Picked up "FREE" SDA 2B's Yesterday....

Posts: 9,932
...........but with one thing that concerns me.

They play fine although there is a mix match of tweeters. One RDO-194 and one SL2000.
I'm going to order one RDO-194.
So what's up with the 2 passives ??
1. Is there a fix ??
2. Are replacements available ??
3. Simply leave it alone ??
4. Insert your suggestion here _________________________________

They play fine although there is a mix match of tweeters. One RDO-194 and one SL2000.
I'm going to order one RDO-194.
So what's up with the 2 passives ??
1. Is there a fix ??
2. Are replacements available ??
3. Simply leave it alone ??
4. Insert your suggestion here _________________________________

Because I am The Pumpkinking
A Kind Word Is An Easy Gift To Give
I happen to have two passives for sale. 30.00 ea
Hey pman. You can try re-gluing them. It's just a foam sheet. As long as the rubber surround is intact, they should still be sealed. The 2As and 2Bs used the same PR, the original 2s were different.Home Theater/2 Channel:
Front: SDA-2ATL forum.polkaudio.com/discussion/143984/my-2as-finally-finished-almost/p1
Center: Custom Built forum.polkaudio.com/discussion/150760/my-center-channel-project/p1
Surrounds & Rears: Custom Built forum.polkaudio.com/discussion/151647/my-surround-project/p1
Sonicaps, Mills, RDO-194s-198s, Dynamat, Hurricane Nuts, Blackhole5
Pioneer Elite VSX-72TXV, Carver PM-600, SVS PB2-Plus Subwoofer
dhsspeakerservice.com/ -
that was actually common on many early passives, some looked WAAAAAAY worse that this.
good thing is they are common on eBay as well as here for sale. Make deronb1's day -
Thanks! -
for $60 youre gonna have a sweet set of speakers!
The passives on my 1Bs had loose flaps of the rubber material. I used a thin smear of contact cement--3M weatherstrip adhesive (often called "Yellow Death", but also available in black, which I suppose should be called the "Black Death".) The loose material on mine didn't extend as far toward the center of the passive as what's pictured above, so it was no problem to secure the outer edge.
I glued them so long ago I've lost track--maybe ten years? Zero trouble since then. The weatherstrip adhesive worked very well.
If you can access the whole of the loose material--by daubing glue to the entire affected area with a tongue depressor or some other implement--great. Otherwise, I would consider CAREFULLY removing the entire rubber disc from the passive, and "start fresh" by cleaning off the old adhesive and re-applying fresh. -
Looks ok too me but I would pick up two new passives just to be sure...not much from deron1Polk SDA 1C Upgraded, Eastern Electric Minimax Supreme DAC, Parasound HCA 1200ii, Belles 21a Preamp, Rotel RSX-1056, Matricom G Box Q, Blue Jean & Signal Cable interconnects, Sonographe SG-3 TT, Panamax M4300-PM
I am a perfectionist though and think those Polk desrve itPolk SDA 1C Upgraded, Eastern Electric Minimax Supreme DAC, Parasound HCA 1200ii, Belles 21a Preamp, Rotel RSX-1056, Matricom G Box Q, Blue Jean & Signal Cable interconnects, Sonographe SG-3 TT, Panamax M4300-PM
Nice. All Hail the Pumpkin King!