Building SDA 2 Interconnect cable and amplifier compatibility

Posts: 11
I'm a happy new owner of amazing set of SDA 2 speakers.
I got them together with Yamaha DSP A2 amplifier.
I would be happy to get some help from you guys if possible.
I ordered 2 chinch jones P-302H-CCT connectors in order to build my own Interconnect cable.And I wanted to know if :
1. Do I need to solder each of the connector pins to the same pins on the other connector, Or do I need to cross-solder it ?
2. Is the Yamaha DSP A2 is a common ground amplifier and is it safe to connect the interconnect cable I'll make while the speakers are used with this amplifier.
Thanks in advance for your help
My stereo setup :
Lenovo M55P Desktop with silenced fans + SSD drive
Audiophile 192 Sound card Digital coax output
B&K reference 20 Pre-amp Analog output
Yamaha DSP A2 Amplifier
Polk Audio SDA 2 Speakers

I'm a happy new owner of amazing set of SDA 2 speakers.
I got them together with Yamaha DSP A2 amplifier.
I would be happy to get some help from you guys if possible.
I ordered 2 chinch jones P-302H-CCT connectors in order to build my own Interconnect cable.And I wanted to know if :
1. Do I need to solder each of the connector pins to the same pins on the other connector, Or do I need to cross-solder it ?
2. Is the Yamaha DSP A2 is a common ground amplifier and is it safe to connect the interconnect cable I'll make while the speakers are used with this amplifier.
Thanks in advance for your help

