ALL 95!!!

    I worked in Cambridge for 2 years on a project. Leaving Fresh Pond, getting on 2 west to 95 wasn't bad. Driving the 12 miles south to the pike was dreadful. Sometimes 1-1.5 hours. Fridays...forget about it. We'd sit at the Summershack, at Alewife, until we thought traffic let up. We were always wrong and now had full bladders to nurse. *Bleh* thank got for bungee cord buckets :p
    Where’s the KABOOM?!?! There’s supposed to be an Earth shattering KABOOM!!!
  • lightman1
    lightman1 Posts: 10,795
    ZLTFUL wrote: »
    Russ, you don't invade...or infest.
    ZLTFUL wrote: »
    Maybe contaminate...or perhaps even infect...

    :D You're next on the list, Ryan......
  • ken brydson
    ken brydson Posts: 8,809
    DSkip wrote: »
    I go downstairs.

    Beat me to it. Then stumble to the coffee pot..
  • deronb1
    deronb1 Posts: 5,021
    nbrowser wrote: »
    For me, about 200Km round trip. Usually the run to work is better than the run home due to traffic and time of day. 5AM v 4PM. The joys of living in deep suburbia.

    60 miles ish each way? Ewwwwwwww
  • deronb1
    deronb1 Posts: 5,021
    nbrowser wrote: »
    deronb1 wrote: »
    nbrowser wrote: »
    For me, about 200Km round trip. Usually the run to work is better than the run home due to traffic and time of day. 5AM v 4PM. The joys of living in deep suburbia.

    60 miles ish each way? Ewwwwwwww

    Yep, an hour to work westbound, 1.5 if I'm lucky to home eastbound. The real reason I spent some money and put a higher end audio system in my vehicle.

    Good idea. I sold my Challenger RT and got a
  • Willow
    Willow Posts: 11,099
    13 miles each way and we leave the kid's school at 7 am and don't get to work until 730- 740. On the way home leave work parking garage at about 335, get to the school at about 400-410.
  • Close enough to walk.
  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 33,072
    Anywhere within about 100 mile radius when I was working construction. Anyone who lives out in the sticks, and works in a big metro city like Chicago can imagine the commute nightmares. Accidents, weather....snow, might as well get a hotel room somewhere.

    Wife works about 50 miles away as it is. Good days about an hour, bad days in the winter can be 3 hours. Lucky for her, she now works 3 days a week from home which saves a boat load of time and money on gas.
    Sony 850c 4k
    Pioneer elite vhx 21
    Sony 4k BRP
    SVS SB-2000
    Polk Sig. 20's
    Polk FX500 surrounds

    Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
    Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
    Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
    Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable


    Sonos zp90
    Grant Fidelity tube dac
    B&k 1420
    lsi 9's
  • billbillw
    billbillw Posts: 7,023
    31 miles each way here too. In Atlanta. It is often a nightmare. Bad mornings can take me almost 2-hrs to get to work. Unfortunately, I don't life close to the highways, so I can take me 35-55 minutes just to get to the interstate, which is usually not moving fast either. Yep, I spend an average of 2-3 hours a day commuting.
  • codycatalist
    codycatalist Posts: 2,662
    15 miles each way. Takes about 20 minutes going to and from work as I don't hit traffic at all. 4:30am - 1pm
    Just a dude doing dude-ly things

    "Temptation is the manifestation of desire which equals necessity." - Mikey081057
    " I have always had a champange taste with a beer budget" - Rick88
    "Just because the thread is getting views don't mean much .. I like a good train wreck doesn't mean i want to be in one..." - pitdogg2
    "Those that don't know, don't know that they don't know." - heiney9
    "Audiophiles are the male equivalent of cat ladies." - Audiokarma Member
  • Legender
    Legender Posts: 478
    About 10 miles each way going against the major traffic flow here in Dallas. About 13 minutes and I'm there. Not the best I've had, not the worst I've had.
    Music: Oppo103 - Parasound JC2 - Parasound A21- SDA 3.1
    Theater: Denon 3808 - B&K 7500/Emotiva XPA-3- RTi12, CSi5, RTiA7x4, PSW505
    Sleeping: Marantz 70005 - Harman Kardon 2400 - SDA 2
    2 Channel: Cary 306 SACD - Canary Audio 906 - Pass Labs x250 - PS Audio Perfectwave DAC, Polk LSiM705, SVS SB13 Ultra
    Office: Dell Optiplex, Emotiva XDA-2, Adcom 5500, LSiM 703
    Spares: Yamaha CA-810; LSi 15; Kenwood Basic M2a, Yamaha M60/M80, Polk Monitor 7, SVS SB13 Ultra
  • Jstas
    Jstas Posts: 14,872
    I walk from my bed room to my office.

    It's 10 feet as the crow flies but there's no direct route there so I have to take this long, meandering down local routes through doors and halls. It's kind of annoying.
    Expert Moron Extraordinaire

    You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you!
  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 33,072
    Jstas wrote: »
    I walk from my bed room to my office.

    It's 10 feet as the crow flies but there's no direct route there so I have to take this long, meandering down local routes through doors and halls. It's kind of annoying.

    SO.....what you really mean is....your working while naked with a cup of joe in one hand. Might explain why the neighbors all chipped in and bought you drapes. :):)
    Sony 850c 4k
    Pioneer elite vhx 21
    Sony 4k BRP
    SVS SB-2000
    Polk Sig. 20's
    Polk FX500 surrounds

    Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
    Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
    Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
    Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable


    Sonos zp90
    Grant Fidelity tube dac
    B&k 1420
    lsi 9's
  • Jstas
    Jstas Posts: 14,872
    I don't have drapes. I have blinds.

