Monitor 7B Driver,Need Part Number

wingzam Posts: 201
edited August 2014 in Vintage Speakers
Hey guys,been a while since I've been here.In the interim I have found a pair of Monitor 10B's which I'd been looking for for a long time.Sound great - love em!

Just recently I ran across a pair of 7B's.One driver had been replaced with an off brand speaker and the other driver was frozen up.Other wise the cabs looked good.

Well,I made the decision to keep the tweeters as back-ups for the 10's.I stripped out everything else and had put the cabs on the street for garbage pick up..Later that night I was doing some research and ran across an article that said the 7B's were Mathew Polks favorite speakers so I ran back out and grabbed the cabs.

My problem is I threw away the driver so don't know the p/n to buy replacements for.
I'm going to go ahead and put these back together and see what the magic is!

The s/n' are 18935 & 18918

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