Anyone running Mountain Lion?

AsSiMiLaTeD Posts: 11,728
edited August 2012 in The Clubhouse
Anyone else upgraded yet? I upgraded the Air and there are a few neat features, nothing groundbreaking though. I do like having all my messages come across on all my devices now, that's nice. I also like the desktop mirroring and it works really well. I do think it feels just a tad better than Lion, but nothing dramatic. I'm still running old school Snow Leopard on the iMac and not sure I'm ready to take the plunge just yet.

I will say one thing though, Apple really screwed the pooch with Safari 6, what an abomination! It's slower, doesn't work with Google Docs and I hate the way they evenly space the tabs at the top instead of pushing them from the left like they've always done previously. I think Microsoft and Apple are in a secret race to develop the world's worst browser...
Post edited by AsSiMiLaTeD on


  • mantis
    mantis Posts: 17,211
    edited August 2012
    I was going to upgrade but learned that mirroring is only supported with 2011 and up models. That kinda sucks as that is the feature I was looking forward to when I learned about the upgrade.
    I did however upgrade Safari and I see what you mean. I can live with it but It was fine the way it was.
    My personal quest is to save to world of bad audio, one thread at a time.
  • helipilotdoug
    helipilotdoug Posts: 1,229
    edited August 2012
    Still using snow leopard. To upgrade would cost more than it's worth because a lot of the apps I use would have to be upgraded. Too many $. I'm happy with 10.6.8 so no need for me to upgrade.
    Sunfire Theater Grand IV
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  • nspindel
    nspindel Posts: 5,343
    edited August 2012
    You realize that if you purchase Mountain Lion you can use it on 10 machines, right? So you've upgraded your Air but aren't ready to take the plunge on the iMac, wondering if you're talking about the monetary plunge? Because your iMac will be free. Just sign into app store with same account, hit download, and then it will tell you that you already own it and can download it again.
    Good music, a good source, and good power can make SDA's sing. Tubes make them dance.
  • AsSiMiLaTeD
    AsSiMiLaTeD Posts: 11,728
    edited August 2012
    Actually I got it for free because I purchased a 2012 Air and got the free upgrade, and the cool thing is I get the full license with 10 copies so I could install it on the iMac if I wanted. Even so, it's only $20 so not a huge monetary investment.
  • nspindel
    nspindel Posts: 5,343
    edited August 2012
    So what's holding you back from installing it on your other Mac?
    Good music, a good source, and good power can make SDA's sing. Tubes make them dance.
  • AsSiMiLaTeD
    AsSiMiLaTeD Posts: 11,728
    edited August 2012
    It's not so much that I don't like Lion, I just really like Snow Leopard. Thanks to Time Machine it's really easy for me to roll back though, so I'm downloading Mountain Lion on the iMac now and we'll see how it goes. If I don't like it I can always revert back.

    I abandoned the last of my PPC apps so I don't need Rosetta any longer, that was the biggest hold up for me before now.

    I'll report back with my results and any issues I encounter.
  • Fireman32
    Fireman32 Posts: 4,845
    edited August 2012
    I upgraded on the first day. I really like the notification center and I am really liking dictation. As fas as Safari I think its running faster on my machine now then it was before the upgrade.
  • nspindel
    nspindel Posts: 5,343
    edited August 2012
    I definitely see Safari running faster, and I love being able to iMessage from my Air.
    Good music, a good source, and good power can make SDA's sing. Tubes make them dance.
  • AsSiMiLaTeD
    AsSiMiLaTeD Posts: 11,728
    edited August 2012
    My biggest issue with Safari is that Google Docs is broken now. I'm sure they'll get it fixed in due time, but for now I'm SOL
  • AsSiMiLaTeD
    AsSiMiLaTeD Posts: 11,728
    edited August 2012
    OK a couple hours in and a few impressions, these are things that didn't come to the surface when running it on the Air.

    First, no Integer mode support built in. For those going out to a DAC directly from the computer this can be an issue. How much of an issue it is depends on how much you care about all that stuff. Luckily for me this isn't an issue as there is a workaround and the audio software I use still provides bit perfect support.

    Second, Apple broke Samba! It turns out this actually happened in Lion, but is still broken in Mountain Lion. You can still set up SMB shares but they no longer use the standard Samba client and some devices can have trouble connecting. Luckily, there is a piece of software called SMBUp that re-installs Samba, it works beautifully and is free although I donated a few bucks to the guy.

    Third, the Safari 6 'incompatibility' with Google Docs I've mentioned already, but is worth nothing. The only workaround here is to install another browser.

    So this release isn't without it's faults, but other than the 3 items above I'm liking it so far.