    Get it straight.
    Expert Moron Extraordinaire

    You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you!
  • chumlie
    chumlie Posts: 8,658
    7 miles. It's the longest distance I've lived from work in 30 years. Relocation isn't an option now. :)
  • Jimbo18
    Jimbo18 Posts: 2,339
    Worst "commute" for me was the mile or so I had to walk to work when I was stationed at an AF base near Fairbanks, Alaska. Not bad in the summer but -40 deg or lower put a damper on my mornings.
  • voltz
    voltz Posts: 5,384
    about 22 or 24 miles each way,
    2 ch- Polk CRS+ * Vincent SA-31MK Preamp * Vincent Sp-331 Amp * Marantz SA8005 SACD * Project Xperience Classic TT * Sumiko Blue Point #2 MC cartridge

    HT - Polk 703's * NAD T-758 * Adcom 5503 * Oppo 103 * Samsung 60" series 8 LCD
  • Irrenhaus
    Irrenhaus Posts: 1,096
    Mine is 50 miles each way and with traffic can be from 1.5hrs to 2.5hrs Bay Area.
    But that is only when I am in the office....
    HTAVR-Pioneer SC99XPA-DR3 Differential Reference AmpPolk R-700Rear- RT150Side- RT150Center-CSi5Sub-Rythmik audio F25Player- Panasonic DP-UB9000Projector- Optoma CinemaX P2Screen- Silver Ticket Products STR Series 6 120"Audio Room 2ch rig.Cary AE-3, Onkyo M-504, Marantz SA8005, Azur 851NWharfedale - Linton, SVS SB12-NSDMinis Forum PC (streamer) and Panamax MX5105Headphone rig;Schiit JOTUNHEIM and different headphones.Samsung 42" flat screen TV.
  • DaveHo
    DaveHo Posts: 3,557
    33 miles each way, 95% highway. Takes 40-45 minutes. Those with less than a 10 minute drive, you have it good. I've never had a commute less than 30 minutes. Of course if my house was located less than 10 minutes from my office, it would cost double, so there are some advantages.
  • westmassguy
    westmassguy Posts: 6,850
    15' maybe 20' nowadays. I did enjoy the largest parking lot in the world for many years, the Long Island Expressway.
    Home Theater/2 Channel:
    Front: SDA-2ATL
    Center: Custom Built
    Surrounds & Rears: Custom Built
    Sonicaps, Mills, RDO-194s-198s, Dynamat, Hurricane Nuts, Blackhole5
    Pioneer Elite VSX-72TXV, Carver PM-600, SVS PB2-Plus Subwoofer
  • cfrizz
    cfrizz Posts: 13,415
    ROTFLOL! You MA drivers are killing me, it's so true! My commute can sometimes be just as bad, and I take public transportation.

    It's about 11 miles from Quincy to Brookline. On good days, I will leave my house at 6:20 and get to work at 7:30. On bad days, I'll be getting in at 7:45 or later.

    Last week, I left work at 4:30 and didn't get home until 7:30! :o

    I never know when I'm going to end up on the commute from hell!
    Marantz AV-7705 PrePro, Classé 5 channel 200wpc Amp, Oppo 103 BluRay, Rotel RCD-1072 CDP, Sony XBR-49X800E TV, Polk S60 Main Speakers, Polk ES30 Center Channel, Polk S15 Surround Speakers SVS SB12-NSD x2
  • txcoastal1
    txcoastal1 Posts: 13,374
    That sux
    I drive all over the state but worst case scenario on a 50mi commute I can add 30-45minutes...and that's in Houston
    2-channel: Modwright KWI-200 Integrated, Dynaudio C1-II Signatures
    Desktop rig: LSi7, Polk 110sub, Dayens Ampino amp, W4S DAC/pre, Sonos, JRiver
    Gear on standby: Melody 101 tube pre, Unison Research Simply Italy Integrated
    Gone to new homes: (Matt Polk's)Threshold Stasis SA12e monoblocks, Pass XA30.5 amp, Usher MD2 speakers, Dynaudio C4 platinum speakers, Modwright LS100 (voltz), Simaudio 780D DAC

    erat interfectorem cesar et **** dictatorem dicere a
  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 33,072
    Funny, I watch some housing shows and I hear people say stuff like..."I want to live closer to work, can't do a 20-25 minute commute. "

    20-25 minutes you can't do ? I just laugh at the babies.

    but they'll drive a hour away to save 12 bucks on a toaster. I don't get it...
    Sony 850c 4k
    Pioneer elite vhx 21
    Sony 4k BRP
    SVS SB-2000
    Polk Sig. 20's
    Polk FX500 surrounds

    Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
    Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
    Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
    Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable


    Sonos zp90
    Grant Fidelity tube dac
    B&k 1420
    lsi 9's
  • Derf
    Derf Posts: 229
    Two miles, round trip.
    Integrated Amp: Marantz PM-10
    Speakers: Usher MD2
    Subwoofer: Rythmik F15HP
    DAC: North Star Design Supremo
    Streaming Source: AURALiC Aries Mini
    SACD Player: Marantz SA8004
    Power Source: PS Audio PP3 on dedicated 20amp circuit