
Are people born leaders or people become leaders?

Leadership consists of countless many types. Transformational, Transistional, Emergent, Servant Leader, etc.... What do you think?

A born leader has tendencies to believe in reality was determined at birth. Cruelty by definition is merely the conception by those being lead, subordinates. But they deserve it, and they must be lead.

Then you have the leader that became. From experience and understanding. Softer. But could relate.

So what is it?



  • smglbrth
    smglbrth Posts: 1,484
    Born leaders are tyrants, "become" leaders tend to consider those lower than themselves because they were there once...
    Remember, when you're running from something, you're running to something...-me
  • smglbrth
    smglbrth Posts: 1,484
    Guess I should have answered your question as you asked it, ooops. IMO, both...
    Remember, when you're running from something, you're running to something...-me
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 1,394
    So what do you think? Are people born a leader?
    Or do they become a leader?
  • Nightfall
    Nightfall Posts: 10,086
    edited July 2015
    Like any other personality trait you can either have it from a young age or "gain" it later. Both, is my answer.
    afterburnt wrote: »
    They didn't speak a word of English, they were from South Carolina.

    Village Idiot of Club Polk
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 1,394
    For instance. Many people will read what this thread is about, but could not respond. There are many reasons to not respond.

    A born leader will read and decide to respond. If it serves a purpose. They are always in control and must see where this may lead, if it serves their importance. If not, they will exert their control. They do not require assurance when they do respond. Confidence.

    A leader that becomes.. Can not immediately respond yet. Weighs the pros and cons. Even then, they are not sure yet. They seek assurance.

    So.what do you think? We are in a digital age hiding behind our screens. Leaders. Are they bound by screens and keyboards?

    PSOVLSK Posts: 5,280
    edited July 2015
    smglbrth wrote: »
    Born leaders are tyrants, "become" leaders tend to consider those lower than themselves because they were there once...

    Some of it depends on how you define a leader. Just because someone is in a leadership position does not make them a leader. I'd say that a tyrant is not much of a leader. I've known many born leaders who were not tyrants.

    Also, a born leader often has to move up the ladder to a leadership position, thus they also were there once.

    I know that some people that have the "it" factor that people want to follow. Doesn't necessarily mean they are a good leader, just that they have great leadership qualities that came naturally to them. A former teacher once told me about my uncle, "He was the best leader this school has ever seen, he just led everyone in the wrong direction." If you knew my uncle you'd know it was an accurate statement.

    It's a complicated question. Many books written on the subject. I had a masters level class devoted to leadership and I found it to be very entertaining/enlightening listening to others views on the subject.

    My final answer: There is no correct answer.
    Things work out best for those who make the best of the way things work out.-John Wooden
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 1,394
    i will paint a Broad stroke that leaders are sales people. My question is, how much of a tool are they? Reference the original question.
  • polkfarmboy
    polkfarmboy Posts: 5,703
    Nothing wrong with being a born leader as it comes from the parents. Being a leader means knowing how to be cruel and when to be kind.
  • cnh
    cnh Posts: 13,284
    edited July 2015
    There have been societies that have had NO clearly defined, nor permanent leaders. And that may have been going on longer than those more recent ones that have had leaders. So the question becomes "born" where, when?

    There are also current movements like various contemporary forms of Anarchism that eschew the concept of a leader because of the problems it entails. Preferring organization that is autonomous, voluntary, self-organizing, for the purpose of mutual aid and governing through Direct Democracy (as opposed to representational Democracy).

    Some Futurists even argue that as Technology allows for more and more decentralization and less and less governance of the usual kind we will return to more of a leaderless period. Will have less of a need for the "Leader"! I am not arguing for or against this, but it is something to consider. Whenever we pose a question we must also consider its antithesis, no?

    It also sounds like you may have had one beer too many? Why the concern with leaders? As I grow older and, not necessarily, wiser, I look back upon great leaders, I read the histories and there are always too many aporias there, always!
    Currently orbiting Bowie's Blackstar.!

    Polk Lsi-7s, Def Tech 8" sub, HK 3490, HK HD 990 (CDP/DAC), AKG Q701s
    [sig. changed on a monthly basis as I rotate in and out of my stash]
  • rpf65
    rpf65 Posts: 2,127
    Depends on you definition of leadership. A leader can be appointed, but that doesn't necessarily mean he will be effective.

    Another can lead through intimidation, again doesn't mean he has any leadership ability what so ever.

