Pioneer VSX-1121 with UE22 error



  • @tonyb

    If I have the choice between spending 20 minutes in my basement repairing a box, or spending $600+ purchasing a new box; I assure you, I'll take the former. I value my time and @ $1800/hour ROI, I think that's a good investment. Your mileage may vary.
  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 33,038
    Not if you have to keep spending 20 minutes in your basement and the problem never really gets fixed. All I'm sayin' is there comes a point when ya just have to let stuff go. You can find plenty of receivers comparable to the pioneer on the used markets for 300 bones. Maybe even better. To me, 300 bucks is worth my time and aggravation but like you said, YMMV.
    Sony 850c 4k
    Pioneer elite vhx 21
    Sony 4k BRP
    SVS SB-2000
    Polk Sig. 20's
    Polk FX500 surrounds

    Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
    Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
    Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
    Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable


    Sonos zp90
    Grant Fidelity tube dac
    B&k 1420
    lsi 9's
  • M1ce
    M1ce Posts: 4

    Back to start, heatgun trick worked for two days.
    Is there a service manual for vsx-922? Tried to find one but no luck. (For checking voltages)
    White goo on chip is heat transfer paste, i had small heat sink on top of chip.
    That's the best pic i have right now, i can later post better pic with all letters showing.
    Thanks for intrest to my problem. :)
  • jab336
    jab336 Posts: 4
    Figured I would chime back in. As of January I was still having daily UE22 issue. Decided to Buy new unit. I may be a gluton for punishment but bought a brand new VSX -53 on ebay for the same price as replacement board in my VSX-52. My question now is when did pioneer update the boards? According to rep new boards purchased do not have same issue. When did they make change VSX manufacture date was summer 2011 manufacture of VSX-53 was Fall 2012. So I wonder how long VSX-53 will last by comparison.
  • nguyendot
    nguyendot Posts: 3,594
    No idea, but I have the same unit. Maybe I should sell it before it goes bad. I have a SC-1222 as well.
    Main Surround -
    Epson 8350 Projector/ Elite Screens 120" / Pioneer Elite SC-35 / Sunfire Signature / Focal Chorus 716s / Focal Chorus CC / Polk MC80 / Polk PSW150 sub

    Bedroom - Sharp Aquos 70" 650 / Pioneer SC-1222k / Polk RT-55 / Polk CS-250

    Den - Rotel RSP-1068 / Threshold CAS-2 / Boston VR-M60 / BDP-05FD
  • @tonyb

    Sadly, I must agree with you. Every time I fixed my VSX-51 using the heat-gun, the problem went away, but then resurfaced again about 7-10 days later. I fixed the receiver a total of 3 times. After the final failure, I finally caved and bought a new one (SC-81). I suspect the underlying problem may lie within the silicon rather than the PCB assembly; but, I don't exactly have spare time to debug Pioneers technical problem. If the SC-81 fails in the next 3 years, that will be my last Pioneer Elite receiver ever.
  • @M1ce

    Interesting that your device uses a leaded package (as opposed to a BGA). FYI, leaded packages such as that one (TQFP) are used in the automotive industry because they are more robust to thermal cycling (the leads flex, vs the solder joints which crack). As I suggested in my previous post, I think the problem lies deeper at the IC level, though I don't have time to debug. Since you have a TQFP package, you 'could' order a new device from TI and replace it, though you'll need specific tools/skills to do so (FYI, BGA packages are much harder to mount). I did a cursory search and sourcing the device seems to be difficult, so this route may be more trouble than it's worth.

    If this is your hobby and fixing these things give you joy, then maybe finding a replacement IC is a good idea. If not, I would suggest buying a new receiver.
  • footwedge
    footwedge Posts: 475
    MilkmanCDN wrote: »

    Sadly, I must agree with you. Every time I fixed my VSX-51 using the heat-gun, the problem went away, but then resurfaced again about 7-10 days later. I fixed the receiver a total of 3 times. After the final failure, I finally caved and bought a new one (SC-81). I suspect the underlying problem may lie within the silicon rather than the PCB assembly; but, I don't exactly have spare time to debug Pioneers technical problem. If the SC-81 fails in the next 3 years, that will be my last Pioneer Elite receiver ever.

