iPhone 5s cracked screen...can it be replaced?

pearsall001 Posts: 5,099
edited November 2013 in The Clubhouse
My son dropped his 5s (with case no less) but the screen still got smashed pretty good. The phone still works fine but the screen needs to be replaced. I have the AT&T insurance which covers it but they want a $199.00 deductible fee. Stinking thieves. Is there any way I can just have the screen replaced? If so is that something you can do yourself or does it need to be sent out to have it replaced.
"2 Channel & 11.2 HT "Two Channel:Magnepan LRSSchiit Audio Freya S - SS preConsonance Ref 50 - Tube preParasound HALO A21+ 2 channel ampBluesound NODE 2i streameriFi NEO iDSD DAC Oppo BDP-93KEF KC62 sub Home Theater:Full blown 11.2 set up.
Post edited by pearsall001 on


  • halo71
    halo71 Posts: 4,611
    edited November 2013
    It can be replaced. Not sure how much. Right after I bought my daughter a iPod Touch Gen5, like right after it came out. Had it two weeks. She dropped it and cracked the screen. I had it replaced for $85. I would not venture to replace it myself if I were you.

    $199.00 deductible? :eek:
    Onkyo Integra M504, Bottlehead Foreplay III, Denon SACD, Thiel CS2.3, NHT VT-2, VT-3 and Evolution T6, Infinity RSIIIa, SDA1C and a few dozen other speakers around the house I change in and out.
  • billbillw
    billbillw Posts: 7,022
    edited November 2013
    If you are very handy at working with micro-electronics, then you can fix it yourself. I replaced the glass on my wife's phone one time. It was a nightmare, it looked like crap afterword, and her microSD card slot didn't work after the repair. I don't think I would recommend it.

    Most big cities have stores that will repair the phone. If its just the digitizer glass (outer layer, not the LCD), the it will be $100 or less to fix it. If its the LCD (you'd see lines/distortion in the image), then it might be double that.

    Before you discount the AT&T insurance repair, realize that the $199 fee would get you a brand new (or at least refurbished phone), which would be much nicer than a hack job repair at a local shop.

    One word: Otterbox! (or equivalent case). I've dropped my phone dozens of times with the case on. Never so much as a chip. My wife had a case for a year or so, then she took it off. A couple weeks later, smash, broken glass...
  • ambiophonics
    ambiophonics Posts: 726
    edited November 2013
    2 Channel - Polk SDA-2BTL, Carver TFM-35, Peachtree iDAC, Qobuz streamed via Episode Lynk using bubble UPnP server
  • hoosier21
    hoosier21 Posts: 4,413
    edited November 2013
    not a DIY job, TRUST
    Dodd - Battery Preamp
    Monarchy Audio SE100 Delux - mono power amps
    Sony DVP-NS999ES - SACD player
    ADS 1230 - Polk SDA 2B
    DIY Stereo Subwoofer towers w/(4) 12 drivers each
    Crown K1 - Subwoofer amp
    Outlaw ICBM - crossover
    Beringher BFD - sub eq

    Where is the remote? Where is the $%#$% remote!

    "I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us have...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..."
  • AsSiMiLaTeD
    AsSiMiLaTeD Posts: 11,728
    edited November 2013
    I replaced the screen in my 4S with no issues. I wouldn't call it easy, but with a guide online and some patience it was no problem, actually a fun project.
  • mantis
    mantis Posts: 17,228
    edited November 2013
    I signed up for ATT Insurance and then dropped the coverage the very next day. I figured we haven't had any issues over the years and for $9.99 a month per phone, I'll pay for a repair if need be.
    Rule of owning an expensive smart phone, always have a protective case on it no matter what. Otterbox cases IMO are the best.
    My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.
  • nguyendot
    nguyendot Posts: 3,594
    edited November 2013
    I'd just pay the deductible. You can also take it ot the apple store and see what they say. Applecare is actually not terrible - but you didn't mention having it.
    Main Surround -
    Epson 8350 Projector/ Elite Screens 120" / Pioneer Elite SC-35 / Sunfire Signature / Focal Chorus 716s / Focal Chorus CC / Polk MC80 / Polk PSW150 sub

    Bedroom - Sharp Aquos 70" 650 / Pioneer SC-1222k / Polk RT-55 / Polk CS-250

    Den - Rotel RSP-1068 / Threshold CAS-2 / Boston VR-M60 / BDP-05FD
  • Upstatemax
    Upstatemax Posts: 2,687
    edited November 2013
    Bring it in to Apple. They will either fix it for you for less than $200, or hand you a brand new phone for usually $200.

    I put the AppleCare + on both my iPad and 5s... With two little ones and my tendency to drop my phone, I will never own an iPad or iPhone without it.

    I just wish they offered it for my Macbook Pro.
  • ViperZ
    ViperZ Posts: 2,046
    edited November 2013
    Like someone said, in big cities you have two options: we either go to Apple store and pay $100-200, or we go to a local (usually Asian) small cellular store and they replace the screen for much less. Go on your local craigslist and do a search for iphone screen replacement service.

    For us, iPhone4 screen replacement was $30 for 3 days wait, or $50 for 20 minutes wait.

    Oh yeah, and for kids get Otterbox Defender case. I bought Defender for my wife after we got the screen replaced, that phone flies every single day at least once or twice, no problems so far.
    Panasonic PT-AE4000U projector for movies
    Carada 106" Precision Series (Classic Cinema White)
    Denon AVR-X3600H pre/pro
    Outlaw 770 7-channel amplifier
    B&W CDM1-SE fronts
    B&W CDM-CNT center
    B&W CDM1 rears on MoPADs
    JBL SP8CII in-ceiling height speakers
    Samsung DTB-H260F OTA HDTV tuner
    DUAL NHT SubTwo subwoofers
    Oppo BDP-93 Blu-Ray player
    Belkin PF60 Power Center
    Harmony 1100 RF remote with RF extender
    Sony XBR-X950G 55" 4K HDR Smart TV + PS3 in the living room
  • polrbehr
    polrbehr Posts: 2,835
    edited November 2013
    ViperZ wrote: »
    Oh yeah, and for kids get Otterbox Defender case. I bought Defender for my wife after we got the screen replaced, that phone flies every single day at least once or twice, no problems so far.

    I bought a Defender two days before my new iPhone even arrived from AT&T!
    So, are you willing to put forth a little effort or are you happy sitting in your skeptical poo pile?

  • zingo
    zingo Posts: 11,258
    edited November 2013
  • drumminman
    drumminman Posts: 3,396
    edited November 2013
    My wife dropped her iPad 4 retina display and cracked the digitizer glass. After getting some quotes I did a google search and found a site that had kits with tools and an online video in real time to walk you through it. No more difficult than upgrading a Xover.

    I took my time and completed it in about 4 hours. No issues. Can't find the website right now.
    "Science is suppose to explain observations not dismiss them as impossible" - Norm on AA; 2.3TL's w/sonicaps/mills/jantzen inductors, Gimpod's boards, Lg Solen SDA inductors, RD-0198's, MW's dynamatted, Armaflex speaker gaskets, H-nuts, brass spikes, Cardas CCGR BP's, upgraded IC Cable, Black Hole Damping Sheet strips, interior of cabinets sealed with Loctite Power Grab, AI-1 interface with 1000VA A-L transformer