Audioquest Rocket 44

Hello all,
So a while back I upgraded my main speaker wires to Audioquest Rocket 44. I switch to this and that over the years and really was liking the Audioquest FLX14-2. I liked it so much I wired the entire theater system in it and my system sounded wonderful.
Well after upgrading to the Rocket 44's, I replaced my Center channel with Rocket 44 and noticed a slight improvement in vocal and balance between the front 3 now that it's all Rocket 44.
So then I got this rather pricey Idea to go with Rocket 44 for the surround speakers. I held off due to the cost of doing so as I didn't think the cost would warrant the upgrade especially over FLX 14-2 I was currently running.
Well F it I did it anyway and ran Rocket 44's to the surround speakers. I turned the system on for the first time and WOW I can't believe my ears.
The subtle but noticeable gains in overall clarity, balance and dynamics where there. I could hear better details in the tones then with the Audioquest FLX. By the way Audioquest FLX is probably the biggest bang for the buck cable made period. The Cost vs performance is extreme. There is NOTHING on the market IMO that is even close. The amount of money it costs to wire a complete theater system with the FLX level speaker wire is simply a steal and such a worthy speaker cable I use it on just about everything I do including my own system up until now.
So with all that being said the Rocket 44 cables are slightly better. They DO NOT warrant the full retail cost of this upgrade. I can think of many other things that for the money could bring a better performance ratio vs cost. Better amps, better preamp , Acoustic treatments the list goes on. It's a shame what higher end wiring costs as the benefits are there but they are not extreme like getting new speakers or something else that is way more noticeable.
For the sheer hell of it I left the FLX in the wall and at the head end so I can A B them against each other.
I think the issue is that the FLX is so damn good if I had lesser quality cables like another brand I might have heard a bigger difference. I have heard huge difference with FLX vs other brands in much higher end levels which is why I think FLX is the worlds best speaker cable for the money. When I did A B vs brands that cost like 4 times more per foot and they lost I thought "Audioquest made a Gem here".
But in the end the Rocket 44 out classed the FLX and man I was hoping it did. I know it did in the front 3 speakers as they are way more critical listening then the surround speakers. I was totally happy with the Rocket 44 front stage and FLX surround wiring tonal balance as my system sounds incredible . But now that it's all Rocket 44, DUDE it's simply amazing.

So now for my final thought on this upgrade as far as what most people will pay for such a wiring upgrade. I still don't think it's totally worth the asking retail price of this wire especially for surrounds. For the Front 3 , yeah worth the money as they are incredible cables. But as much as I'm a firm believer in what I hear see and feel about higher end wiring I know for a fact there are limitations to this area of upgrades. I've been in the business for nearly 20 years and I have learned so much about this subject that the truth be told that once you achieve the goal of signal pass there is nothing more that can be done. I learned that from many different audio engineers not just in the wire world but in all aspects of our business. Most of them try not to tell you exactly whats going on for the respect of other companies and what they are trying to do. Also the money involved time research etc.
But I don't give a F about any of that as I'm into the truth about audio and video and my customers don't get sold things that don't warrant the cost. I don't give a F how high end your system is and I have put in 400k and up systems. If it doesn't make any improvement to keep moving up the ladder , I don't sell it or use it myself.
So I'm not here to tell you guys to run out and buy Rocket 44 for your surrounds. You might as you might find the cost vs what you are using now is worth the small improvements( Unless your using other brands that Audioquest then your improvements will be greater then mine was) and you simply don't care what it costs small improvements no matter what are worth the cost. I can't judge anyone on this as we all have our own opinion on cost vs performance and whats worth it and whats not. I'm not rich so I have limitations on how much I'm willing to spend on anything audio video. I love it but not enough to spend my retirement funds on it.

Even with all that said I'm very pleased with my results. The Rocket 44 level speaker cables from Audioquest are truly an amazing way to send your sound to your speakers. My system is loving it as well as I.
My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.


  • mantis
    mantis Posts: 17,208
    Just for curious eyes, I'll take some pics of the runs and the back of the rack.
    My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.
  • mantis
    mantis Posts: 17,208
    Here you goIMG_2159_zpstjbfheg9.jpgIMG_2160_zps0mjq6r4m.jpgIMG_2161_zpshwtazoc6.jpg[/URLIMG_2162_zps5jskiand.jpg
    My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.
  • sgtmick63
    sgtmick63 Posts: 166
    I ordered a pair from audio advisor last week to replace my audioquest slates that I have had for several years. I have been advised that they are on backorder. I hope they are an improvement over the slates.
  • mantis
    mantis Posts: 17,208
    The Slates where very good cables. The Rockets are more advance in technology and the way they are wounded.
    They use 8 solid core conductors 4 and 4 in each jacket. There are 2 Positive and 2 negative wound. If you take a look at the build of a Type 4 design, this like that but having 2 runs of it next to each other.
    The sound is very airy and clean. No bass mid's or High Boost at all. Very flat and natural sounding.
    I you ever listened to a pair of Kimber Kable 8TC's you basically heard the Rocket series. They are very simular in response. The Kimbers might bring up the Bass just a tad as the design might favor those frequencies as the Audio quest cables are completely designed to bring all frequencies together at the correct time.
    My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.