    Where did you buy the 81?
  • Bought the SC-81 at amazon for $699. Looks like the price has since increased to $999.
  • That heat-it-up workaround sounds interesting...
    but what excact temperature should I use on my heat gun ?

    The scale on myhg goes from 50C (122F) to 750 C (1382 F) !

    I read somewhere it has to be 220C (420F) ,but that's a lot temp for that little chip ;-)

    I am grateful for advice and suggestions.
  • CzechRacer
    CzechRacer Posts: 1
    edited September 2015
    Since so many have had problems, I wanted to add my displeasure with Pioneer. I have a SC-65. Two months after the warranty expired, I got the UE22 error. Talked to managers in both customer service and tech support and there is no interest in helping resolve the problem. This is my second Pioneer receiver in 3 years. It pains me to say it, but Pioneer is not what it used to be. Wish they were, but I will be going to Yamaha. Brutal experience and sad to see Pioneer fall from quality. Too bad.
  • Thanks to all those that have posted. I ran into the UE22 issue today. Factory reset and firmware update did nothing. Banging the thing did the trick. I am getting occasional skipping/cutting, but over time it seems to almost be 'smoothing out' for lack of a better word. If Pioneer is monitoring this, I hope they consider posting or contacting us to offer a real fix...
  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 33,038
    Pioneer doesn't post here, maybe check their own corporate site. If your waiting for a fix, good luck with that, highly doubtful.
    Sony 850c 4k
    Pioneer elite vhx 21
    Sony 4k BRP
    SVS SB-2000
    Polk Sig. 20's
    Polk FX500 surrounds

    Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
    Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
    Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
    Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable


    Sonos zp90
    Grant Fidelity tube dac
    B&k 1420
    lsi 9's
  • I just got 2 new receivers sent to me. i had a VSX - 62 and SC - 63 that had the UE22 error code. I contacted customer service and got the same old ****, take to local service center and open my wallet. I went back and forth and they just did not give a ****. I went on Facebook and liked the Onkyo page and then sent them this.

    I have two receivers that have recently popped up with this error code UE22. I have basically lost sound in both receivers.

    1st receiver - KEMP000478CC

    2nd receiver - LGMP002772CC

    I have been a long time pioneer customer and have purchased many products. I have done a substantial amount of research on this problem and from what i have read is seems to be a very very common problem for models from 2010 - 2013 that has not been addressed by pioneer. It is more like a factory defect not wear and tear. On the Onkyo side, they have addressed this issue and have honored warranties to be through 2018. Here is a link where you can enter your info and have your receiver honored and serviced and also a blog of happy customers who have had good luck with this.

    You would think that they would have a similar system for this very common issue. Here are some links of a large amount of people who have been frustrated with this issue.

    If you take the time to read through these, In all these blogs there is a VERY large amount of people with this same issue. I love the features these receivers have but am very disappointed that not one but two of these receivers have done this not far apart from each other. I don't give these things a work out so to say. I pretty much watch TV and watch a movie here and there. I really am not the type to **** or bicker but i would expect to at least get a good 7 years out of my equipment, considering i have spent over $2,000 on these and have spent thousands on Car Audio equipment, I hope you can somehow help me out here..I would love to be a returning customer. I am sure you get tons of emails everyday on random issues, but i hope you can somehow consider this one to a years long loyal customer. This UE22 issue should be considered as a factory defect which Pioneer/Onkyo should address and honor in the same way they have with the Onkyo Receivers. If you need anything else you can call me at. Thank you for your time!

    They Acknowledged the email and said they just needed proof of purchase and they sent me out a new VSX 90 and a SC - 81. On a side note, it did take a while to respond on Facebook messenger, just over 24 hours, i got pissed and copied and pasted the email i sent all over their page, which i am sure they did not like. Either way, i got 2 new receivers out of all of this. If you try to do the same thing, it might just work for you guys too. I am curious to see if this works for anyone else.