My stereo setup :
Lenovo M55P Desktop with silenced fans + SSD drive
Audiophile 192 Sound card Digital coax output
B&K reference 20 Pre-amp Analog output
Yamaha DSP A2 Amplifier
Polk Audio SDA 2 Speakers
Source : M-Audio Audiophile 192 Sound Card
Pre-Amp : B&K Reference 20
Amplifiers : Dual mono meridian 205 power amps
Speakers : Polk Audio SDA 2
Pre-Amp : B&K Reference 20
Amplifiers : Dual mono meridian 205 power amps
Speakers : Polk Audio SDA 2
Best Answer
1. Connect large to large and small to small.
2. The Yamaha DSP A2 is a multi-channel AVR, not an amplifier. As such it is common ground. I also have to say that the channel separation is pretty dismal, but more importantly it is not rated to drive 4 ohm speakers, which yours are. You should not plan on cranking it.
Political Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk
Hi F1
Thank you for your answeres.
A friend offered me to change the DSP A2 to one of the following :
1. Hafler 120SE (It is originally 120 Volts unit which will need a 220V external transformer for where I live)
2. AMC 25100 poweramp (It's originally 5 channels power amp, But only 2 of the 5 channels are functional.
Is one of those options will fit the SDA and interconnects better ?
Thank youSource : M-Audio Audiophile 192 Sound Card
Pre-Amp : B&K Reference 20
Amplifiers : Dual mono meridian 205 power amps
Speakers : Polk Audio SDA 2 -
Hi Fish,
IMO, the Hafler is too weak to properly power those SDA's. I don't know anything about the AMC, but since 3 channels are already dead I would not want it as the other 2 may be ready to die as well.Political Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk -
Thank you very much for your replies F1.
I will wait patiently and will try to find a powerful 2 channel power amp.
Saw Adcom GFA 545 II that might fit the bill on one of the used amps list, Lets see how it goesSource : M-Audio Audiophile 192 Sound Card
Pre-Amp : B&K Reference 20
Amplifiers : Dual mono meridian 205 power amps
Speakers : Polk Audio SDA 2 -
Just keep in mind that the amp has to be common ground and rated to drive 4 ohms. Some Adcom amps are not common ground, but I don't recall which ones. If you do a search here you should be able to find that information.
In the meantime, you can use the Yamaha, but don't turn the volume up too high.Political Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk -
Thank you very much for the tips F1. They are highly appreciated.
I'll check for common ground compatibility before getting a new power amp.Source : M-Audio Audiophile 192 Sound Card
Pre-Amp : B&K Reference 20
Amplifiers : Dual mono meridian 205 power amps
Speakers : Polk Audio SDA 2 -
Hello Again !
I found out that the Adcom 545 power amp is common ground amp and I will be getting it soon. YAY !!!
I just recieved the interconnect plugs today and made this beautiful cable with a 2+ meter of 10 amps power supply cable.
I would like to connect the interconnect cable I've made with the Yamaha DSP A2 amp/processor to see if I hear some difference before I get the 545 (I've checked the DSP A2 two of the negative speakers connections with ohm meter and it gave me less than 5 ohms resistance- So I guess it's a common ground).
Can someone please link me to the proper connection setup before I blow something ?
Thank you
Source : M-Audio Audiophile 192 Sound Card
Pre-Amp : B&K Reference 20
Amplifiers : Dual mono meridian 205 power amps
Speakers : Polk Audio SDA 2 -
Can someone please link me to the proper connection setup before I blow something ?
I'm not clear what it is you are asking.
Political Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk -
Hi F1
I just wanted to inform how I checked the common ground in the amp and wanted to know if there's a special way to use the interconnect, But then I thought to myself that there's only one way to connect the interconnect cable to both speakers which is in the interconnect port
Anyway after connecting the interconnect cable I really hear no difference in the sound detail level or stage. Is there a way other than opening the speakers to check if the cross overs are functioning or even CONNECTED AT ALL ? (I have ohm meter)
Update : I've opened the speakers plug plastic panel and both have the center pin of the interconnect connected, So I guess they should work and i'm just not musical enough to hear the difference.
Thank youPost edited by fish72 onSource : M-Audio Audiophile 192 Sound Card
Pre-Amp : B&K Reference 20
Amplifiers : Dual mono meridian 205 power amps
Speakers : Polk Audio SDA 2 -
You should hear a much wider sound stage. Since you are not something isn't right. The speakers should be 6 to 8 feet apart, 3 feet from any side wall, about 5 to 6 inches from the back wall with no toe in.Political Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk -
Are the speakers swapped left-for-right?
The only thing is the the right speaker is only 1 feet from the side wall. My place is not big enough to position them perfectly, So Maybe that's the problem.....
So I'll wait it out and get a bigger apartment next time
Thank you guys for your great help !Source : M-Audio Audiophile 192 Sound Card
Pre-Amp : B&K Reference 20
Amplifiers : Dual mono meridian 205 power amps
Speakers : Polk Audio SDA 2 -
Hi Fish, explain how you have them set up in detail please.Political Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk -
I positioned the speakers on about 10 feet wall while the right speaker is positioned about 1 feet from the side wall.
The speakers are about 6 feet from each other and are about 3 inches in their back from the back wall.
I can't move and center the speakers more to the left, of the 10 feet wall because there's a door to the left of that wall that needs to be opened and my apartment is quite small.
Sometimes you got to live with what you got.I am VERY pleased with the performance of the speakers, And looking forward in getting the adcom gfa-545 with schitt sys passive pre amp I've ordered few days ago.
I was afraid that by not connecting the interconnect cable I'm missing one of the speakers drivers, but it doesn't feel like I'm missing something with the current setup
Thank you very much f1 for caring and for constant support to me and to othersSource : M-Audio Audiophile 192 Sound Card
Pre-Amp : B&K Reference 20
Amplifiers : Dual mono meridian 205 power amps
Speakers : Polk Audio SDA 2 -
Ok, thanks. Even with a less than ideal set up you should have still noticed a change after connecting the SDA cable, so something is not right. Check to see if one speaker or even a single driver polarity is reversed.Political Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk -
Have you checked to make sure the SDA Circuit is functioning? The down and dirty way is to use the balance control on your AVR. Set it all the way to the left. Remove the grills. On the left speaker, the Inner stereo driver and tweeter should have sound. The Outer dimensional driver should not. It may be moving sympathetically with the stereo driver on deep bass notes though. On the right speaker, the Inner stereo drivers should be silent, and the Outer dimensional driver should be producing sound, slightly lower in volume. Now do the opposite, turn the balance control all the way to the right. If your speakers differ from this, there's a problem somewhere.Home Theater/2 Channel:
Front: SDA-2ATL
Center: Custom Built
Surrounds & Rears: Custom Built
Sonicaps, Mills, RDO-194s-198s, Dynamat, Hurricane Nuts, Blackhole5
Pioneer Elite VSX-72TXV, Carver PM-600, SVS PB2-Plus Subwoofer -
Thanks guys.
I will test West suggestions once my kid won't be at home. Everytime I play a bit of music even in moderate volume he starts complaning and I don't need more drama in my life right now
Funny story :
I'm looking through Ebay at this heavy Hafler amplifier, And ask the guy how much is shipping to Israel, So he gets back to me and said it's 500$ shipping, So I tell him that at that price I expect that david hafler HIMSELF will come to install it, So he adds that he also think so, And that he should also fly FIRST CLASS !!! HahahahahSource : M-Audio Audiophile 192 Sound Card
Pre-Amp : B&K Reference 20
Amplifiers : Dual mono meridian 205 power amps
Speakers : Polk Audio SDA 2 -
Update : Got Meridian 205 mono blocks from a friend. WOW what great sounding amps !!!
Since this post is interconnect-related, I have an electrical question :
Althought the meridian 205 are mono blocks amps, They are connected through a 3 pronges (Plus, Negative and ground) to a power surge protector that sits on an electrical power stripe (I've attached a photo).
While the amps are turned off I check both negative speaker plugs with ohm meter and it has less than 2 ohms resistance.
Does the power configuration actually turn that system to a common ground system ?
If yes, I would like to test it with the interconnect so it can be MORE AWESOME !!!
Source : M-Audio Audiophile 192 Sound Card
Pre-Amp : B&K Reference 20
Amplifiers : Dual mono meridian 205 power amps
Speakers : Polk Audio SDA 2 -
The Electrical Power Connection has nothing to do with the amplifiers output. Unless the manufacturer says you can strap the negative terminal together (unlikely), you cannot use those amps with the 2s, with the interconnect cable in place.Home Theater/2 Channel:
Front: SDA-2ATL
Center: Custom Built
Surrounds & Rears: Custom Built
Sonicaps, Mills, RDO-194s-198s, Dynamat, Hurricane Nuts, Blackhole5
Pioneer Elite VSX-72TXV, Carver PM-600, SVS PB2-Plus Subwoofer -
In addition, do not plug those amps or any amp into a cheap a$$ power strip.Political Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk -
Thank you for your concerns F1.
Well...Must stripes in Israel are cheap ****....The one I'm using is quite massive in it's build and quality.....The power surges on the other side.....Lets not get into this
I will contact meridian and try to find out if their amps can be connected in a way that will allow the connection of the sda2 interconnect.Source : M-Audio Audiophile 192 Sound Card
Pre-Amp : B&K Reference 20
Amplifiers : Dual mono meridian 205 power amps
Speakers : Polk Audio SDA 2