    If you want to know the best type of leader, it is one who has learned the skill. He or she may not be the senior person, or the one appointed to the position, but the person who is recognized by most involved as the defacto leader none the less.

    We've all met that person, or may have been him at one time or another. The person who everybody looks at out of the corner of their eye when a situation seems to be getting out of control.

    In other words leadership is a combination of a few things. The knowledge necessary to solve the problem. The earned respect of those involved. The confidence in himself to make the call. Finally to accept the consequences of the decision.

    Effective leadership is learned. Everything else is not worth discussing.
  • F1nut
    F1nut Posts: 50,999
    You called.
    Political Correctness'.........defined

    "A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."

    President of Club Polk

  • aprazer402
    aprazer402 Posts: 3,170
    ^^^^ touche'. 100℅. LMAO
  • MrBuhl
    MrBuhl Posts: 2,419
    rpf65 wrote: »
    Depends on you definition of leadership. A leader can be appointed, but that doesn't necessarily mean he will be effective.

    Effective leadership is learned. Everything else is not worth discussing.

    ^^ This ^^ for me is it - I tell young managers "leaders" all the time, you cannot command respect, you have to earn it. Some leaders are born, but good leadership is earned and created.

    VA HT HK AVR20II, Sony S9000ES CD/DVD/SACD, Polk Audio RC80i / Polk Audio CSi3, 60" Panasonic Plasma, Nordost / Signal Cable A2 / Wireworld / Pangea / Magic Power
    VA 2 Channel Focal Electra 926 speakers, Pass Labs X150.5 Amp, Eastern Electric MiniMax Preamp (Tutay mods), Eastern Electric Minimax CDP (Scott Nixon mods), Music Hall mmf 5.1 Turntable, Parks Audio Budgie Phono Pre , Audioengine B1 streamer, MIT S3 IC's / MIT Shotgun S3 Speaker Cables / PS Audio power cables
    Noggin Schiit Valhalla, Pangea, Phillips Fidelio X1, Polk UF8000

    Polk SDA1c modded
    Polk CRS+ 4.1TL modded (need veneer)
    Polk SDA2BTL (fully modded)
    A/L 1000VA Dreadnought Canare 4s11 SDA cable
    SACD Marantz DV8300
    Sony S9000ES CD/DVD/SACD
    Yamaha YP-D6
    Soundcraftsmen PCR800
    Audible Illusions L1 Preamp
    Vincent MFA based Cocci Tube Preamp
    Pho-700 Phono Pre
    Signal Cable Silver Resolution IC's

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 1,394
    Thanks guys. I have been reading my case studies from many years ago. It is interesting to see leadership change with the evolving work place.
  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 33,072
    edited July 2015
    xcapri79 wrote: »
    Nothing wrong with being a born leader as it comes from the parents. Being a leader means knowing how to be cruel and when to be kind.
    Cruelty has no proper place in society, let alone parenting or leadership.

    ooops, double post.
    Sony 850c 4k
    Pioneer elite vhx 21
    Sony 4k BRP
    SVS SB-2000
    Polk Sig. 20's
    Polk FX500 surrounds

    Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
    Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
    Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
    Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable


    Sonos zp90
    Grant Fidelity tube dac
    B&k 1420
    lsi 9's
  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 33,072
    xcapri79 wrote: »
    Nothing wrong with being a born leader as it comes from the parents. Being a leader means knowing how to be cruel and when to be kind.
    Cruelty has no proper place in society, let alone parenting or leadership.

    care to explain that one
    Sony 850c 4k
    Pioneer elite vhx 21
    Sony 4k BRP
    SVS SB-2000
    Polk Sig. 20's
    Polk FX500 surrounds

    Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
    Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
    Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
    Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable


    Sonos zp90
    Grant Fidelity tube dac
    B&k 1420
    lsi 9's
  • tophatjohnny
    tophatjohnny Posts: 4,182
    Two words that led me to the top of every sales position I have ever held (and made a crapload of money using these 2 words........are ya ready????????????...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Follow Me!!!
    "if it's not fun, it's not worth it & remember folks, "It's All About The Music"!!
  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 33,072
    Two words that led me to the top of every sales position I have ever held (and made a crapload of money using these 2 words........are ya ready????????????...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Follow Me!!!

    Last time I listened to those 2 words i woke up with horrible hangover, next to an ugly chick 2 states away.
    Sony 850c 4k
    Pioneer elite vhx 21
    Sony 4k BRP
    SVS SB-2000
    Polk Sig. 20's
    Polk FX500 surrounds

    Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
    Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
    Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
    Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable


    Sonos zp90
    Grant Fidelity tube dac
    B&k 1420
    lsi 9's
  • Moose68Bash
    Moose68Bash Posts: 3,843
    A leader is anybody who gets good things done with the help of others whom he/he has enlisted for the purpose.

