4 Months to live...what have I done?



  • Am seriously thinking about 7 channel surround but dunno what i should get...
    I can purchase another pair of RTi A9's but they will be back surrounds and am not sure how i could run them with multi channel stereo or how they would sound?

    Also having a chat with a friend of mine (one that i borrowed the Emotiva XPA 5 from), i was suggested that i use the second pair of RTi A9's as front wides and get smaller bookshelf's or RTi A5 or 7 for surrounds.
    Would having 4x RTi A9's provide a better front stage?
    His going to upgrade his current system with 4 B&W 683's for the front stage and insists that its the best thing ever...is it so?
  • dpowell
    dpowell Posts: 3,068
    Why not go all in and put in a Dolby Atmos setup while you're at it? Pioneer offers Atmos on their Elite receivers now.

    polkaudio Fully Modded SDA SRS 1.2TLs + Dreadnaught, LSiM706c, 4 X Polk Surrounds + 4 X ATMOS, SVS PB13 Ultra X 2, Pass Labs X1, Marantz 7704, Bob Carver Crimson Beauty 350 Tube Mono Blocks, Carver Sunfire Signature Cinema Grande 400x5, ADCOM GFA 7807, Panasonic UB420, Moon 380D DAC, EPSON Pro Cinema 6050
  • That might be something for the future upgrades when I have a dedicated room. Also I purchased a Denon 4520CI already.
    For now I have an opportunity to get another pair of speakers at a good discounted price and so I was wondering if I should get another set for 7 channel surround or use both Rti a9 sets for front stage and get speakers for surround.
  • txcoastal1
    txcoastal1 Posts: 13,374
    @txcoastal1 Order for the 2x FV15hp placed.

    I think you will be impressed. Once you get the feel I also doubt, (unless you have a dedicated HT) that you will need more then two subs. Proper placement will be the key.

    I am excited for you, as I will probably go the exact same route of purchase unless I do a DIY pair for listening room as I close on property for my new hoe build tomorrow. (looking at 18 months before move in :'( )

    keep us in tune


    2-channel: Modwright KWI-200 Integrated, Dynaudio C1-II Signatures
    Desktop rig: LSi7, Polk 110sub, Dayens Ampino amp, W4S DAC/pre, Sonos, JRiver
    Gear on standby: Melody 101 tube pre, Unison Research Simply Italy Integrated
    Gone to new homes: (Matt Polk's)Threshold Stasis SA12e monoblocks, Pass XA30.5 amp, Usher MD2 speakers, Dynaudio C4 platinum speakers, Modwright LS100 (voltz), Simaudio 780D DAC

    erat interfectorem cesar et **** dictatorem dicere a
  • txcoastal1 wrote: »
    @txcoastal1 Order for the 2x FV15hp placed.

    I think you will be impressed. Once you get the feel I also doubt, (unless you have a dedicated HT) that you will need more then two subs. Proper placement will be the key.

    I am excited for you, as I will probably go the exact same route of purchase unless I do a DIY pair for listening room as I close on property for my new hoe build tomorrow. (looking at 18 months before move in :'( )

    keep us in tune


    I know the feeling man, I have waited far too long, and now when I can purchase a decent system the decisions are killing me.
    Am actually in the same boat, I will be adding on to the current house early next yeah, two more bedrooms, a large entertainment room and a dedicated HT room under it all. So a rather large dedicated basement with seating for atleast 8.

    But for the dual purpose room I have now the dual fv15hp would definitely be thunderous.
    Am glad you are looking at the fv15hp's aswell. It will be good to exchange some tips on getting the best sound.

    Keep us posted on how you get along.. Anything you are dead set on apart from the subs?
  • Bigtent
    Bigtent Posts: 17
    You really need to communicate with Geoff4rfc, he has 4 x RTiA9's, has had them as both front wide and rear surround.

    Polk RTiA9
    Polk CSiA6
    Polk FXiA6
    Proson rear surr
    2 x SVS PB12NSD
    Pioneer SC86
    Rotel 1575
    4K Sony 65"
    Sony UBP-X700
  • Bigtent
    Bigtent Posts: 17
    And as I peruse further down the various questions, I see that you have.
    Polk RTiA9
    Polk CSiA6
    Polk FXiA6
    Proson rear surr
    2 x SVS PB12NSD
    Pioneer SC86
    Rotel 1575
    4K Sony 65"
    Sony UBP-X700
  • Bigtent wrote: »
    You really need to communicate with Geoff4rfc, he has 4 x RTiA9's, has had them as both front wide and rear surround.


    Yeah i found his post bout the RTi for front stage...sent him a PM.
    I see you run the FXi A6's, how are they for surround?

  • Bigtent
    Bigtent Posts: 17
    Brilliant, bought them in from the States for around $500 Au, they want around $700 here.
    Polk RTiA9
    Polk CSiA6
    Polk FXiA6
    Proson rear surr
    2 x SVS PB12NSD
    Pioneer SC86
    Rotel 1575
    4K Sony 65"
    Sony UBP-X700