RM2600 intermittent problem

Posts: 3
My speaker system has served me well for years, but recently the RM2600 center channel will occasionally stop working. I replaced the wire and made sure all the connections were secure, however the problem persists. When it stops I can put some downward pressure on the outside of the case and it will work then stop when I release. Sometimes it will stop and then resume without any rhyme or reason. I'm guessing a short inside the case but not sure what I am getting into to open it up, or what to do once inside. Please advise.
Thank you
Thank you
Welcome to Polk's forum. It's probably best to contact Polk's CS department at 1-800-377-7655 or send them an email to polkcs@polkaudio.com. They'll take care of you.
Regards, Ken -
Having a little trouble finding how to post a question. I have a RM2600 center speaker. I hear sound out of the 2 side speakers but then it shut my amp down. Read 0 ohms. Where do I start with this repair? Thanks.
Welcome to Polk's forum. Something in your speaker is shorted out, most likely one of the components on the crossover or the tweeter or drivers. Are you comfortable with taking the speaker apart, or would you prefer bringing it to a repair shop? -
There are no $$ for a repair shop. I was just about to pull it apart. Yes im very handy. Some things I do not know when it comes to this.
I called Polk. Sounds like they are out of the country. Who ever I spoke with wasnt much help. Sent email. No respose yet. Thanks.
The speaker comes apart fairly easily. The front of the speaker that has the tweeter and drivers mounted on it is called the baffle. To remove it from the rest of the speaker cabinet pull off the grille cover and remove the rubber cups that the grille's pins fit into. Once the cups are removed you'll see screws that hold the baffle onto the rear of the cabinet. Take these out and the baffle will come away and you can see the inside components. There will be a crossover network with wires leading to the tweeter and drivers attached with metal fasteners that come off of the terminals.
Ok. Need help. RM2600 center. Reads 0 0hms at hook up terminals. Woofers RD5011-1 READ 3.4 OHMS. TWEETER reads 3.5 ohms. Has a RE6406-1 crossover that looks good I think. I have an ESR meter but not sure if im ising it right. There is sound from all three speakers but it should not read zero ohms at the back. I dont think there is a short. Caps dont show signs of a leak. Im not hooking this up to my good amp unless it reads close to 8ohms. Some has a crossover online for $14. What should I do. I actually have 2 of the same speakers that show final at zero ohms. Thanks
Where would I get a new crossover RE6406-1?
It might be easier to try and repair the crossovers rather than find replacements.