    Born? Made? Who cares?

    Note that I said "good" things. Hitler was not a leader, for example.
    Family Room, Innuos Statement streamer (Roon Core) with Morrow Audio USB cable to McIntosh MC 2700 pre with DC2 Digital Audio Module; AQ Sky XLRs to CAT 600.2 dualmono amp, Morrow Elite Speaker Cables to NOLA Baby Grand Reference Gold 3 speakers. Power source for all components: Silver Circle Audio Pure Power One with dedicated 20 amp circuit to main panel.

    Exercise Room, Innuos Streamer via Cat 6 cable connection to PS Audio PerfectWave MkII DAC w/Bridge II, AQ King Cobra RCAs to Perreaux PMF3150 amp (fully restored and upgraded by Jeffrey Jackson, Precision Audio Labs), Supra Rondo 4x2.5 Speaker Cables to SDA 1Cs (Vr3 Mods Xovers and other mods.), Dreadnaught with Supra Rondo 4x2.5 interconnect cables by Vr3 Mods. Power for each component from dedicated 20 amp circuit to main panel, except Innuos Statement powered from Silver Circle Audio Pure Power One.

  • Polkie2009
    Polkie2009 Posts: 3,834
    Two words that led me to the top of every sales position I have ever held (and made a crapload of money using these 2 words........are ya ready????????????...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Follow Me!!!
    Speaking of sales, I thought the 2 words you were going to say were , " How many"? as in how many do you want to buy?

    PSOVLSK Posts: 5,280
    A leader is anybody who gets good things done with the help of others whom he/he has enlisted for the purpose.

    Born? Made? Who cares?

    Note that I said "good" things. Hitler was not a leader, for example.
    I'd love to agree with this, but I have to respectfully disagree. I believe you can be a "bad" leader, as in not using your leadership skills for good. Extreme example would be Charles Manson. Imagine if he had used his leadership ability for good. As I mentioned in my earlier post, my uncle was a leader, but not a good one. People followed him naturally, but unfortunately he was leading them into places that were not productive.
    Things work out best for those who make the best of the way things work out.-John Wooden
    PSOVLSK Posts: 5,280
    xcapri79 wrote: »
    Nothing wrong with being a born leader as it comes from the parents. Being a leader means knowing how to be cruel and when to be kind.
    Cruelty has no proper place in society, let alone parenting or leadership.

    I hope he meant "stern" instead of cruel.
    Things work out best for those who make the best of the way things work out.-John Wooden
  • sucks2beme
    sucks2beme Posts: 5,616
    Stalin was a great but cruel leader. He took a country from nothing
    to a world power. Let's face it. A large number of the world's great leaders
    were rotten human beings. Guys like Gandii are few and far between.
    "The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg." --Thomas Jefferson
  • Ron Temple
    Ron Temple Posts: 3,212
    My **** itches sometimes...I lead my fingers to scratch it...therefore I'm a leader...bow down before me. The thread is sophist bullsh*t.

    Combo rig:

    Onkyo NR1007 pre-pro, Carver TFM 45(fronts), Carver TFM 35 (surrounds)
    SDA 1C, CS400i, SDA 2B
    PB13Ultra RO
    BW Silvers
    Oppo BDP-83SE
  • Ron Temple
    Ron Temple Posts: 3,212
    Can't even type sphinc...ter...on this forum any more.

    Combo rig:

    Onkyo NR1007 pre-pro, Carver TFM 45(fronts), Carver TFM 35 (surrounds)
    SDA 1C, CS400i, SDA 2B
    PB13Ultra RO
    BW Silvers
    Oppo BDP-83SE
  • txcoastal1
    txcoastal1 Posts: 13,374
    edited July 2015
    Ron Temple wrote: »
    Can't even type sphinc...ter...on this forum any more.
    Not even chickenbreast

    watch chicken breast

    what....tried dove breast the other day and it got bleeped....hmmmm


    Seasoning the new smoker as I type

    Smoking dove ****/jalapeno wrapped in bacon
    Venison Pork Jalapeno sausage
    Pork loin

    2-channel: Modwright KWI-200 Integrated, Dynaudio C1-II Signatures
    Desktop rig: LSi7, Polk 110sub, Dayens Ampino amp, W4S DAC/pre, Sonos, JRiver
    Gear on standby: Melody 101 tube pre, Unison Research Simply Italy Integrated
    Gone to new homes: (Matt Polk's)Threshold Stasis SA12e monoblocks, Pass XA30.5 amp, Usher MD2 speakers, Dynaudio C4 platinum speakers, Modwright LS100 (voltz), Simaudio 780D DAC

    erat interfectorem cesar et **** dictatorem dicere a
  • Ron Temple
    Ron Temple Posts: 3,212
    Well that came through...but not the overwhelming reasons for this thread...lol.