  • teamjhertz
    teamjhertz Posts: 361
    edited November 2016
    They repaired my SC-65 free of charge with a new D-Main board so far so good.
  • Alexf
    Alexf Posts: 1
    Hello all. I Have an SC 65 amp and just lost my sound yesterday after the UE22 code started flashing in the front screen. Followed your instructions and open the amp this morning. FouND it has 2 DTS chips and no direct heat source benieth the chips. Any suggestions?
  • Had UE22 problem with Pioneer vsx-53. I did the heat gun thing. Did not work the first attempt heating the DSP chip so I hit it again a little harder and also all around the board. PLugged receiver back in and back to normal again. Awesome and thanks for posting this solution. Hoping it will stay working.
  • teamjhertz
    teamjhertz Posts: 361
    Call Pioneer they may fix it for free
  • Azzzif
    Azzzif Posts: 1
    Had the same issue with my VSX-1126 Receiver, just after warranty, I had the flashing UE22 for a long time before the receiver started having any sound issues, but finally it died. I brought up this bookmarked page, heated the DTS Chip to 70 degrees with a infrared thermometer and heat gun... didn't fix anything. Tried again heating the chip to 90 degrees and after a 10-20 second delay, the sound is working again. I feel like i BARELY got it working at 90 degrees and if i have it die again i'll probably go to 100-110 degrees next go around. Hope this helps anyone else who wants to fix it themselves.

    Good luck!
  • leggeman
    leggeman Posts: 1
    I own a SC-1527, Canadian version of SC-65. Mfg July 2012. If I had known Pioneer and Onkyo were one in the same I would have never purchased. I also own a dead Onkyo that has been repaired a couple of times. Anyway, Audioken's fix is a godsend. Thank you. With the help from e2kkot my receiver for now, has bypassed the error code UE22. Thanks.
  • Just tried the heat gun. 1 min, 40 seconds at four inches. A shorter amount of time didn't work. So far, so good. Knock on wood. Thanks for the info!!
  • This is a known problem and according to Pioneer, heating the chip is only a temporary solution. It's caused by a defective batch of DTS chips and can only be resolved properly by replacing the chip or the whole PCB.

    Pioneer has a program in place in the USA and Canada to carry out these repairs - contact your Pioneer dealer for more info. Sadly there appears to be no such program for the rest of the world so the rest of us can only try the heat-gun fix and hope it will work, Pioneer say that it won't, not for long anyway.

    From the info that's been posted in forums, as well as the info Pioneer have provided, it would be reasonable to assume that the defect with these chips is causing them to run hot, eventually allowing the chip to come away from the board so if you're hoinh to try the self-fix, adding a heatsink is a very good idea.

    One thing I noticed that no-one has mentioned: if you are going to attempt the heat-gun fix you need to take the board out of the unit and lay it flat (horizontally) before you heat the chip, then allow the board to cool fully before moving it. Heating the board in the vertical position will likely make the problem worse - the weight of the chip causes it to move downwards and pull away from the board when the solder melts, which is what causes the problem in the first place.

    A good quality flux is also advisable and will improve the chances of a reliable fix.
  • Gidday from New Zealand, I have a VSX-922 same flippin' fault. Contacted Pioneer they no longer make the board. After a few other emails (it was like pulling teeth from them to get information) found out it was the DTS chip and they pointed me to Aliexpress for them - $13 each. But found this thread. Thought it was a bunch of BS at first but to anyone reading this this is a legit solution. Took the mighty Dewalt heatgun on low speed at 400 degrees (Celsius not Fahrenheit that the US uses!!) about five inches from the chip for 36 seconds. Moved the heat around the edges of the chip and the centre. Waited about 5 minutes, powered up and all good. Audioken, you be the man!!!!
  • Fixed mine the same way today...
    Used a heatgun at highest fan Setting and 350° C. I cooled the surrounding using wet toilet paper and placed them arround the chip with about 5mm distance to it.
    Placed a heatsink 9x9mm on it and ordered some bigger 14x14x7mm heatsinks with thermal paper under it so even if it moves a bit it doesnt short something under it.