    Combo rig:

    Onkyo NR1007 pre-pro, Carver TFM 45(fronts), Carver TFM 35 (surrounds)
    SDA 1C, CS400i, SDA 2B
    PB13Ultra RO
    BW Silvers
    Oppo BDP-83SE
  • kevhed72
    kevhed72 Posts: 5,080
    edited July 2015
    I was once in a corporate warm & fuzzy course about leadership....the instructors asked us for examples of great leaders from history. My example was Hitler - although a terrible human being, an extremely effective leader.
    Needless to say, my example didn't go ever well with the instructors - they couldn't get off the subject quick enough after that.
  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 33,072
    Leadership....that's someone you trust to make competent decisions about stuff you know nothing about. How to achieve a goal that you have no idea how to achieve.....good or bad.

    Say what you will about Hitler, but he was a leader, to bad ends though. He got a whole nation behind him, off a cliff no doubt, but they were all moving in one direction.

    To be a leader, one needs confidence, patience, goals, knowledge of how to achieve those goals, adaptability, powers of persuasion. Good or evil makes no difference, the requirements for leadership applies to both.

    Of course it also requires someone who needs/wants to be led. A leader with no followers is just another bossy pants.
    Sony 850c 4k
    Pioneer elite vhx 21
    Sony 4k BRP
    SVS SB-2000
    Polk Sig. 20's
    Polk FX500 surrounds

    Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
    Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
    Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
    Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable


    Sonos zp90
    Grant Fidelity tube dac
    B&k 1420
    lsi 9's
  • Moose68Bash
    Moose68Bash Posts: 3,843
    PSOVLSK wrote: »
    A leader is anybody who gets good things done with the help of others whom he/he has enlisted for the purpose.

    Born? Made? Who cares?

    Note that I said "good" things. Hitler was not a leader, for example.
    I'd love to agree with this, but I have to respectfully disagree. I believe you can be a "bad" leader, as in not using your leadership skills for good. Extreme example would be Charles Manson. Imagine if he had used his leadership ability for good. As I mentioned in my earlier post, my uncle was a leader, but not a good one. People followed him naturally, but unfortunately he was leading them into places that were not productive.

    There's a difference between a "leader" and a "charlatan."

    Both can be extraordinarily effective in enlisting followers to achieve goals, worthy or not.

    The former is a leader because his/her goals are for the betterment of those who follow.

    The latter is a charlatan because his goals are a fraud, a hoax, an illusion that he/she makes appear attractive to impressionable and misguided people to fulfill his egotistical ends.

    Among the former are Ghandi, Lincoln, Christ (in my humble opinion), Churchill.

    Among the latter are Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Ghengis Kahn, to name only a few of the monsters of human history.

    PS: Mr. Temple, if discussions like this are not "your cup of tea," you can respectfully ignore them without denigrating those who participate "in good faith" and happen to disagree with your personal opinion.
    Family Room, Innuos Statement streamer (Roon Core) with Morrow Audio USB cable to McIntosh MC 2700 pre with DC2 Digital Audio Module; AQ Sky XLRs to CAT 600.2 dualmono amp, Morrow Elite Speaker Cables to NOLA Baby Grand Reference Gold 3 speakers. Power source for all components: Silver Circle Audio Pure Power One with dedicated 20 amp circuit to main panel.

    Exercise Room, Innuos Streamer via Cat 6 cable connection to PS Audio PerfectWave MkII DAC w/Bridge II, AQ King Cobra RCAs to Perreaux PMF3150 amp (fully restored and upgraded by Jeffrey Jackson, Precision Audio Labs), Supra Rondo 4x2.5 Speaker Cables to SDA 1Cs (Vr3 Mods Xovers and other mods.), Dreadnaught with Supra Rondo 4x2.5 interconnect cables by Vr3 Mods. Power for each component from dedicated 20 amp circuit to main panel, except Innuos Statement powered from Silver Circle Audio Pure Power One.